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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. Agree with NSS and Alpha. Horrible, horrible idea.
  2. Backstory: A guy who was a regular at the bar I work at and was a Marine tried to rejoin the Corps in 2003. The Corps turned him down because he was too old, so he enlisted in the Army. Good guy, just didn't like civilian life and thought he could still make a difference. He came in yesterday, back from Iraq for 3-6 months, he thinks. We talked for a while and he's happy as hell, tells some good stories. He asks if there is any meat in one of our new menu items. Me: "Sure, beef and pork." His face lit up and he said, "I want those, then. Since I've been back, I try to eat pork every day!"
  3. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ May 3, 2008 -> 12:50 AM) Attention you, the person who decides to bring a 3 month old little girl, and a 3 year old boy to the 10:30 showing of Iron Man on a Friday night. To make matters worse, the baby starts to cry during the movie. Do you walk out with the little girl. No, you let it scream telling it shush while you pass the popcorn. The 3 year old awakens from his slumber to start screaming at the end because of the big Iron monster on the screen scared him. What the f*** is wrong with you as a parent. What selfish drive do you have that you can't say, well if I cant get a baby sitter maybe I shouldn't go to the movie and ruin everyone elses time. I am a parent of two young children and I try to be very courteous of those around me who don't have children and are out to have a good time. If I cannot get a baby sitter, I stay home. When you have children your priorities change. The center of the universe stops being you. If something cool comes up and you dont have a baby sitter, maybe you sit it out. Its not fun, sure. But these are some of the responsibilities we share as parents. My only solitude tonight is that your child will most likely keep you up afraid of the big red monster shooting stuff from his hands. You the moronic kids who forget that this in fact is a movie, and that technology for real time interactive movies has not be developed yet. The images on that screen are 2D images projected from the rear of the movie theater. Notice the big white light from the back of the theater. So your yelling to move, duck or watch out behind you only annoy those around you. The characters on the screen cannot hear your warnings. In fact, they are actors and are not in real danger. And finally you, the person who doesnt plan for the premier weekend and shows up exactly as the movie starts. Do not come to my row and ask that I move to your seat 3 rows in front of the large screen so my neck can be sore for a month, just so you and your girly and your friends can sit together. I came to the movie theater an hour and a half before the movie started so I can get my killer seats exactly where I wanted them. Sorry you didnt plan accordingly. And please because you are wearing a cubs hat, and I am wearing a sox hat do you think that I am poor, and that you can bribe me for 5 bucks. I probably pay more in taxes than you make in a year cub fan, so f*** off and get me my TPS reports asshole Outside of that the movie was great. Sounds like a fun night.
  4. Don't they ever update these things? Mandela was released from Prison in 1990, for goodness sakes! Not to mention the fact that the ANC is the ruling party in South Africa, and has been for years.
  5. I wasn't really sure where to put this. It's not really pro- or anti- Obama. You could read it as anti, I guess. I prefer to think of it as complete and utter idiocy, but that's just me, maybe. An excerpt: Apparently, only coffee drinkers need apply. Greenwald goes on my ever-growing list of pundits I cannot take seriously.
  6. Was at the game last night (Doh!), will be there today. Go Sox! If you're watching, I'll be the fat guy behind the Sox dugout with a black jersey.
  7. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Apr 27, 2008 -> 10:35 AM) http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/27/technolo...xprod=permalink Put an ethanol pump right in your own backyard! Make your own gas! Thanks, Alpha. I'm a little uncertain about this quote, though. Left-over alcohol? I'm unfamiliar with the concept.
  8. I've worked in one restaurant/bar or another for my entire (so-called) adult life. I couldn't get elected dogcatcher in most places.
  9. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Apr 22, 2008 -> 10:56 AM) Slav...you inspired me on my next halloween costume. I'm going to dress up as a bottle of Jaegermeister...but instead go as.......Gagermeister!!! Get a friend to go as a can of Red Bull. Happy, happy!
  10. QUOTE (hammerhead johnson @ Apr 21, 2008 -> 12:38 PM) Eddie Collins was considered to be the greatest defensive second baseman of all time until Robbie Alomar came along, correct? Some would argue Joe Morgan as well. We're also talking about 3300+ hits, a lifetime .424 OBP, etc. You don't hear much about him, but he's arguably the greatest second baseman of all time behind Rogers Hornsby. Rogers is on an island; nobody could ever possibly f*** with him, but Eddie is in that second tier group along with Nap Lajoie, Charlie Gehringer, etc. Of course, Nap Lajoie is one of the foremost defensive butchers out of the 2B slot in baseball history, but his offensive prowess was extraordinary. Collins was a better defensive second baseman than Hornsby, far better. He also was one of the smartest players of all time, not to mention the fact that he was a great teammate while Hornsby was a horse's ass. Most of the discrepancies between his numbers and Hornsby's can be attributed to the difference between the dead ball era and the thirties. If you have Hornsby as #1, Collins is #1A. I think that Collins is better, but what do I know? Saying that Collins is on the same tier with Gehringer is an insult to Collins. Also, I know no one likes Joe Morgan, but considering that he played most of his career in two horrible ballparks for hitters, he should be just below Hornsby and Collins in the discussion. But since I'll never convince anyone of that, I'll leave it alone. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back to the topic, though. Frank and Collins would be #1 and #2, in some order. I'm not sure what order, though.
  11. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Apr 19, 2008 -> 01:34 PM) Why? Toronto doesn't owe Frank anything. He's well on his way to getting the number of plate appearances necessary for the option. If he was worried about the Blue Jays cutting his playing time in order to keep the option from activating, maybe just maybe, just like with the contract containing the diminished skills clause he signed with the White Sox, he shouldn't have signed it. He'll get more opportunities, but he was awful in spring training, and awful except for a few games this season, he's going to have to perform to get paid. Would you be up in arms if Thome was in the exact same situation to kick in a $10 million option next year and wasn't doing jack, and the Sox tried something else? Totally off topic, but Dick, your new avatar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>your former avatar.
  12. QUOTE (YASNY @ Apr 19, 2008 -> 08:18 AM) Billy Ripken. Also known, in baseball card collecting circles, as f*** Face! One of the few pieces of memorabilia that I own, actually.
  13. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 18, 2008 -> 09:26 PM) Wow. What is missing from this graphic? Damn Liberal Media. /green not necessary, I hope.
  14. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Apr 16, 2008 -> 03:56 PM) I figure this is a bit of a public service. In case anyone wants to know, what to do if you encounter a cougar/puma/mountain lion or any other large predatory cat... 1. DO NOT RUN 2. Did I mention, don't run? 3. Be standing up - don't crouch or crawl 4. If you have children or pets nearby, pick them up off the ground 5. Back away slowly - do not turn your back on it 6. Some folks recommend putting your arms in the air to look big, or talking softly to it 7. Do not agitate it - don't threaten or make sudden moves 8. If you are actually physically attacked (extremely rare), fight it off with everything you have - don't play dead (that is for Grizzlies) 9. Do. Not. Run. The chances of anyone who reads this ever having such an encounter are very, very slim. I've heard it's good to do the bolded part and to further unzip your jacket and spread that, too. Supposedly the bigger you look, the less likely the cat will attack.
  15. I think only ID should be taught in schools, along with the Ptolemaic solar system. Bring back the slide rule, too!
  16. Also, I love the fact that Lamont and the Dems are bad guys for running against poor ol' Joe. What a crock.
  17. Here are the last five Senators to switch parties while in office. Richard Shelby of Alabama -- Dem to Rep Ben Nighthorse Campbell of Colorado -- Dem to Rep Robert Smith of New Hampshire -- Rep to Independent to Rep James Jeffords of Vermont -- Rep to Independent (caucused with Dems) Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut -- Dem to Independent Dem (caucuses with Dems so far) I think Lieberman might just change full force next Congress. Two current Senators that have changed their parties before running for Senate are Trent Lott and Norm Coleman -- both Dem to Rep. There have to be others, but I can't think of any off the top of my head.
  18. QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Apr 16, 2008 -> 03:31 PM) plus i'll take it to another level... when your party nominates you for the 2nd highest office in the land, is it ok to be a turncoat and ditch the party when its not conveinent for you anymore? Allow me to preface this by saying I dislike Lieberman for his last two years of shenanigans. I'd say what I really think of him, but it might disobey the reinforced guidelines. There's no question that Lieberman is a turncoat. You can certainly make a case that he's ethically wrong and should have stepped aside for the good of the party. He didn't break any laws, though. I'm certain that in his own mind, Lieberman did what he felt in the best interest of the country, which (ideally or idealistically) should trump what's best for the party.
  19. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Apr 16, 2008 -> 03:05 PM) Its the most ancient game in Ireland. I was privileged to play this until my 23rd birthday, and survived it for whatever reason. I learned how to Hurl ( not the vomiting ) before I learned how to play baseball. After watching the video, you might see why I was drawn to baseball here. And why my family is converted baseball fans. I remember seeing hurling on "Wide World of Sports" when I was a kid. What a crazy game.
  20. As much as I admire Frank and consider him to be atop the pantheon of White Sox, acquiring Jim and letting Frank go was the right move.
  21. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 16, 2008 -> 01:24 PM) This could sting: Hillary Clinton On Southern Working Class Whites In 1995: "Screw 'Em" She misspoke and she's grown and learned. Duh.
  22. Sox Gopher Football Bears Gopher Basketball Timberwolves Tottenham Hotspur
  23. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Apr 16, 2008 -> 01:52 PM) Nothing. And there is nothing wrong with Lieberman then running as an independent. True, although there are some states with laws that prohibit that, which I don't think is right.
  24. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Apr 16, 2008 -> 01:43 PM) I am sure that Mr. Lieberman feels all sorts of warm and fuzzies when the anti-war fringe radical wing of the party decided to trump him and run another candidate because he wasn't anti-war. It's not a fringe radical wing of the Democratic Party that's anti-war, it's the vast majority of the party. Lest we forget, the supposed anti-war fringe radical "Marxist", Barack Obama, campaigned for Lieberman in the primary in 2006.
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