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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Mar 21, 2006 -> 01:31 AM) Liverpool has the best fans LOL That's what I meant about loyalties and rivalries.
  2. Tough to compare Premireship clubs to MLB, so I'm not going to try. The loyalties are much more ingrained and the rivalries are much fiercer. Let's say you start with something easy, like Man U=Yankees. What would Man City then equal? The Mets? The Red Sox? A damn good case could be made for either point of view. Let's try this one: Liverpool=Dodgers. Then we have Everton=Giants, I guess. Let's tackle London. If Arsenal=Cardinals, then I guess Chelsea=Cubs (except for the part where they finally won). If Arsenal=Cubs (again, except for the winning part) that could mean Chelsea=Cardinals and Tottenham=White Sox. Actually, it's probably more like Tottenham=Cubs, Arsenal=Cards and Chelsea=White Sox, but since I've supported Tottenham for as long as I've followed English Football, I'd be ashamed to admit that. I guess I tried anyway -- and failed, to boot.
  3. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Mar 21, 2006 -> 12:59 AM) whitesoxin, do as many drugs as you possibly can. you can thank me later for this most excellent advice. LOL Do you do drugs, Danny? Every day!
  4. Here's an update. Lots of crop damage, no lives lost.
  5. Whitesoxin', you've gotten a great deal of good advice in this thread, so I figure it's my job to screw things up. Don't let what others do dictate what you do. You have plenty of life ahead for you to try whatever the hell you want to try. Or not. Two artists -- Penn Jillette and Frank Zappa -- who are (were) creative and take (took) chances often proclaim they've never touched any booze or drugs. Other people drink and smoke pot and it seems to have no ill effect on them. Still others left this mortal coil way too soon because of booze and other drugs. Just make sure you take everything you read about chemicals, pro and con, with a healthy grain of salt. Except meth. Do not do that crap. Ever. I, like a few others in this thread, have been there, done that. It's my life, I live it the way that I want to. Have I made a few mistakes? Oh, yeah. We all make mistakes. It's only natural. Live your life. Remember that.
  6. I have a couple of questions for all of you who are claiming that the fix is in: if you believe that is true, why the hell do you watch? If all the games are fixed, doesn't that make college hoops like wrestling without the soapy-like storylines? Or are the games only fixed when your teams lose? As a college basketball fan, I'm a lot more worried about the players fixing games than I am the officials doing it. And I'm not very worried about the players, truth be told. Do bad calls happen? Of course. Do they decide games? No. That's why the games last 40 minutes, to dampen the effect of the bad calls. I've never really figured out why people expect officials to be perfect -- "yeah, we shot 37% from the floor and 71% from the line, but if Hightower hadn't blown those three calls, we would have had a chance!"
  7. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Mar 17, 2006 -> 11:03 PM) I deserve it though, Kansas has been a disappointment basically since 1988, with the only major exception being that title game appearance in 2002. Other than Kansas in 1988, can you name a Big 8/Big 12 team who won a National Championship in your lifetime? I'm older than most of you, and I sure can't. The Big 12 is and will always will be the most overrated Basketball confrence in the country.
  8. 27 years to the day after the West Regional Final in Provo, Utah. DePaul 95, UCLA 91 Thus becoming one member of the unforgettable Final Four that year. One question, though, looking back on it. Why was the Regional in Provo and the Final Four in Salt Lake City?
  9. Ahem. Good Times. Any time you meet a payment. Good Times. Any time you need a friend. Good Times. Any time you're out from under. Not getting hastled, not getting hustled. Keepin' your head above water, Making a wave when you can. Temporary lay offs. Good Times. Easy credit rip offs. Good Times. Scratchin' and surviving. Good Times. Hangin in a chow line Good Times. Ain't we lucky we got 'em Good Times.
  10. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Mar 14, 2006 -> 07:22 PM) Looney Toons is not on TV nearly enough these days. How true.
  11. QUOTE(AbeFroman @ Mar 14, 2006 -> 03:37 PM) A number of lawyers in my firm practice criminal law at the federal level (though admittedly, that it is not my speciality). The impression I've always been given is that its much much much tougher to beat the feds that the state prosecuters, particularly at trial. I know the guys in my firm have a couple of jury wins against the federal government. But by and large, they'd much rather plead than take their chances against the feds. I've heard other attorneys (not from my firm) say that going against the state is like shooting fish in a barrell. While that is probably an exageration, beating some A.S.A. six months out of law school probably isn't much of a challenge for the seasoned pros. About seven and a half years ago, I was on a jury for a Federal bankruptcy fraud trial. Very interesting stuff. We acquitted the defendant, mainly because the state had a weak case, but also because a number of jurors had sympathy for the defendant and antipathy for the bankruptcy trustee, who was the state's main witness. One thing I learned was that I never want to be put in a position where my future is decided by a "jury of my peers". Anyway, to finally get to the point, after the trial, almost every lawyer I spoke with was astounded that we acquitted a Federal defendant. One even said that was the first time he'd ever heard of an acquittal -- he has since argued in front of SCOTUS, so he's not exactly a hack. About four years later, I found out that that was the first loss that the Prosecutor ever endured (and she wasn't happy about it, apparently).
  12. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 12, 2006 -> 08:33 PM) As promised, the rest of the story... *insert People's Court entrance music* The purchasers of the fake IDs were all asked for statements detailing their interactions with the ID-maker. In exchange, they were not charged criminally, but their statements were handed over to authorities on the University campus for internal discipline. The main suspect settled before the case reached a court, on the initial offer. The 10 or so felony charges were reduced to 1 count serious misdemeanor of providing false identification for purpose of fraud (or whatever the exact statute states). No jail time. Sentence was for a few hundred hours of community service plus the time served in police custody. But the serious misdemeanor will remain on his record permanently (expungement of non-traffic charges is unusual for adults), and that is probably the biggest part of the punishment. Every time he fills out a job application now, he has one more "Yes" box to check. In case you were curious, the handful of cops that discussed this case at the time were about evenly split between something like what he got, and running him up the flag pole on the felony. But the prosecutor, and the lead detective, both felt leniency was warranted. *insert People's Court exit music* Thanks for your opinions! Question: Is this in Illinois? Beacuse it's fairly easy to get almost any first offense misdemeanor expunged in MN, I'm pretty sure.
  13. Mplssoxfan

    10 grand

    QUOTE(GASHWOUND @ Mar 12, 2006 -> 04:17 PM) Uhh, I got here in 2002 and am 7000 behind...no biggie Guess I should have soaked the whole post in green. I don't really care about my post count. I bring neither quantity or quality.
  14. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Mar 11, 2006 -> 09:59 PM) Link. Registration required, of course. This is some interesting s***. Here's the scheme: Ovation Pharm buys a low demand drug from a major pharm company, then raises the price tenfold. Even though the product is old enough that it's off patent, it's sold to such a small market that no other company is willing to set up a production line. Ovation itself doesn't produce the drug, it just buys the product from the more established company (which already has the production line set up) and marks it up BIG. So Ovation increases the price TENFOLD, and the established company can claim that they aren't setting the price (after they get paid by Ovation for handing over the rights.) Ovation's doing it! What about the market here? I tend to defend free, private markets, but this is one example where I'd like to see the government take on a big role. Anyone disagree? What would be another solution to this scumminess? Cases like this have very little to do with the free market and about 99% to do with greed. Merck was, I'm sure, making a decent profit on Mustargen, and will continue to do so while selling it to Ovation. Ovation will be making unconsionable profits out of the pockets of sick people, and then, if their plans go right, out of the insurers of America. Don't try to tell me that Medical Malpractice reform is the magic bullet when leeches on society like Ovation are in the mix.
  15. Mplssoxfan

    10 grand

    Sheesh. I'm still working on my *fourth* digit, and I got here three months before you did. Get a life.
  16. QUOTE(The Critic @ Mar 11, 2006 -> 07:57 PM) Just heard Billy Gardner talk about the passing of Bernie Geoffrion. Died on the day they're retiring his number in Montreal. R.I.P. Boom-Boom Wasn't Boom-boom in one of the original Miller Lite commercials?
  17. Mplssoxfan

    Good Eats!

    QUOTE(rangercal @ Mar 10, 2006 -> 11:19 PM) I guess Im the only one who would try that at least once. You're far from the only one, I promise.
  18. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Mar 10, 2006 -> 07:35 PM) You know who I just thought of, lol, Anthrax. He still around? Banned, IIRC.
  19. Another typical year for Golden Gopher sports: Crappy bowl game -- check. NIT -- check. Wrestling and hockey top five -- check. If I ever used smilies, I'd use that guy banging his head against the wall.
  20. QUOTE(Felix @ Mar 10, 2006 -> 07:11 PM) They really like their hockey in Minnesota, maybe thats why You will learn, Felix, about the High School Hockey Tournament.
  21. QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Mar 10, 2006 -> 07:06 PM) Super weird. I have the Minnesota game here in Birmingham, but not the UAB game in the CUSA Tournament. Not sure how to figure that one out?? And I'm in Minne-f***ing-apolis and I can't watch the damn game! Something about a High School Hockey Tournament.
  22. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Mar 10, 2006 -> 06:34 PM) of course they want a vote. now, for their campaign comercials, than can add this vote to their "excellent" voting record on national security. btw, blocking this deal might have been a really bad idea. I've been working my way to that conclusion, myself, my friend.
  23. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Mar 9, 2006 -> 03:18 PM) But what makes me SICK is the damn Democrats running for the tv cameras today EVEN AFTER THE DEAL IS DEAD demanding a vote. That's asshole politics at its finest. Apparently, the House is voting on the deal anyway. And I doubt the House leadership is caving in to Democratic demands.
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