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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. Scott Erickson = a couple good stories. His rookie year, 1991, he was seen entering and, a "not too long, not too short time later" exiting a women's room at a college bar with a local sportscaster who I believe is now on either CNN or the Golf Channel. This was supposedly "just a rumor", but I have two friends who worked at that bar, and they both saw it. The next year, I was in a bar not too far from the Dome where a lot of the Twins hung out. It was closing time, and I was hanging with my buddy who ran the joint, waiting for everyone to leave so we could start drinking in earnest. Erickson was there, hitting on a couple of women. My buddy said, "shouldn't a big shot like you, a World Series Champ, a 20-game winner, shouldn't he be chasing finer women that that?" Erickson's response? "Sometimes a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do."
  2. Up here in Minny, there aren't enough Italians to call it a "Dago shirt", so everyone calls it a "wifebeater".
  3. My situation is odd. I don't drive, yet I know a very trustworthy mechanic. On the other hand, he does have a really nice boat.
  4. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Jun 19, 2006 -> 11:59 PM) Tomko vs. Liriano Lowe vs. Santana I might get to see the Dodgers score once in those two games. Mon/Tue or Tue/Wed, Heads? And I actually think the Dodgers might give the Twins some problems.
  5. I think right now, it has to be Sweden. That could change, but I doubt it.
  6. Let's not forget that if and when the prospective amendment passes, the Congress has to pass a law which defines "desecration". The amendment probably could not be ruled unconstitutional, but the constitutionality of any law passed could be challenged. And that might take a while
  7. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 18, 2006 -> 05:00 PM) I'm embarassed to be posting at a message board based in the same city as that team. I'm embarassed to be living in the same time zone as that team.
  8. I'm pretty sure 96+% of the people in this country are tired of her.
  9. They're always so cute when they're asleep.
  10. Allow me to throw some more fuel on the fire. I seem to remember, way back when the subject du jour was alleged desecration of the Koran at Guantanamo and other places, some posters expressing the opinion, (I'll paraphrase, since I can't search for it) "I don't understand the big deal, it's only a book." I remember thinking at the time, "I wonder if these same posters would say that 'the flag is only a piece of cloth'."
  11. As Kid said, define famous. Spent time drinking and... with some of the Radiators way back when. Nice guys, lots of fun to hang out with. Same answer with Dave Pirner, Danny Murphy and Karl Mueller from Soul Asylum -- much more with Danny and Karl -- good, laid back guys. Some other local Mpls guys, too. I was at Arlington Park a long time ago, standing by the paddock before a race, trying to figure out what horse to lay cash on. I murmured aprovar about one horse when the guy to my left agreed with me. It was Cab Calloway. We chatted a little more aobut the entries in the race and then we parted ways. Him to the $50 window, me with the rest of the suckers. The horse won by about three lengths -- one of my few cashed tickets that day.
  12. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 10:37 AM) Tip for those of you entering the "real business world" soon. The two MOST important pieces of infomation on a voice message are your name and your phone number. I can't tell you how many times people either forget to leave a phone number, or speed through their message so quickly that I'm unable to pick up either one. *sigh* There I feel better. heylosthiismplsgivmeacalwhenyagetachansfivfoatsxsxsevnonethxby
  13. There are two teams I will never cheer for. The Cubs and the Packers. So sue me. Having said that, though, a Cubs victory or three this weekend wouldn't bother me as much as usual.
  14. The pitchers aren't the only ones who hate QuesTec. The umpires hate it too. It will probably be better in the long term if every park has it, since the umps will know they'll be dealing with it everywhere.
  15. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Jun 12, 2006 -> 10:58 PM) Umm, someone from over a hundred and fifty years ago told you he regrets ever being part of the KKK?!?! Here's the Wikipedia entry on Nathan Bedford Forrest.
  16. Way to go CC! Such a little cutie.
  17. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 07:18 AM) It was just an example. I also wanted to use a Mott album that wasn't universally regarded as their best. I was REALLY trying to say something with my statement as you can see. Hammerhead, I would be open to giving more Hendrix a try. I'm just not sure I want to spend the cash to check out all the stuff you are mentioning. But I try to keep an open mind. And hey, I have a ton of "Classic Rock" in my collection. T-Rex, Mott The Hoople, Sweet, Slade, NY Dolls, MC5 are all among my favorite bands. Or is that not "Classic Rock"? Faces also just might be my favorite band, if I had to use that ugly category "favorite band". Funny story. As I read this thread, I was listening to one of my Pandora stations. The song? "One of the Boys", Mott the Hoople. Weird.
  18. Hasn't Ozzie already stated, many, many times, that Thome will not be playing in the field at all this season?
  19. There are probably two reasons for the plea deal. One, the state didn't think they could get a conviction. Two, the state couldn't find the remains without his help. Mere speculation on my part, though.
  20. I had to post. Do you know how bizarre it is to look at the Dems Only thread and see that the last post was by Evil Monkey? Carry on.
  21. I call him Sen. Enigma. He has a deft enough touch to get elected, despite being from one of the wealthiest families in the State. He's tone deaf on a number of issues, but, as Rex points out, he fought hard against the bankruptcy bill. He was also out in front early on prescription drug reforms, but he really feels that the results on that issue were poor. He's not just a bad fundraiser, he's horrible. He is, unlike most politicos, profoundly uncomfortable asking anyone for money, even though his family has given away so much of it. He spent millions of his own money to get elected six years ago, and he didn't want to go through another campaign in which he'll spend millions. He was ineffective only partly because he was in the minority. I think he would have been ineffective in the majority as well. I was in a laundromat when I heard the Wellstone news. Like most people who voted for him, I was absolutely gutted. He's the only politician I have never regretted voting for. Even when I disagreed with him (often enough), I knew he was following his conscience. Instead we have Norm Coleman. Who makes my skin crawl.
  22. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 29, 2006 -> 09:40 PM) The same way viewers would like to know if he owned a gun. It would also be good to know the views on all the editors and anyone else who touched the story. I think if someone is going to report on guns, they shouldn't own one, or be a part of an anti-gun group. I disagree. I think someone who owns guns can do a good job of reporting on gun control issues, and I think (perhaps incorrectly) that a gun control advocate can report impartially on those same issues. I definitely agree with EM that there needs to be full disclosure. I think that would go a long way in all media issues, actually.
  23. I partake about once a year, if that. I think the Gov't wastes too much time and money dealing with pot smokers. Obviously, you shouldn't drive while stoned, but if you're sitting at home enjoying the evening, who are you hurting? I honestly wonder how many of the men and women who serve in Congress have smoked pot. I'd be willing to bet some of them have more recently than I have.
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