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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Mar 3, 2006 -> 04:35 PM) Carl Crawford A24 Bingo!
  2. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 3, 2006 -> 03:29 PM) Yes we all should. But not all of us are. We should also be gravely concerned that the GOP House is working hard on the "oversight" side of the domestic spying program by trying to 'fix FISA' instead of actually looking into the legality of the program as it currently stands. But not all of us are. It's gotten to the point that it's not worth even posting any administration-critical viewpoints outside of the Only thread because it's just seen as piling on the poor maligned president. Off topic but not really. There have been a couple of absolutely alarming global warming revalations in the past two weeks that a year ago I would have been all over, posting them here because I assumed people would want to know what the current findings are. Now I don't even bother, because of course it's not seen as me being a little upset that I've made the mistake of bringing children into a planet doomed by human excess and short-sightedness. No, it would just be seen as piling on and bashing BushCo policy. How urging people to work to forestall the destruction of the only home we have has now come to be construed as a political thing I'll never understand. I was looking at an article about the Antarctica data today. You might have to move in 10-12 years, Flaxx.
  3. Okay. One last thing for the time being. You might want to see this while you're here. I'm sure it will be spectacular.
  4. QUOTE(DePloderer @ Mar 3, 2006 -> 04:32 PM) The more info the better, I've already googled Steff's pizza place, looks good. It looks like it'll be the Detroit game on Saturday. i'm looking on the sox site and can still get tickets for BOX149 row23 Lower Box Left Field Lower Level . Am I being stupid thinking I can get seats nearer the diamond. BTW I can't believe how cheap these tickets are compared with UK sports tickets. Baseball tickets are generally the least expensive of the professional leagues in the US. Since it's Detroit, and the Sox play them so often, you might be able to do better, but, as noted, those seats are pretty good. QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Mar 3, 2006 -> 04:17 PM) So basically you're telling him that he better hit up Cedar Point or King's Island? Cedar Point or even the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, actually. Or even just break up the drive by spending the night in Ohio. Actually, I guess starting in Chicago, Ohio's not as bad. I'm so used to starting in Minneapolis that the extra six-plus hours cloud my thinking. How long are you going to be in Chicago, DePlod? Edited due to moronic spelling.
  5. When Duane and Dickey weave in and out on Blue Sky -- man, that's great.
  6. Great news, DePlod! To reiterate what others have said, There is no bad place for kids in the park; baseball strives to be fan-friendly, and the visiting fans don't travel as much as they do in England, so the possibilities for aggro are much fewer. I'm not entirely certain, but I'm reasonably certain that, for a weekend game at least, someone from here will be tailgating pre-game. Yhat's a lot of fun, and you should do it if at all possible. My own humble suggestion for an Italian Beef sandwich (which you must have when in Chicago) is Carm's in Hillside. Since I've been away from Chicago for a while, one of the denizens of the western suburbs would be able to help you with directions -- all I can remember is that it's on Wolf Road and it's very tasty. As far as your drive east is concerned: the trip through Ohio is motononous, so try to break it up however possible. I've made that drive many times, and I cannot stand Ohio.
  7. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 3, 2006 -> 09:20 AM) If it hasn't been said already... "Its not what you know... Its who you know." Of course, in Bill's case, "It's not who you know, it's who you blow."
  8. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Mar 2, 2006 -> 09:35 PM) ...unless the government deems otherwise. THOSE drugs are perfectly ok. This plant good. This plant bad.
  9. Move if necessary, guys. Here's a little love from a comic strip writer.
  10. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 1, 2006 -> 02:03 PM) Eh, that's still kind of cool. So how much Maker's Mark do yu have to drink before they start putting your name on the casks? j/k, I recall you are in the bar biz, and I assume this is one of the perks? Along with all the beer from the drip trays I mean. . . Although I do enjoy a dram or two of Maker's from time to time, this is more of a loyalty program -- you most certainly do not have to be in the hospitality biz to join. If you wish to join, I can PM you the details. The worst part is that, because of health reasons, I haven't had a drink in a month! It's a real liability when I can't even try new products. I hate using a spit bucket when I taste wine, but I have little choice.
  11. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 1, 2006 -> 07:24 AM) You might be able to command a good price for that barrel if it was crafted by a good small batch distillery. I don't know anything about the vintage craft bourbon world, but in cotland there is an outfit called Cadenhead that has found quite a niche market hunting down individual casks of single malt that were laid down to represent important personal events like weddings and birthdays and such. They buy casks for up to a couple of thousand dollars each, depending on the reputation of the distiller and the region of origin. Then they bottle the scotch in their own label and resell as super-premium authentic single malt Scotch from verions endemic regions. My wife bought me a bottle of Cadenhead 12 year old Invergordon single malt for my birthday a couple of yars ago and it was wonderful. Sad to know there will never be any more of that exact ingle malt ever again, but also kind of cool to think abou it that way. I've tasted a couple Highland and Islay malts from Cadenhad as well, and all have been very distinct and quite nice. It's not nearly as cool as all that. It's a customer appreciation thing for Maker's Mark. Yup, my name's somewhere on there.
  12. I guess I'm a little late for this one, since you better be at the pub right now, but have a good one!
  13. When I tell people from around here to go to Uno's when they go to Chicago, they look at me like I have a third eye, since the only Uno's they've ever been to is the chain.
  14. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Feb 28, 2006 -> 10:36 PM) and die. And who in the hell is gonna watch some whisky age on a webcam??? I have a barrel of Bourbon with my name on it in Loretto KY. I don't watch it on webcam, but I hav a picture of it somewhere.
  15. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Feb 28, 2006 -> 03:32 PM) This shall be the most praise Cold Pizza will receive all year. Earl>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Public Access>>700 Club>Regis & Kelly>Cold Pizza>Quite Frankly Henry Earl?
  16. Publicity stunt. But they'll certainly make some money -- the angel's share isn't that much.
  17. QUOTE(klaus kinski @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 06:24 PM) A bunch that never played in Major Leagues get in vs a player who excelled in the Majors and has been a great ambassador for that game Consensus? A Big Farce Um, you do know that the "bunch that never played in Major Leagues" didn't play there for a reason, right? And the reason wasn't because they were bad ballplayers. Minnie and Buck probably belong in the HOF. Buck will probably get in at some point because of his post-career efforts, Minnie may still get in. But, The Critic's rant notwithstanding, from my admittedly limited knowledge of Negro Leagues history, the committee did a good job. Torriente and Suttles in particular were very good ballplayers. Unfortunately, I think Minnie's MLB experience actually works against him in some ways. Most of that record was when he was past his prime, and that's what the voters look at. It's a shame, really.
  18. One year I played for the Tigers, another year, I played for Chico's Bail Bonds.
  19. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Feb 28, 2006 -> 09:37 AM) Yeah, these Dubai Ports World guys shouldn't have anybody concerned, they send all the right messages. . . From today's Jerusalem Post: So, instead of turning down their request to operate here or fining them if we were in a position to do so, we're really playing hardball by handing them a $6.8 billion contract. Nope. No mixed signals here. :rolly Bigot.
  20. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 28, 2006 -> 11:21 AM) It's been oversold, oh, since it IPO'd. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 28, 2006 -> 11:22 AM) Overbought, you mean? Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.
  21. Interesting reading. Too bad I probaply won't get to read the whole thing. It appears, if I read this correctly, that Luskin may be guilty of skimming the report himself. Luskin writes: First, no one I know who has ever studied economics doubts the truth of the Laffer Curve. What is debated is what the ideal marginal tax rate is, that is, what is the marginal tax rate which will maximize revenues. That's a minor point, however. The point I'd like to make regarding Luskin's argument is this: he missed the fine print on Table 4-4. Here's the disclaimer below the table: Obviously, the data for 2005 is at least a partial estimate, since all the tax recipts haven't been remitted. The CBO usually gives excellent estimates, but the figures for 2005 are still just that: estimates. A few other musings, gleaned from the bits of Chapter 4 that I read. By far the highest realization of Capital Gains as a percentage of GDP came in the late 90's, according to Fig. 4-4 on page 87. Also, it appears that all the CBO projections are based on the assumption that the tax cuts will not be made permanent. From page 87: Make what you will of it.
  22. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 09:06 PM) YEEE f***ING HAW!!! LOW POLL NUMBERS! OUR PRESIDENT SUCKS!!! WOOO HOOOO!!! And then you wonder why the perception is from a conservative standpoint all you want to do is attack and wish bad things for this president. Edit: Oh, crap, my fault. This is the Bush bashing thread that no one dare speak anything good about the president in here. My fault, I just realized where I was. But I think this is a good enough point to leave it here. Kap, GWB ran on a great deal of issues and promises, as all of our politicians do. I voted for Al Gore, as the plurality of people who voted in that election did. However, I had some hope for the new President, especially in his promise to be "a uniter, and not a divider." I really thought that that statement could help a great deal, especially given the vitriol of the preceding eight years. Tragically, on September 11, 2001, GWB was given an oppurtunity to prove that he was a man of his word, that he truly was a uniter. He simply hasn't lived up to that promise. He, or more precisely, his political team go to extremes to attack anyone who stands in their way, no matter how nobly or well that particular person has served this country (see Max Cleland or John Murtha as two prime examples). He doggedly clings to tax cuts as being a panacea to all economic ills facing the country, even though our (your, actually) children are going to have to pay the price for them. Now things are going poorly for the administration. The situation in Iraq seems to be worsening, with Islamic sectarian violence spreading; even staunch conservatives such as William F. Buckley are doubting that we can prevail there. We have a couple of overriding problems with our economy: high energy prices, and, more importantly, the fact that so much of our debt is being held by foreign governments, especially China. Every month, it seems that new stories about prisoner abuse, each as horrifying as the last. I am about a quarter through a fascinating piece about Alberto Mora, the former general counsel of the Navy, who warned against the administration's position on detainees. The USA used to stand staunchly for human rights. Sadly, it doesn't seem like we do any more. As someone who didn't vote for GWB (and someone who posts in this thread and doesn't read the GOP thread), does it make me happy that the President's poll numbers are down? In a way, it does. The fact that it may make it more difficult for Republicans to retain control of both houses of Congress is beneficial. As a citizen of the USA it saddens me to see those numbers. When a President has lost the confidence of his fellow Americans, it is not good for our Nation. I would have liked the President to make good on his promise to be a uniter. Sadly, it seems he's lost his chance.
  23. QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 05:13 PM) ^^^^^^^^^^^ Don't Stop Believing made a come back this summer as well . . . Really? I haven't heard that in years.
  24. Looks fantastic! Thanks guys. Now I have to try some other skins.
  25. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Feb 25, 2006 -> 09:19 AM) It turns out I'm living in a f***in Soap Opera. Aren't we all?
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