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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Dec 25, 2006 -> 12:13 PM) You sound like a typical voter who doesn't watch any football. Brennan had a fantastic season. He led the nation in most concievable statistics that are positive, has a great system to shine in, yet he finished sixth in the Heisman voting. Why? Because no one sees him play. Period. Next year, he'll have to have a season half again as good as he had this year to win the trophy. And I don't think that's possible.
  2. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 27, 2006 -> 09:50 AM) So we're seeing this as a good thing here, in a way, because we may be able to avoid military conflict. And that is good. But here is a theoretical to consider - what if the Saudis or some other country in the region elect to help Iran get their infrastructure at least semi-functional, in exchange for financial gains from those operations? Maybe we shouldn't be so worried about a political or state-based regional power, but instead focus on the possibility of energy companies' breadth of control over the supply in the region. The only issue with a scenario that has the Saudis helping Iran is that they can't stand each other. You have the basic Arab-Persian divide and the Sunni-Shia divide. So any aid would be far-fetched, IMO.
  3. Many, many years ago, Ford played in the Western Open Pro-Am. First Tee, he sliced it into the crowd and everyone laughed. Fifth green, he snaked in about a fifty-footer for a birdie and everyone cheered like he had actually won the tournament. His epitaph ought to read: A good man thrust into problems not of his own making, and well beyond his control, RIP, Jerry, you earned your peace.
  4. QUOTE(danman31 @ Dec 25, 2006 -> 02:33 AM) Hawaii beat Arizona State 41-24 in their own bowl game and Colt Brennan threw 5 TDs for a new NCAA record 58 passing TDs on the year. If you haven't seen Brennan play, you're missing out, he's the real deal. He has a rocket arm and makes pro caliber passes. Hopefully Hawaii can have a better year next year (not that this year was bad for them) and he can get the Heisman. No offense, but Brennan has zero chance to win the Heisman.
  5. As far as the jets are concerned, they probably have MiGs given them during the 80's -- but that's only a guess. I was in a cab tonight and my (Somali) driver was very interested in the BBC news update. I wonder why...
  6. Wow. I don't feel good.
  7. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Dec 23, 2006 -> 07:00 PM) What the heck do you guys do for a living that makes you work these crappy hours? The glamorous world of restaruant management -- casual dining division.
  8. Get to come in on Christmas Eve for 6 hours or so with a crew to clean. Double on New Year's Eve -- fantastic!
  9. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Dec 20, 2006 -> 10:31 AM) Buon Natale e felice Anno Nuovo! Grazie! May La Befana be generous!
  10. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Dec 18, 2006 -> 02:38 PM) Best. Sandwich. Ever. Not. Even. Close.
  11. I've been under the weather for the last couple of days, but I'll jump back in here and say that I don't think that police knowing our work addresses is the same as RFID chipping, not at all. I was merely attempting to point out that we actually have no privacy (well, not nearly as much as we think we do, anyway). In fact, many of us, myself included, voluntarily carry a tracking device on our person every day, in the form of a cell phone. If you want to have privacy, you'll need to move off the grid entirely.
  12. I think we have an illusion of privacy that has no basis in fact. It's nice to cling to, but it's a bit unrealistic. As an example, here in Mpls. some moron was angry with his drug dealer, so he decided to shoot out car windows as he drove away. The police ran the plates and visited all the victimized car owners at work. How did the police know where the people worked? You don't put that info on your application for license plates.
  13. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Dec 11, 2006 -> 10:29 AM) That is an excellent explanation. But I'd like to add one thing. I think "biased" newscast will have a slippery slope effect. It'll make this country divide more based on conservative and liberal issues, instead of dealing with issues one at a time (which I admit is already happening). What I worry about with the rise of "biased" news is that the real news isn't getting out. It's getting twisted to fit the viewership. That's not news...it should be called something else entirely. Most news outlets are becoming or have become op-ed pages. Sadly, many, if not most people don't recognize the difference.
  14. Linkity. Really, that's the best option? Bradley is a good technical coach, but I was hoping for a more inspiring choice. I hope he can prove me wrong.
  15. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Dec 8, 2006 -> 05:00 PM) If they ever really do realize that they could wage an effective economic war in this smaller manner, and decide that may be a more valuable method, we'll be in real trouble. Agreed.
  16. I think I may have mentioned it in a different thread a while back, but I've always thought that if a dedicated group of terrorists wanted to signifigantly disrupt the economy of the US, they would do something akin to this, only in about 20 mid-size cities simultaneously. My conclusion is that terror organizations in the US don't have the people or money (or both) to do small things, so they resort to the big targets. Can you imagine if bombs were detonated in malls in 20 different states this Saturday afternoon? People wouldn't shop for months.
  17. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Dec 4, 2006 -> 02:43 PM) The problem with that is that some conferences are stronger than others, so you'd be letting in a lot of less-worthy teams. For instance, this year LSU, ND and Wisconsin would all be left out because there is really only one at-large berth under that system (which would obviously go to Michigan). There's no way the non-BCS school should be automatic, since there's not always a valid candidate, and a team really has to go undefeated to make a valid case. This year it works, but most years the bigger teams aren't quite as weak. Plus I think it needs to include the option to drop an auto-berth if a conference champ has a sub-12 ranking (ie Wake Forest). Not a chance in hell of that happening.
  18. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 24, 2006 -> 05:19 PM) I'm thinking there might be at least one or two references to Asbury Park. I'm pretty sure that Go-Kart Mozart and Early Birdy were acquaintences of Springsteen in his youth -- or maybe they were just names that he made up that scanned well.
  19. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 23, 2006 -> 11:06 AM) LOL. The same government who can't protect the President's kid from getting her pursesnatched, managed to pull of the greatest conspiracy of all time in 9-11. The purse-snaching was all part of the conspiracy, don't you see?
  20. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Nov 24, 2006 -> 03:25 PM) Indiana, Minny, and Wiscy all lost to real good mid majors. Iowa hasn't lost to a mid major, they've lost to Bama and Nova who are both pretty solid teams. Penn State is the only one on that list with a bad loss. The SIU loss isn't so surprising for Gopher fans. The loss to Marist, though...
  21. I sincerely hope that all of my friends on Soxtalk have plenty to be thankful for today. Have a happy Thanksgiving!
  22. Hey, the party of Bush and Harris stole the seat fair and square! Let's move on.
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