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Posts posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ May 29, 2006 -> 07:47 AM)
    I cant wait to see if Reid was actually on "Police Business" when he illegally parked his van.


    Hey, anywhere a cop goes, anything a cop does -- it's police business, okay?


    And don't you forget it.

  2. Funny commerical, funny guy. My two favorite Ironhead stories: during his rookie year, he broke a long touchdown and he never looked back to check out his pursuers. He was asked why ne never looked back, and he replied "I was watching on the Jumbotron. They weren't catching me!"


    He used to win loads of money playing darts. Apparently, he could beat everyone on the Bears in a darts match no matter if he played right-handed or left-handed.


    The tumor sounds horrible. RIP, Ironhead. May there be lots of thingies wherever you are.

  3. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 27, 2006 -> 10:38 PM)
    I think I speak for all true Chicago sports fans when I say...


    f*** Detroit.


    There isn't a city I hate more in professional sports than Detroit, whether it be Wings, Lions, Tigers, or Pistons, f*** them all. All of them could lose for an entire season, and I would be disappointed they won an exhibition game.


    I hate Detroit.


    You're blocking. Let your true feelings out, it'll be much better for you.

  4. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ May 26, 2006 -> 09:42 AM)
    Here's Hoping. :cheers


    BTW, there seems to be a screwy feature on the revamped site. Consecutive posts made by the same poster in a thread are automatically merged into a single post. At east that is my experience right now.


    Is this intentional?


    See? The reply to Queen in this post was actually it's own post, then the quip about the automerge was another. This line is supposed to be its own post as well, but I bet it gets merged as well. . .




    Is this a way to not carry on conversations with themselves in a thread?? :D


    I noticed this a few days ago, but I figured it was a mod or admin with too much time on their hands. Never occurred to me that it was a feature of the new software.

  5. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ May 24, 2006 -> 04:27 PM)
    No, he didn't actually say that. The writer was trying to come up with something that Pierzynski could have realistically said to Tomko while in the process of preparing for a start.


    I thought that the article was outstanding. This Ethan Trex guy looks like he's 13 years old, but he's funny as hell.


    That was my thought looking at his picture -- "When did SI start hiring high schoolers?"

  6. QUOTE(Brian @ May 24, 2006 -> 11:27 AM)
    I hate it when a contestant uses more than one lifeline on a question on Millionaire.


    I saw a guy use all three on a $4000 question. And then he got it wrong. Idiot.


    "What color is wasabi, a popular condiment in sushi restaurants?"

  7. QUOTE(trappedinboston @ May 22, 2006 -> 06:25 PM)
    don't the yankee's have yogi berra's # 8 retired twice, once as a player and again as a manager? If I'm not mistaken they do. Although I could be totall wrong.


    Yogi and Bill Dickey both wore #8 for the Yanks, and one of the Yanks' poobahs decided that Dickey deserved his number retired, too. That's why you see two #8's on the retired wall.

  8. I guess that discussions about Media bias are inevitable, and I realize that the cost of living is high and unemployment is low in SoCal, but I was intrigued by the assertion that someone is advertising a $70K-a-year job and she can't fill it.


    BTW, do you have a link to the Ingraham interview, or to a transcript? I'm interested in reading/hearing it.

  9. When AJ took over as the Twins' regular catcher in 2001, they coincidentially had their first winning season since 1992. The next two years, with AJ behind the plate, they won division titles for the first time since 1991. In Game 5 of the 2002 ALDS, AJ hit the homerun that gave the Twins the series.


    His time in San Francisco didn't exactly work out. Whatever. Stan Conte says that AJ kneed him in the groin, on the field, during a Spring Training game. Interestingly, not a single beat writer reported on this "incident" when it happened. I believe that the Giants are covered by at least four beat writers. None of them saw this happen? Stan Conte said he took it for the team. BS.


    AJ joined the Sox, taking a pay cut, in 2005. Coincidentally, the Sox won their first World Series since 1917.


    There are supposedly a lot of guys in baseball who don't like AJ. I'm willing to bet a lot of them would like to see him as their teammate. When winning follows you around like that, it's always a good thing.

  10. QUOTE(kapkomet @ May 22, 2006 -> 09:07 AM)
    I wouldn't mind seeing about 500 out of 535 new faces. But it ain't gonna happen.


    We all would. The problem is that I like my guy, you like your guy, while you don't necessarily like my guy and I don't necessarily like your guy. Also, the politicos have apportioned the seats so that a vast majority of the seats are safe -- either for one party or the other.


    I really like the way Iowa apportions their seats, with an independent commission. No gerrymandering, no politics and the seats are mostly competitive. Unfortunately, I don't see any chance for many states switching to that system. Just as it's not in wolves' natures to release their prey, it's not in politicians' natures to release their grip on power.

  11. A Job Americans Won't Do, Even at $34 an Hour


    An interesting read from the L. A. Times.


    Cyndi Smallwood is looking for a few strong men for her landscaping company. Guys with no fear of a hot sun, who can shovel dirt all day long. She'll pay as much as $34 an hour.


    She can't find them.


    Maybe potential employees don't know about her tiny Riverside firm. Maybe the problem is Southern California's solid economy and low unemployment rate. Or maybe manual labor is something that many Americans couldn't dream of doing.

  12. QUOTE(The Critic @ May 21, 2006 -> 07:08 AM)
    I'll believe it when I see it.

    His kids know how they got rich.

    I believe they're playing "good cop" right now and will revert to their Wirtzian heritage of s***ting on hockey fans after they shovel dirt onto Pops.

    I hope I'm wrong about the sons.

    They got rich selling booze. The team is an afterthought to the old man.


    I honestly couldn't care less about hockey, but all you Hawks fans probably ought to give the kids a chance, if Bill doesn't sell first.

  13. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 20, 2006 -> 05:08 PM)
    They have to give barrett more than the rest simply because he started the whole thing, if BA and Mabry get 5, Barrett has to get more. It's just the way things work.


    Agreed, but I don't have confidence that MLB will see it the same way we all do. They may find AJ's plate slap rather provocative, to say the least.

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