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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Mar 12, 2007 -> 02:33 PM) /bsssssst bssssssssst bssssssssssst Please pardon the interruption for this unrelated to anything post. This might sound strange, but this thread has caused a couple of hangups on the server. I have to optimize the database, but I have to do that at like 3:30 or 4:00 in the morning while people aren't around. Frankly, it's not going to happen for a couple of weeks until I'm done with this MBA. If you could please indulge me and click on the page #'s of the thread instead of the "get new posts" graphic until I can optimize, I'd appreciate it. Sorry about that... now carry on, you blathering Dems. /bsssssssssst bsssssssssst bsssssssssst Blatant Media Bias.
  2. Extremely cool. You guys could have a lot on your plates if you decided to expand. The Midwest is typically one of the least scouted regions -- and there's definitely lots of guys who can play here.
  3. Can Cap have really outlived his usefulness? Are you telling me he couldn't cross the Khyber Pass and find Mullah Omar?
  4. QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Mar 7, 2007 -> 09:07 AM) I don't understand this nonsense about overusing healthcare. Last time I checked nothing bad happens from making sure that you're 100% healthy in every way. Aren't the odds of getting treated for major problems usually dependent on how soon you catch it? Wouldn't it be unwise to start telling people to go to the doctor only when you see a problem? I think if you're paying for it you can get whatever you want. I'll continue to go to the dentist twice a year even though I probably need to go only once. I'll continue to go to the dermatologist a couple times a year to make sure my skin is cancer free (hereditary concern there, but still). Any time you go to the doctor and get something looked at or checked out it can't be a 'waste' or overconsumption of a benefit. It's your body and your health, you should be able to do what you want with it. If the system is getting too expense, how about we start questioning the medical industry and their insane costs of treatment. Why does it cost me hundreds of dollars for an f'n physical? They check my vitals and jewels and I'm out the door in 20 minutes. Also, I'm a big believer in the pharmacutical industry inventing new problems. Restless leg syndrome? Drippy eye syndrom? Have you seen these insane commercials? Everything needs to be medicated these days. How much waste does that create? The problem is not so much seeing the doc whenever you're sick (though if you go when you have a cold, that might be a bit much), it's the treatment and labs the doc might give you. If someone with basic care goes to the doc and complains of a headache they've had for two days, the doc will probably give them some meds and tell them to call back in a week. If the headache sufferer has a really god insurance package with no deduction, they might try to convince the doc to call for more advanced tests (i.e. MRI), which most of the time aren't necessary. "What the hell, I'm not paying for it. I want an MRI!" Then folks like QP's pop have to drive themselves to the ER when they're almost in a coma. It's messed up.
  5. If the President nominated Condi, she'd sail in easily. Too many other battles for Congress to fight.
  6. QUOTE(knightni @ Mar 2, 2007 -> 11:42 PM) Try an African map and get back with me. Bring it.
  7. QUOTE(Felix @ Feb 28, 2007 -> 08:27 PM) And the storm starts. Wind is looking pretty strong, and the snow is coming down thickly. I'm really glad I don't have to shovel It's really coming down now. Supposedly we're going to get anywhere from 10-18 inches. Fun times!
  8. Blaming officials for a loss is weak at best, neurotic at worst. It's certaintly true that many officials work way too many games, though.
  9. Sunny, warm Florida. Yeah, right!
  10. QUOTE(Jimbo @ Feb 14, 2007 -> 03:16 PM) Isnt he a professor at St Joes or someting like that? Not a professor. He's the Assistant Vice President for University Communication. He also is a member of the radio crew for basketball games and joins Funny Phil Martelli on his coach's show.
  11. With any luck, this verdict will be overturned. And now, if you will excuse me, I have to perform multiple scans on my computer.
  12. Mplssoxfan

    Southern Rock

    I don't consider CCR a Southern Rock band, really. I'm just the second vote for the Brothers Allman? Hmmm.
  13. QUOTE(Felix @ Feb 12, 2007 -> 11:17 AM) I usually feel sorry when people gang up on you in threads, but when you post something like this.. really, I feel no pity. LOL! I concur.
  14. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Feb 7, 2007 -> 01:53 PM) I think its because Prince, in concert is just as much a bandleader as he is a singer. He does songs he loves - not just songs he writes. Very James Brown actually. I used to go to a little jazz club in downtown Mpls pretty regularly on Wednesday night to visit friends who worked there. A decent smooth jazz band played there, nothing too fantastic -- there'd usually be about 25-50 people there. One night I show up and there are a couple of limos out front. I walked in and who was behind the keyboards but His Royal Badness! He played with the band for an extended set, maybe about an hour and a quarter. I usually didn't have to pay the cover, but my $5 that night was pretty well spent, I'd say.
  15. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 5, 2007 -> 07:22 PM) The Senate Republicans have officially begun a filibuster of the watered-down, non-binding resolution opposing the increase of U.S. troops in Iraq. 2 Republicans up for reelection in 08 voted for Cloture; Susan Collins and Norm "about to be beaten by Franken" Coleman. The rest of the Senate Republicans are officially on record now as having supported Mr. Bush's augmentation. Senator McCain missed the vote. Here is the roll call. When this fails, and Iraq is still a mess in November of 08, this is one of those votes to remember. And Hell, even Senator Roberts, who I believe helped draft the compromise language, voted against cloture. The only reason that Coleman voted for cloture is that he knew the cloture measure was going to fail. He's been making Kerry look like the Rock of Gibraltar on this issue.
  16. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Feb 5, 2007 -> 06:03 PM) The way I remember it, it was either a joke or it was up for a little little bit a long time ago and then taken down. I'd bet that it was a mockup from the beginning. Nobody can be that dense. Are you sure about that?
  17. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Feb 5, 2007 -> 01:06 PM) I'm personally surprised Rex isn't getting more large scale heat, maybe sleeping for 14 hours I missed it. Huh? He's getting plenty, as far as I can tell.
  18. One more thing. I loved the walk that Shula took through the Colts with the Lombardi Trophy. That was cool. I especially enjoyed the fact that it appeared that the only guy to not touch the trophy was Marvin. He was on the phone!
  19. Dungy is classy, Peyton is classy. They handled themselves very well.
  20. Some observations... Like THE WOOD said, apparently housing the opening kickoff is a bad idea -- but it was an exhilarating way to start things off. Both lines were manhandled -- it was a dominant performance by Indy. I tip my hats to them. I personally would have named Addai the MVP, but I understand that this was Peyton's Super Bowl, so obviously he was going to win it. If you have a genuine rooting interest in a Super Bowl, do not go to a big party, even if the party is being hosted by people who like the same team you do. Man was it hard for me to watch the game. One idiot in particular kept standing up in front of the TV. The quietest it got all night was during K-Fed's commercial (the party was mostly musicians). The discussion of fave TV shows, Fantasy Football teams, etc., will drive you nuts. I was impressed that Prince played outside in the rain, thought it went pretty well. If your squad loses, a post-game home Karaoke session (and plenty of booze, and a half-hour session of texting Caddyshack quotes back and forth) does wonders for your mood. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pitchers and Catchers in a couple of weeks!
  21. NUKE, make sure you do it to them before they do it to you. Be safe, chum.
  22. As someone who will probably have to choose between Al Franken and Norm Coleman, I have but one thing to say. Yuk.
  23. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 2, 2007 -> 03:41 PM) its the most addictive thing you will ever try. I wouldnt recommend getting into it. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^!!!
  24. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Jan 30, 2007 -> 05:43 PM) Why is that? That's been the biggest confusion to me all along. That's in the official rules of breeding thoroughbreds; the horses have to be naturally concieved. That way, you know exactly what stallion bred with what mare. What constitutes a natural conception, though, is a whole nother can of worms. It's somewhat interesting what the breeders will do with the colts.
  25. If this holds, it would be the best news out of Iraq since... I don't know... the completion of the Hanging Gardens?
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