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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 03:14 PM) Are we really counting the tour groups from Iowa as the Cubs fan base? I thought we were considering legitimate fans of the team? Out of all years, this is definitely not the time where we should be bashing our fan base. The attendance has been sensational this year, and I think you'd be hard pressed to find people saying our fans are negative outside of those who read this site, etc. FWIW....losses this year are a hell of a lot easier to get over than they were last year. The one thing that has really caused the outpour of frustration for Sox fans this year is that the expectations for this season were incredibly high. There was no way we were going to match the magic last season's team had, even with the bolstered roster. I say this often, but the more things happen this year, the more I appreciate how everything fell into place last season. Do you think it would be fair to make a broad categorization that "Sox fans are glass-half-empty people"? That's not meant to be negative in any way, but I feel that it's the truth.
  2. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 17, 2006 -> 03:41 PM) I think there is something wrong with the general negative obsession with Ozzie, but that might just be me. Don't you know that everyone here knows more about baseball than Ozzie?
  3. I can't stand Theismann. Patrick was OK, I kinda liked Maguire (I know that's not a popular opinion), but I really can't stand Theismann.
  4. Just a guess here, but I think adidas is a sponsor of their track and field team. They're a German company, so it wouldn't violate the U. S. embargo. I'm pretty certain Cuba couldn't make that stuff themselves, unless there's a way to spin sugar and tobacco into wearable fibers.
  5. Mplssoxfan

    Gmail users

    I've had one or two slip by this week; all-in-all, not too bad.
  6. QUOTE(SnB @ Aug 14, 2006 -> 10:11 AM) So.........I didn't sleep well last night because I already packed up my sox blanket. I'm dead serious too Wow, Linus, I didn't realize you were a Sox fan.
  7. I don't know what the Tribune's rationale for not mentioning the angle of illegals would be, but I would venture a guess that they didn't have anything verifiable to print it. Also, it's a developing story, so as they get more info, they'll probably add things. Like Rex said, though, there's little doubt that the people living there weren't here legally.
  8. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Aug 13, 2006 -> 03:24 PM) From New Jersey Craigslist I trust you flagged that for "Best of".
  9. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 09:57 PM) How much money do you actually think that would cost? Remember, these guys aren't exactly buying JDAM's or F-22s, the 9/11 attacks happened on what was it, less than a million dollars IIRC? The equipment for such an attack is avaible easily on the world market, or even in the U.S. I honestly don't know. I think the cost for what happened of September 11 was about $500,000. I would not even be able to venture a guess, but the fact that it hasn't happened yet can only be explained by three things. They haven't thought of it yet. They aren't well-organized enough to pull it off. They can't justify spending the money. My guess is that it's a combination of the second and third reasons.
  10. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 11:59 AM) The amazing thing is though, if they really wanted to bring this country to a standstill, they'd be able to do it easily with just a few per day, as logn as they happened in this country. We're damn lucky they haven't figured that out yet. Lucky for us, they don't have unlimited funds. If they had more money to spend, who's to say they wouldn't set off a bomb outside a public place in each state?
  11. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 08:48 PM) Wow, ST is a snausagefest. Um, duh!
  12. QUOTE(maggliopipe @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 04:54 PM) Anyone have a deodorant/anti-perspirant recommendation? I've been using Degree spray for years but lately I've been sweating like I'm not even wearing it. I don't know if there's such a thing as building a tolerance to anti-perspirant but it's pretty bad. I had an interview today. I was wearing a t-shirt under a long sleeve button up (so not too much clothing). It lasted about 30-40 minutes and I wasn't very nervous but I had these enormous sweat rings soaking through both shirts. I could tell it was wet so I didn't raise my arms at all (thus neglecting my standard end-of-the-interview hug) but still, it had the potential for embarrassment. I'm really into spray deodorants as the roll-on varieties feel gross and sticky. Any suggestions? First off, avoid sprays. I like Arm&Hammer stick, actually.
  13. In most airports, after you clear security, there are many shops that sell, among other things, newspapers, magazines and water. Are those stores going to be shuttered? I imagine there will be lots of people on every plane who won't react well to someone pulling a bottle of water out of their bag. I honestly cannot remember the last time I got on a flight without a bottle of water. I only fly 3-4 times a year, but I bet it's been at least 10 years since I've flown without a bottle of water.
  14. Most days, I really like my job. I like the interaction, the unscripted nature, the people -- I even like the responsibilities that I have. Some days, though...
  15. One you can file under: Some People's Kids. A guy left a check for substantially more than $20,000 sitting on the bar one time a few years ago. When he came back to get it, he didn't even thank me -- just took the check and left. I couldn't have cashed the damn thing if I had wanted to, obviously (it was an IRA disbursement, IIRC), and I wasn't expecting a monetary reward of any kind, but a handshake and a "Thank You" would have been nice.
  16. Yet Steve Phillips is still employed. Absurd how the world works, no?
  17. Am I the only one who chuckled when I read the article about drilling near Dallas and found a couple of quotes from an engineer named Jay Ewing?
  18. I like tradition. Tangentially, in another thing that can be filed under "Never Going To Happen", it would level the College Baseball playing field if the NCAA adopted a Summer Baseball season. Say April-July with August being the playoff months.
  19. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jul 23, 2006 -> 10:35 PM) If that were the case, why do they never defend gun owners who feel their civil rights are violated? Because they have an agenda. That is why they interpret the second amendment with a much 'softer' stance than they do all the rest. If the applied the same standards to gun rights as they do to the supposed 'sepration of church and state', they would be advocating mandatory gun ownership for all. Also, I believe it was brought up earllier that the ACLU has to be asked first, otherwise they can file amicus curiae briefs (I think that's what they are called) in support of positions it favors, but was not asked to help. That's an excellent question, one to which I certainly don't know the answer. I would suspect that it's because if someone has a case about 2nd Amendment rights, they go to the NRA for help. I would. If I were accused of murder, I wouldn't go to my friends who practice contract law or family law, I'd find the toughest defense attorney I could and say, "go get 'em, Tiger". I don't particularly agree with the ACLU's interpretation of the 2nd Amendment either. I probably think they're better, on balance, than you do, though.
  20. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jul 19, 2006 -> 10:03 PM) I'm not talking about a "take a penny leave a penny" jar. I'm talking about the things say at McDonalds, the small slots that are in front of cash registers, where people only leave pennies, not take them. You'd quite literally be putting the Ronald McDonald House out of business. The Salvation army bell ringers would take a huge hit also. People give them pennies because they don't want them piling up. Um, no. There would definitely be unintended consequences after the abolition of the penny, but massive closings of Ronald McDonald Houses would not be one of them.
  21. I'm frightened. Bill Simmons and I now have something in common.
  22. Gone but not forgotten: Replacements Husker Du Run Westy Run Still around, kinda: Jayhawks Soul Asylum A folkie guy and a good friend: John Swardson A bunch of young un's you'll be hearing from soon: Plastic Constellations
  23. I had just finished writing a question about this for our weekly pub trivia quiz when I stumbled over here. Nice coincidence.
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