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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 30, 2006 -> 10:06 AM) Tabasco Frank Gorshin or John Astin? Gorshin. Bourbon or Scotch?
  2. This might get this sent to the Filibuster, but... If someone had a bumpersticker that said "Barack is full of ****" or "Hiliary is a ****head", would the cop have pulled them over? If the cop let one car go by with the 1-800-EAT-**** sticker, he should let everything go. EDIT: Oops, it's Dekalb, Georgia, not Illinois. I'm guessing there wouldn't be a lot of call for anti-Obama bumperstickers in the ATL.
  3. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Mar 30, 2006 -> 08:45 AM) Buehrle Kit or the General Lee K. I. T. T.. Heinz 57 or A1?
  4. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Mar 29, 2006 -> 10:28 PM) Lauren Disestablishmentarianism or Superkalafradjalisticexpialadocius? That's antidisestablishmentarianism! Hemingway or Fitzgerald?
  5. I don't know all the details of these stings, obviously. I went to the TABC website and couldn't find a solid definition of what constitutes being drunk in public. I did see where licencees can be cited for serving someone who is "clearly a danger to themselves or others", which is standard boilerplate. However, as I said before, if the standard for public drunkeness is the same as the standard for DUI, then people just won't drink in bars anymore. I've been working in restaurants a long time, and I certainly can't tell when someone has reached .08. To enforce .08 as a standard for drunkeness in a hotel bar is sheer madness. People should never drink and drive, period. But should people never have more than three drinks? The answer, in Texas at least, appears to be yes.
  6. My sister got her Master's from George Mason. She went to the bookstore to buy some hats for me, our Dad and herself. Too crazy. No wearables of any kind. I'm still on the bandwagon, though. GO PATRIOTS!!!
  7. I wonder if this new sweep applies to all of Texas. If so, they better start building a bigger holding facility on South Padre Island.
  8. A few musings... This actually isn't the first place this has happened. In Virginia a few years ago, some cops were doing the same thing. They cut it out after outcry, particularly from the bar and restaurant owners in the city (I think it was Arlington, but I could be wrong.) According to an earlier story I read, a couple of the bars the sting hit were in hotels. The patrons showed the cops their room keys and said they weren't planning on going anywhere, but the cops cited them anyway. If .08 is going to be the standard for public drunkeness as well as DUI, everyone is going to have a lot smaller choice of places to go eat, and when you do eat, you're going to cut off a lot more. I could talk about Texans and Preemptiveness, but that might get this thread moved, and I don't want to do that. I am as Anti-drunken driving as anyone, but this isn't gonig to stop it and it's going to cost jobs besides. Good call, TABC. EDIT: So? People do dumb things while sober, too. Are you going to give people Wunderlic tests and arrest those under a certain score for "public stupidity"?
  9. As usual, I'm not contributing anything of substance, but let me thank all you guys for making this one of my favorite threads of the year so far.
  10. I think the point the Cheat was trying to make is that if these documents are supposed to be the basis for attacking Iraq, since some sort of Iraqi Gov't functionary met with some lieutenant of Bin Laden's, maybe we should have attacked ourselves, since a US Gov't functionary met with Saddam. These documents prove little, if anything.
  11. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 23, 2006 -> 02:07 PM) Name all the deceased members fo the Grateful Dead. Jerry, Pigpen, Keith and I'm missing one, right?
  12. Isaiah Dahlman, who is going to Michigan State, is going to be the best player to come out of Minnesota in a loooong time.
  13. Yesterday... case against LaFave is dropped. http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/03/21/charges.dropped/index.html
  14. http://www.startribune.com/510/story/323200.html I wonder if the Judge will walk the three blocks it would take him to do some research?
  15. Monson and AD Joel Maturi have been in full-blown denial mode all day. And now, this. It'll be interesting to see how low attendance will go before they can Monson. It will also be very interesting to see how he gets along with the media, since everyone ran with this incorrect story.
  16. Larry Klayman is that guy from Judicial Watch. WTF?
  17. QUOTE(Steff @ Mar 22, 2006 -> 08:11 AM) Yep. A group of golfers were on the prowl. At one point they tried to follow the girls in to the bathroom. The cops ended up being called because they got pissed when they stopped serving them. I couldn't believe my eyes. Sounds to me like the staff waited a bit too long to stop serving them.
  18. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Mar 22, 2006 -> 10:28 AM) I'm the same way. I refuse to believe that a drug is addictive to 100% of users from the 1st try. You always read stats on addicts, I'd like to hear how many people have tried things once or twice and didn't get hooked, or just party 'recreationally'. I know people who party like rock stars on Saturday nights, but on Monday morning they are at work at 7:30 am and ready to go and they stay pretty much clean during the week, except for a beer or two at a happy hour. . They also have careers, homes, cars, families and apparently some 'play' money. This is a pretty good read on how drugs and booze don't necessarily screw up your lives. It's from the anti "Just say no" viewpoint, if you will.
  19. QUOTE(Credepopsup @ Mar 21, 2006 -> 11:44 AM) Sorry about the Spurs-Cubs thing, but the similarites between the two clubs and sets of fans is uncanny. It would be a great effort by Spurs to get 4th place, but I don't see them doing it. Arsenal are running into form and have a slightly easier schedule ahead of them. April 22nd - Arsenal vs Tottenham could be the decider. It should be quite a game. No, you're right about Spurs=Cubs -- I just hate to admit it! As for Spurs holding on, I thought they would have faded a month ago. I'm hoping they can hang on. It's only eight more matches, what could possibly go wrong?
  20. QUOTE(YASNY @ Mar 21, 2006 -> 12:00 PM) Still, it's only an opinion. And you know what they say about opinions... That, of course, cuts both ways.
  21. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 21, 2006 -> 11:09 AM) Yeah, I'm blanking on the female agent's name, but I remember her saying her requests to search his laptop were repeatedly denied. Interestingly, given our renewed FISA discussion one thread over, I recall that agent laying a some of the blame on being hamstrunng by FISA. Colleen Rowley is the agent's name. And, yes, she tried to get the FBI to investigate Moussaui more thoroughly, but the Bureau claimed they couldn't because of FISA limits. But they didn't even try to obtain a warrant for his laptop.
  22. If this story has any semblance of truth whatsoever, maybe Isaac didn't actually quit.
  23. I'm happy Credepopsup came in to put things straight. I'm not happy he correctly correlated Spurs with the Cubs and the Arse with the White Sox. Oh, well if Spurs can hold off the hated ones and Bolton for the last Champions League place, that will be alright.
  24. QUOTE(Jimbo's Drinker @ Mar 21, 2006 -> 02:06 AM) also why do players switch teams so quickly, is there a large free agency of smoe sort. There really isn't a minor league set up as such, so clubs have to develop players and sell them to bigger clubs. There's also an extensive loan system. I can't really describe how the system works, but it's different than you're used to in MLB.
  25. Most popular would have to be Man U, Liverpool or Arsenal. But things are different in the EPL. One thing's certain, though. Pick a club and stick with them. Don't choose, say, West Ham and give up on them when they go down it three years. If you want to follow someone who is always going to be good, look at one of the three in the first sentence above. If you want to suffer a bit, support Aston Villa or Newcastle. Go here and lurk for a little while. Or jump right in and ask around. They'll know more than most of us, I guarantee it.
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