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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. Mplssoxfan

    Righty? Lefty?

    Righty. Except, when I carry a golf bag (I was a caddy for many years), I carry it as if I were a lefty. Weird.
  2. QUOTE(Heads22 @ May 6, 2006 -> 07:18 PM) Me and a few family members went mushroom hunting today. Probably got 55 morels. Keep those Morel spots closely guarded. man. But I don't have to tell you that. I really like Morels.
  3. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 5, 2006 -> 08:50 AM) Also for those who are interesting, MSH's webcam http://www.fs.fed.us/gpnf/volcanocams/msh/ I had to click on this link, because, after all, I am interesting, damnit!
  4. He's smiling. I like that, since that's what I did when I was booked many years ago.
  5. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 11:38 PM) Here you go again in Texas. In Houston they get an MLS soccer team. They name it Houston 1836 which is a European like naming of a local soccer team. However they are forced to change the name, after making uniforms, marketing ideas. Why, because the local mexican american community is offended at the name 1836 because that is when the mexican army was defeated. This is the same as people getting offended if a team was named 1776 because the English were kicked out. 1836 to change name Of course, for the Houston MLS franchise to be successful, they will have to attract many Mexican-Americans to the matches. Offending them probably isn't the best way to do that.
  6. Funny stuff from some of the 32% who are still in W's corner. Text possibly NSFW.
  7. I knew that Castro was drilling as far offshore as he could, but I didn't realize he was doing it as a proxy for China. That's just great. As far as ANWR is concerned, we'll be drilling there at some point, won't we? Might as well just bite the bullet and get it over with. Do what we can to minimize damage, but start the process.
  8. There definitely should be wind farms of the coast of Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard, and the Mass dems in Congress and the rest of the NIMBYs are selfish fools for opposing them. We should also have oil rigs off the coast of Florida, but for tourism-related reasons, the Governor of Florida, among other Floridians, doesn't want them there. What's the Governor's name again? I forget.
  9. Turns out I went to school with that attorney. Small world.
  10. How to Win Friends and Influence People... QUOTE(Walker2Baines @ Apr 22, 2006 -> 10:49 PM) Are you stupid? Where did I say MB would suffer the same fate? But nobody is above becoming a drug addict. But MB has to prove he can pitch well into his 30's before we talk about him being a HOF or winning 300 games. All those people mentioned showed tons of flashes. But they faded out real quick. Whether it was in their 3rd year or their 7th year. Do you even know who Vida Blue is? Without looking at baseballreference.com? QUOTE(Walker2Baines @ Apr 23, 2006 -> 01:30 AM) Did you ever see Gooden in 84-85? He was a poster boy for great mechanics. Know what the hell you're talking about before talk. And anybody, even those with great mechanics can have injury problems. Look eight miles north at Chewing Gum Dump and #22. QUOTE(Walker2Baines @ Apr 23, 2006 -> 01:56 PM) Let me type real slow, so you will be able to understand. Drugs are very addictive and can ruin ANYBODY. That doesn't say or imply that MB will become a drug addict. But that also doesn't mean that MB is above becoming a drug addict. QUOTE(Walker2Baines @ Apr 23, 2006 -> 02:01 PM) Umm HELLO my examples show that there are some pitchers who weren't able to main their early success. What part of that don't you understand?
  11. I hate the "C" on baseball jerseys. It belongs on hockey sweaters and nowhere else.
  12. Just got tied in HR in fantasy, then Jim strolled to the plate...
  13. QUOTE(CYGarland @ Apr 22, 2006 -> 06:30 PM) Might as well, the Twins couldn't hit my Grandma tonite She's got a damn good splitter!
  14. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 06:01 PM) That is how rumors get started. A rumor is just the truth waiting to happen.
  15. I think that helping Jenny Holzer is a waste of time.
  16. QUOTE(Leonard Zelig @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 12:26 AM) What is in toothpaste that requires this warning on the label: If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away. Does anybody else worry or wonder about this? It's the active ingredient, Sodium Fluoride. Given the concentration of NaF in toothpaste, you would have to eat at least 10 tubes of toothpaste to kill yourself. Some symptoms might occur after one or two tubes, though, so beware! And, if a child were to eat a lot of it, they could get really sick or they could die. So the warning is there for two reasons: NaF and lawyers. And I don't know which is worse.
  17. QUOTE(Soxy @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 08:46 PM) WRONG! Awful House = Hell Fixed.
  18. Sox . . . . . . Minnesota Football Bears Minnesota Basketball . . . Timberwolves . . . . . Nothing really comes to mind
  19. How the hell does FIFA come up with these?
  20. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 02:14 PM) He's in a highly majority african american voter district, and this case is the black stripper vs. the rich white guys from Duke, no matter how else it may be portrayed. There is a reason lack of DNA evidence all of a sudden means nothing when it comes to this case. One misconception that needs to be cleared up: Durham County is not majority African-American. There's a high (39%) African-American population, but, it's not "highly majority african american". Link to census data.
  21. I know these are academics and everything, buy it might be time to loosen the tie. Try "when mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy"!
  22. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Apr 18, 2006 -> 04:25 PM) Lol. Not exactly who I had in mind, but lol anyway.
  23. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 18, 2006 -> 08:50 AM) ....or extremely elitist ones who don't want just anyone shopping there and aren't hurting for business either. Maybe I should have put a little extra emphasis on the word "your", huh?
  24. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 17, 2006 -> 08:18 AM) And change the laws to allow people to be falling down drunk in bars. If there is a law that should not be enforced, get rid of it, don't tell police not to enforce it. If people are "falling down drunk", and there is a law against public drunkenness, those people should be arrested. However, nothing that I have read or heard about these sting operations has convinced me that anyone cited was "falling down drunk". In Minnesota, there are no laws which prohibit public drunkenness, but there is a statute which proscribes bartenders and servers from serving people who are "obviously intoxicated", which is a rather subjective term. In fact, all licensed operators must display a sign featuring that statute. The problem is, there's a large difference between not legal to drive (.08) and obviously intoxicated. If the standard for being arrested for public drunkenness is .08, then many establishments will have to close their doors. Say I'm at a good steakhouse; I have a martini as an aperitif, a glass of white wine with my oysters, a couple of glasses of wine with my meal and a snifter of cognac with my post-prandial cigar. Like a responsible citizen, I have either arranged for a sober driver or am taking cabs all night long. With the standard of .08 being legally drunk for public drunkenness, my night is going to end now. If I ask for another brandy, since I'm only halfway through my cigar, the steakhouse may refuse me service. If the TABC agents come in, I may very well blow a .08 and get cited for public drunkenness. But I'm not drunk, really. And I certainly have no intention of driving. Too bad. It's for my own good and the good of society -- how can I be angry? I don't condone Drunk Drivers. If anything, I think the penalties for repeat offenders should be increased, since it's those repeat offenders who cause the majority of the havoc on the roads. But the MADD people won't rest until a new form of prohibition is in place. Mark my words, their next step is to lower the legal limit to .04, which means you can't drive after two beers. They'll collect some data about people who were killed by a driver who blew a .06 and "got off scot-free!" There's a lot bigger problems in the world than standing up to MADD, but people who work in bars and restaruants have to eat, too. Not to mention all the people involved in the beverage industry. How will the Wirtz family pay their bills? Sorry I rambled here, but this is an issue I know something about and the crackdowns really rub me the wrong way.
  25. QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 17, 2006 -> 04:11 PM) Nevermind, I found it. No online shopping. What kind of store in 2006 doesn't have online shopping.. Ones that don't want your money, apparently.
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