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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. Damn, Flaxx, Mr. Genius and me are the only three who voted for Sugar Magnolia? Flaxx and me, yes, but who knew Mr. Genius was a pot-smoking, 'shroom chowing hippie?
  2. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 04:24 PM) This is not going to become Pete Rose, as Pete Rose originally was not supposed to be banned for life, it just became a complicated series of events, that Pete Rose himself helped to make worse. Gretzky on the other hand is beloved, even if the Feds get some hair brained idea about bringing him to trail they will not get a conviction, and in any case they will most likely just want him to flip on the higher up (mobsters) or will want him to plea bargain to some slap on the wrist. The feds are going to have to be really careful with this thing, because public opinion of gambling is not that it is a sin, and without a jury to convict all the evidence in the world means squat. My guess is they convene a grand jury (formality for felony charges, unless its a notice state) the grand jury indicts on some of the lower charges. The feds then get plea bargains and statements they wont do it again. Unless there is some evidence of either 1) throwing games, point shaving or 2) insider information there really is not much. Gambling is just not the evil it once was in American society. Atleast thats my guess, I mean these guys are going to have slick defense attorneys and most Prosecutors dont want to f*** their batting average by taking on some beloved player. Mav First, isn't this a case brought by the state of New Jersey? I don't think the Feds are involved, yet. I actually don't see how the Feds cannot get involved, though. Tocchet's in AZ, the alleged ringleaders are in NJ, there's probably got to be Wire Fraud somewhere, don't you think? Excellent take, BTW, SB. The only slight disagreement I have is that I think the State will indict on every concievable charge they can, then plea bargain to a lower charge. I don't think the State would have any interest in prosecuting the bettors, just the bookies. Tocchet's going down. The only thing that will happen to Gretzky is that a lot of people's perception of him will change. Unless, of course, there is solid evidence that Janet or he bet on Hockey. That would be awful.
  3. Wait... does this mean the default skin is giong to be Crimson and Cream? Congrats, Greasy!
  4. One of the things I keep hearing and reading about in regard to the warrentless wiretapping is, "If you have nothing to hide, you shouldnt fear anything." Two points: everyone has something to hide. It may not amount to much, but everyone has something to hide. Which, obviously, brings me to my second point. If the Bush Administration has nothing to hide, how come they're trying to hide everything?
  5. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 02:31 PM) Buchanan was not nearly as hateful as Johnson, who wanted to make it official US policy (no joke) to exterminate all the Indians and send all the "negroes" (term at time) back to Africa. Plus Johnson was impeached, because of any number of crooked scams he ran out of his office. I'll stick with Johnson. Let me preface this by saying that Andrew Johnson was a pretty ineffective President. Johnson was impeached because he violated the Tenure of Office Act by firing Secretary of War Edwin Stanton. The ToOA was passed over Johnson's veto, and was later declared unconstitutional. He was certainly not impeached for any corruption in his administration. He was in a power struggle with the radical elements of the Republican party, and they thought they could oust him. As it was, they failed to convict him by one vote in the Senate. I'm not giving him a pass on his treatment of Indians and Blacks, but he was close to the mainstream of thought at that time. Buchanan, on the other hand, had a chance to either garrison Federal forts in the South with loyal troops or, failing that, secure all the arms and ship them to the north. He did neither. I gotta go, but I like this stuff, so I'll be back.
  6. After all this Coke and Pepsi bantering, which, IMO, is totally uncalled for in a thread about beer, I am compelled to ask: who are the geniuses who came up with the new Pepsi slogan? Pepsi. Brown and Bubbly. Yum.
  7. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 03:04 PM) Why is it that every GOPer on this board seems to think that if you bash Bush, you must have loved Clinton? I think Bush is a pretty lousy President. I think Clinton was a little better, but I'm no fan of his either. I'd love to see just one heavily-posted thread on this board that didn't involve a "Bush Sucks" post followed by a "Clinton Sucks" post (or vice versa). Don't hold your breath, buddy.
  8. Mplssoxfan

    Beach tunes

    Rock -- agreed -- any and all Marley. Klaus -- agreed -- any Dick Dale. The Robert Gordon version of "Summertime Blues". Sorry Tex, but I gotta go with a bunch of Buffett.
  9. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 10:03 AM) who do you think runs alot of the sports books? One disclosure before we start. I am not anti-gambling. I am not against gambling with a bookie, either. Even if there is rampant illegal influence in the Vegas books (not weighing in on it either way, mind you), there's a huge difference between wagering at a legal sports book and wagering with a bookie. In vegas, you gnerally don't get credit at the sports book, unless you're some sort of a guy who is comped heavily. The whole bookie system revolves around credit, you really can't bet without it. There has been talk of alleged influence by men with alleged mob ties. That's not good. Let's say you're a goaltender for an NHL squad and you owe three times your limit to the book because of bad football bets. Someone comes to you and says, "you know that 30K you owe us? It's gone if you can help us tomorrow night." Theoretical? Yes. But it certainly could happen. Professional athletes should not gamble with bookies. Ever. Want to hit the track? Fine. Want to go to Atlantic City or Vegas? Cool. Not with a bookie.
  10. QUOTE(Palehosefan @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 02:26 PM) It's totally normal for the Wichita State Shockers to throw the sign, but for a Duke player to make the sign after a 3? It doesn't make much sense. Maybe he's just giving his GF a post-game preview.
  11. More breaking news -- the NHL has hired the lawyer who prosecuted the Unabomber to head its internal investigation. From The New York Times:
  12. Mplssoxfan


    The only cursive I ever use is my signature. Everything else is printed uppercase. I think that comes from years of doing crosswords.
  13. I think it's appropiate that a team from the University of Memphis found the new site. Odd, maybe, but appropiate.
  14. Happy happy you two-headed monster!
  15. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 09:15 PM) Carter was pretty bad. But I'd contend that neither Carter nor Bush were the worst. Andrew Johnson takes that cake by a landslide. Bush, however, has now surpassed Carter in my mind as the worst in my lifetime. Carter was perhaps the most well-meaning man to have been President; didn't make him a good President, though. I'll see your Andrew Johnson and raise you James Buchanan, NNS72!
  16. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 07:06 PM) Condi Rice and I agree on something... http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/asiapcf/02/0...ests/index.html It must be love, this weekend, we're taking out the oil tanker together and we'll solve the Darfur crisis. But what about Bea?
  17. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 03:59 PM) Wuvs MGD, but would like to see more imports as well. Are the exclusive beer associations unique to Chicago teams? I don't think so. In the Target Center here, it's difficult to get a beer other than a Miller product, but in the Hefty Bag, it's about 50/50, even though Miller is the Official Beer Sponsor of the Vikings. I best speak with my Miller rep prior to my next Chicago trip...
  18. Thanks, everybody. I had a very amusing afternoon when I sorely needed one.
  19. Don't go to 1060 W. Addison if you can possibly avoid it.
  20. Let me get this straight... You're only conservative if you agree with JUGGERNAUT on everything? Color me ANYTHING but Red.
  21. Section 1. Slowride - Fogthat vs. White Room - Cream No Time - Guess Who vs. Gallows Pole - Led Zeppelin While My Guitar Gently Weeps - The Beatles vs. Feeling Alright - Joe Cocker Ticket to Ride - The Beatles vs. God Only Knows - The Beach Boys Like A Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan vs. Tape From California - Phil Ochs Section 2. Strawberry Fields Forever - The Beatles vs. Free Bird - Lynyrd Skynard A Day in the Life - The Beatles vs. Mr Churchill Says - The Kins Sympathy for the Devil - The Rolling Stones vs. Baby Blue - Badfinger American Woman - The Guess Who vs. Jimi Hendrix -All Along The Watchtower Ridin' the Storm Out - REO Speedwagon vs. When the Levee Breaks- Led Zeppelin Section 3. Surrender - Cheap Trick vs. Echoes - Pink Floyd Aerosmith - Dream On vs. Sugar Magnolia - Grateful Dead Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen vs. Rock n Roll All Night - Kiss 20th Century Boy - T-Rex vs. Street Fighting Man - The Rolling Stones Thunderstruck - AC/DC vs. The Best of Times - STYX Section 4. Stay With Me - The Faces vs. Rock n Roll, Hoochie Koo - Rick Derringer Pinball Wizard - The Who vs. Barracuda - Heart Crazy Train - Ozzy Osborne vs. The Voice - Moody Blues Feel Like Makin Love - Bad Company vs. Baba O'Reilly - The Who The Boys Are Back In Town - Thin Lizzy vs. Ohh La La - The Faces So I likes me some cheese? So what? Wanna fight about it?
  22. QUOTE(G&T @ Feb 6, 2006 -> 08:53 AM) But NASA is an institution of science, so why should they bother with the religious implications? If people don't want to believe what NASA says that's fine but NASA shouldn't be forced to alter anything to cater to them. Bingo! You beat me to it. I have very few problems with anyone expressing their religious beliefs. I must admit I get a little queasy when elected officials publically profess their piety, but I don't often question people's motives. But for a government official who has no grounding in science pronuncing that, "This is more than a science issue, it is a religious issue. And I would hate to think that young people would only be getting one-half of this debate from NASA. That would mean we had failed to properly educate the very people who rely on us for factual information the most."? That I have a major problem with, and I, like Flaxx, would like to see someone defend it.
  23. Cool. Who will be the first to put a message in a bottle?
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