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Posts posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Mar 31, 2007 -> 10:09 AM)


    Arsenal got absolutely PUMPED tonight. Peter Crouch the "Anorexic Matchstick" scored a few, as the Gunners went down 4-1.


    Oh and West Ham are going to win 2 in a row, and might just have a chance of avoiding relegation.


    Oh and Carlos Tevez has adjusted to the EPL, and he's a damn good player. Damn good. :D

    Sorry, don't think so.

  2. I liken this situation to one that occurs quite often in the realm of sports. Whenever an athlete is running with some buddies and he's caught smoking weed, carrying weapons, etc. (think Tank Johnson), the reaction of a lot of people is, "What an idiot! He needs new friends!" Some people, though, say that he's "keepin' it real" by not abandoning his pals from his youth.


    It was probably painful for Obama, and I'm sure it'll fuel the "He's not Black enough" talk, but I think he made the right choice.

  3. QUOTE(DrunkBomber @ Mar 21, 2007 -> 06:05 PM)


    heres a house in Detroit for $175. The estimated mortgage is $1 per month. It has fire damage but the land alone has to be worth more than that

    I'm kind of hoping I can go to Key West, hypnotize a homeowner into believing they live in Detroit, and buy a property. It's the only way I can afford anything in that city.


    The property listed in the link would be worth $450,000 there. Easily.

  4. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Mar 23, 2007 -> 03:44 PM)
    From what I read, Tony was sleeping at 12:30 and blew while at the police station at 4 AM. That's 3.5 hours of sobering up.


    I missed that. He was probably at about .12 -.13 when he was picked up, then, maybe a bit more.

  5. As someone who deals with the sale of alcohol, I have a few observations.


    If Tony was asleep, I am stunned and amazed that he blew .093. I would figure he'd be about .14 or worse at that point. He clearly had no business behind the wheel of a car.


    Don't they have taxis in Jupiter? I mean, Tony's not exactly living check to check, right? CALL A FREAKIN' CAB!!!!


    No one should ever drink and drive, but MADD has gone from being an organization devoted to stop people from drinking and driving to a neo-prohibitionist group. From mandatory ignition interlock systems to a nationwide .04 legal limit (coming soon, mark my words), they're more interested at stopping drinking, period.


    DUI laws in this country are too lenient, there's no doubt. First offense should be a stiff fine and house arrest/ work release. Second should still be a misdemeanor, but with at least 60 days in the pokey. Third offense should be a felony. The DUI problem in this country is not the people who have an extra glass of wine with dinner and blow a .084, the problem is with some idiot who blows a .18 the fifth time he offends (probably with no license) and gets 6 months of the bracelet. A person like that should be going to a minimum security facility for 5 years.


    Balta and Alpha had a pretty good point/counterpoint, to which I'll add that the average person having an intense conversation on their cell phone has worse reflexes than someone who is at .04. Still, if you have more than a couple of beverages, call a cab or walk home (an advantage of city life, no doubt).

  6. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 19, 2007 -> 12:17 PM)
    The folks ordering Bigfoot tend to know what they are ordering though I'd guess. If a bar will serve single malt scotch and such, I think serving Bigfoot and other high octane beers responsibly is easy enough.


    You're right though, a few rounds of Bigfoot and you've had it.

    When we had Bigfoot, if someone I didn't know ordered a second one, I'd give them a pint of water and a menu.

  7. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 19, 2007 -> 10:44 AM)
    Indeed. If I had to restrict myself to one everyday American micro, it would be Sierra Pale.


    Bigfoot is out and about now, btw. Snatch it up while you can!

    Serving Bigfoot at the bar doesn't exactly make for responsible selling. Serve someone four pints of that and I should really call them a cab.

  8. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Mar 18, 2007 -> 11:45 AM)
    I've been hooked on Sierra Nevada Pale Ale for a while now. Out here a six pack of Miller Lite, in cans and at room temp is $6.50-$7.00. For an extra buck I can upgrade to Sierra.

    That's a no-brainer!

  9. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Mar 16, 2007 -> 06:18 PM)
    wow, that is impressive. hope you got that sheet in some money pools.

    The pool I run (and I show people my sheet before the tourney starts) is $10 a pop, winner take all. I have 130 sheets this year.




    Lots of basketball to play, though.

  10. QUOTE(Soxy @ Mar 13, 2007 -> 01:40 PM)
    I'm really surprised Coleman's numbers are that high.


    He's been running to the middle for the last two years, and he's a likable guy. (I was going to say "genuinely likable", but almost nothing about Coleman is genuine.)


    My gut tells me its going to be a very close race.

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