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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. If Arkansas wins out, they really ought to be playing for the National Championship. 12 wins in a row, including going undefeated in the SEC? I think that's enough, regardless of an opening game loss to USC.
  2. Mplssoxfan


    Goshdarnit, Vlady, I told you I was wearing this!
  3. RIP. I tried to access this page, but, oddly enough, it was going through server overload.
  4. After perusing the platforms, since I live in The Democratic Socialist Republic of Minneapolis, I don't believe any of you are far enough left for my tastes. I guess I'll have to settle for the least of many evils.
  5. Serious question for those of you who are a little leery of Ellison's swearing on the Koran... If you were empaneled on a jury, and the prosceution's star witness was Muslim and took his/her oath on the Koran, would you be less likely to believe his/her testimony?
  6. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 10, 2006 -> 01:34 PM) http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews....xml&src=rss A politician who keeps his word!
  7. QUOTE(whitesoxin @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 09:51 PM) On a somewhat similar note, today this extremely stupid pregnant girl (she's 17) was loudly making fun of an old man who had a heart attack and died while voting yesterday. It turns out that the man who died was the grandfather of one of our classmates. She sat about three feet from the stupid pregnant girl. Talk about awkward.. A few years ago, a co-worker did something similar. A guy who comes in a lot, a carpenter by trade, walks into the bar in a nice suit. Co-worker: "Hey P---, nice suit! Looks like you're going to a funeral or something. Who died?" Guest: "My Dad, J----."
  8. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 02:14 PM) Mitt Romney not being able to lift his candidate up this year for MA-Gov puts a serious hurt on his 08 hopes. McCain is the front-runner right now. But with Allen seemingly out of the way, Romney is probably the only true conservative left.
  9. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 01:58 PM) History was made Tuesday... Keith Ellison (D) won Minnesota 05 for the U.S. House. He is the first Muslim ever elected to ANY national office in the U.S. Minnesota certainly has a knack for bringing us some interesting politicians. MN-5 is as reliable for the Dems as it comes. Ellison was in a tough three person race and was beset by accusations that he was a member of the Nation of Islam (he says he isn't, although he was on the local committee for the Million Man March), that he publicly praised Elijah Muhammed (he wrote favorably of him while in Law School), that he was lax in reporting campaign gifts, and had enough troubles with parking tickets to have his license suspended. Through all the attacks, he stayed above the fray and stayed positive and on message. He'll certainly be one of the more liberal members of the House. It's interesting, since MN-6 is sending possibly one of the most conservative House members in Michelle Bachmann. I would be astonished if Bachamnn and Ellison ever voted the same way on anything of substance. The two unknown winners in this state are Collin Peterson in MN-7 and Jim Oberstar in MN-8. They'll be heading the Ag Committee and the Transportation Committee, respectively. Lots of power for Northern Minnesota.
  10. Don't sleep on Mitt Romney. I think he has as good a shot as any Republican to win the 2008 Nomination.
  11. Couldn't post yesterday, but I had a pretty interesting time trying to vote. I moved about six blocks in the middle of October. Of course, I moved into a different precinct. We have same-day registration here in MN, so I blithely went to my new polling place with my old Driver's License and my official Change-of Address confirmation from the USPS. The USPS document isn't acceptable, so I had to go to the DMV and renew my Driver's License. While I was trying to renew my license, during the eye test, there was a problem with my periphal vision, which I found odd, since I got my eyes checked in May, and everything was cool. I got the renewal pending my eye doc faxing the state a form, but at least I could register. The thing is, after I finally voted, I ran into a co-worker going into the polling place -- she could have vouched for me and saved me the trip to the DMV. Ah, well. Civic duty done.
  12. Mplssoxfan

    Jury Duty

    QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 01:27 PM) Did they happen to mention if he was guilty or not? I didn't think so I doubt if a case ever goes to trial without some the defendant bearing some degree of guilt. In the jury room, most of us were convinced that the defendant wasn't exactly a saint. But the circumstances of how the bankruptcy came about, how the case was presented, and the fact that the State's top two witnesses were not exactly likable (one of them was borderline lying, actually), led us to acquit. Hey, the system worked!
  13. There's always the end of the road.
  14. Is it really a surprise to anyone who attends one of Babs' shows that she's incredibly liberal? Is it realistic to believe that she'll keep politics out of her show? That said, I wouldn't throw the book at the beverage thrower or the heckler.
  15. Mplssoxfan

    Jury Duty

    About 8 years ago, I was on jury duty for the only time. I was empaneled on a Federal Bankruptcy fraud case. As you might imagine, it was kind of a snoozer. After about a week and a half (with a couple of off days), we voted to acquit. Some lawyer friends of mine are amazed that there was an acquittal in a Federal courtroom; IIRC, it was the prosecutor's first loss. About four years later, I ran into the defense attorney and his chief investigator in a high-end bar I sometimes frequent. We chatted about the case -- it was pretty fond memories for them. I don't exactly remember paying for anything that night, either.
  16. Thinner handles have a lot to do with it, too. Look at bats from 20-30 years ago compared to bats now.
  17. I would be an enthusiastic and knowlegeable spokesman for almost any kind of liquid refreshment.
  18. 1. Best airport 2. Worst airport 3. Best airline 4. Worst airline 5. Longest air travel excursion 6. Funniest/best/worst air travel experiences. 1. Key West or Albuquerque 2. Atlanta or Detroit or Miami 3. 4. AirTran is by far the worst 5. Albuquerque -- L. A. -- Minneapolis 6. I was in a small plane in Costa Rica a year and a half ago. The co-pilot came on and did his pre-flight announcement in Spanish, which I understood about a third of. Most of the rest of the people (all but two, I'm guessing) on the plane understood less than I did. There was about 10 seconds of nervous laughter, than he keyed his mike again and said, "Just kidding", and gave the announcement in English, to the relief of all.
  19. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 19, 2006 -> 01:03 PM) Take this one with just about as big of a salt grain as you should have taken with Drudge's "Kerry cheating on his wife" story back in 2004 until you get a better source, but the liberal/gossip blog Wonkette has named Illinois Republican Congressman Jerry Weller (11th district) as the person who is the focus of this set of rumors about a Congressman and female pages. Hey! Wonkette is an extremely reliable source!
  20. QUOTE(Felix @ Oct 13, 2006 -> 05:20 PM) Wasn't this known before the season started? I mean, isn't that why he went to the bench this year rather than stay at first? I thought they moved Harold to first and Rock to the bench because Harold was leaving at the end of the year. Of course, I could be misremembering things. I'd dig up the thread, but I'm far too lazy.
  21. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 4, 2006 -> 05:32 PM) Abe, one question though...if Hastert does wind up taking the fall, which is how it certainly appears...what happens to his natural successor, John Boehner, the current Majority leader in the House, who also seems to have known about it and taken roughly as many actions as Hastert? Especially since Boehner and Blunt are shivving Hastert right now. I think that if the GOP holds the House, we'll see all new leadership next January.
  22. QUOTE(smalls2598 @ Oct 4, 2006 -> 03:09 PM) Who's starting for the A's? Dan Haren? Yes.
  23. QUOTE(bmags @ Oct 3, 2006 -> 03:58 PM) concierto de aranjuez pt. 1 (miles davis) Not bad. Anything from Sketches is cool by me. "Many Rivers to Cross" by Jimmy Cliff would be good, too.
  24. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Oct 2, 2006 -> 03:13 PM) I try to keep that in mind as i stew over what might have been this year. One thing's for sure though, all that talk about the eaqsy life in a weak AL Central had sure better be dried up now. And speaking of. . . A cannot bear the thought of the Twins getting anywhere when it shoulda been us, so GO OAKLAND!! Detroit, on the other hand, I don't mind the thought of them going deep into October nearly as much. And now, on throough October and into the Winter of My Discontent. Waiting for that son of York...
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