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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 20, 2006 -> 05:08 PM) They have to give barrett more than the rest simply because he started the whole thing, if BA and Mabry get 5, Barrett has to get more. It's just the way things work. Agreed, but I don't have confidence that MLB will see it the same way we all do. They may find AJ's plate slap rather provocative, to say the least.
  2. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 20, 2006 -> 04:59 PM) 20 is seriously excessive, they would never go that high. He'll get around 10, AJ will not get 5 for doing nothing, he'll get 2 tops if anything at all. BA will get 5 and I'm not really sure about Mabry. My guess is five tops for Barrett, Mabry, BA and Pods -- they'll probably suspend AJ too. Reason? Becuse he's AJ. BTW, thanks, Linnwood for the pic. I joined NUKE (and probably a few others) and am using it as my wallpaper.
  3. Mplssoxfan

    Forum Upgrade

    I was too dense to figure out the new poll interface last night, so I gave up. I'll have to try again soon, if it's as easy as all that.
  4. QUOTE(fathom @ May 18, 2006 -> 08:46 PM) I'd be much more concerned that AJP got injured. As would I. But it'd be fun to read "OMG Ozzie never subs for his catcher, and noe Mack has to play with the game on the line! OMG OMG OMG Blah blah blah."
  5. QUOTE(fathom @ May 18, 2006 -> 08:44 PM) You can't play like that in the 8th inning. If need be, I'm sure Mackowiak can go behind the plate. I'd love to see the reaction on here if Mack had to don the Tools of Ignorance...
  6. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ May 18, 2006 -> 08:22 PM) ...and it's always so much easier to do behind a computer screen. Has AJ caught Vazquez yet this year? (Or in Spring for that matter?) Just like it's 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 percent easier to manage from your keyboard.
  7. Um, am I wrong in saying the Sox have six more outs against the D-Rays bullpen? This game's far from over.
  8. The truth is spoken. I doubt many people would have heard of the award if it hadn't been canceled.
  9. QUOTE(DePloderer @ May 16, 2006 -> 03:16 PM) Oooo I'm getting too excited. Three day games from Friday, I'll get to watch them all live! ( as long as I can work it around SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED ) I love Rumpole.
  10. Perjuring about getting a (legal, but utterly classless) blowjob = "Fry the bastard, impeach him!" Perjuring about committing a felony, or aiding and abetting in said felony (revealing the identity of a covert CIA agent) = "Inconsistency in testimony, of course people can't remember what they said in other sessions, they're only human after all." I'll try to remember this handy conservative primer for the next scandal down the pike. Thanks a million!
  11. I had a friend who worked for Rollerblade, Inc. As a ruse to keep him away from his house for a surprise birthday party, I wnet down to his office and bought some blades for his corporate discount. They're in the back of my closet, used twice. He was really surprised, though.
  12. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ May 13, 2006 -> 02:25 PM) And oh yes, after today I really do hate Steven Gerrard. Can't say as I blame you, but that equalizer was simply brilliant.
  13. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ May 14, 2006 -> 10:59 PM) I might go to the game tomorrow but I was wondering if you or anyone else knew anything about this Mega Mountain Dew Monday. It says lower reserved tickets are $10 off if you show a Mountain Dew can or bottle. Is it just that easy? Like bringing one and you get $10 off, or do you have to have a special can or bottle? I think it's that easy -- any can or bottle. I'm pretty sure there's a redemption site on the plaza.
  14. QUOTE(Purdue129 @ May 14, 2006 -> 12:54 AM) as someone who spent most of last year in the twin cities... the new ballpark isn't happening anytime soon simply put if the vikings (sex-boat aside) aren't getting a new stadium, neither are the twins Actually, the Twins and are going to get it done this week or never. My gut feeling is that it's going to pass.
  15. Just back from the game... That may have been the goofiest game I've ever seen! I was not happy in the first, but that's not exactly news. I had never seen a Triple Play before tonight. MB manned up nicely after a hideous first -- I was waiting for Montero; he was one pitch away, I reckon. Great job by Thome, JD, Cotts and Bobby. PINK BATS OWN!!! All in all, an entertaining two nights inside the bubble, even though things didn't exactly go as planned last night.
  16. QUOTE(YASNY @ May 13, 2006 -> 05:43 AM) I'm glad this juror did this. That putz was hoping for martyrdom, and this one person denied him the privilege. Now that he's realized he's going to spend his life alone in a 7x10 box, and won't have the glory of 72 virgins, he wants to change his plea. He's basically up a creek without a paddle as he deserves to be. Concur wholeheartedly. Have you read about the place he's now in? Holy Crap!
  17. Radke and Lohse are both terrible this year. Radke has expanded on his traditional first-inning woes -- he seems to have lost a little hop on his heater and he isn't fooling anyone, and Lohse is, well, just really mediocre. People up here are grumbling that Liriano should have been in Rochester to start the year so he would be stretched out and ready to jump into the rotation now, instead of in a month. I'll be under the teflon bubble tonight, my first chance to see Javy up close. GO SOX!
  18. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 12, 2006 -> 01:15 PM) Call me jaded if you like, but even if you get the ultimate goal of impeaching Bush and elected a democratic Pres and Congress, you can bet this will still go on, and the people feigning outrage today, will be the ones defending it then, just like they did 6 years ago. I personally think I'm past the point that I'll defend anyone for these kinds of misdeeds. If someone who I voted for is shown to be abusing the Constitution that they swore to uphold, I'll be on the critical side, same as now.
  19. "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Attributed to Benjamin Franklin. Seems pretty clear, no?
  20. QUOTE(YASNY @ May 11, 2006 -> 01:21 PM) I'm sorry, but our founding fathers were smarter than that. They build a city without expecting permanent residents? C'mon. Clarification: They didn't think that there would be so many permanent residents. I know they expected a few, but not 500,000.
  21. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ May 11, 2006 -> 01:04 PM) While agree that the CAPITOL should be on neutral ground, DC is not just the capitol. Its hundreds of thousands of citizens without congressional voices, and that isn't right. The ideal solution, to me, is to retrench the DC boundaries to only include the government, and not residents. But since that will never happen, I think this is a decent compromise. DC, as it is now contrived, should be made a part of Maryland. That won't happen, though, so Northsider is right that this is a decent compromise. In regards to SS2K5's argument, I don't think that the people who planned DC ever expected that there would be a substantial permanent population in the Capital City. They assumed that most of the population would be transient, and citizens of another state, so there was no reason for them to have a vote in DC.
  22. Mplssoxfan

    RIP John

    Man, Tex, that's rough. I'm sorry.
  23. Congrats! Get some sleep now, while you still can.
  24. Minneapolis: Twins Cubs Braves Yankees Red Sox Dave Revsine of ESPN said it best. "When I told my boss I was a Sox fan, he looked me like I was a yak herder from Uzbekistan." I've gotten that look a lot. There's a few of us in Minneapolis, but not too many. Most Sox caps I see are for fashion purposes only. I saw someone once with what I thought was an early 80's shirt on, and I said something about it. The guy wearing it encouraged me to look closer and when I did, I discovered the shirt said "Sux". Oops. I have a good friend who works at the university who is a Sox fan, grew up at 63rd and Damen.
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