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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. To the basic receipe, one must add tomatoes, bacon and sunflower seeds. That's a masterpiece.
  2. Here's a link to a bit on the newest inductees to the hall. Miles Davis? I like Miles probably more than any of my friends; Sketches of Spain is a desert island disc. But the Rock and Roll HOF? I don't get it. Is the Jazz HOF going to induct Springsteen? Blondie is an extremely weak choice.
  3. QUOTE(Soxy @ Nov 27, 2005 -> 12:39 PM) EDIT: Although I think that "running out of beer" is going to be the run away winner here. . . Well, duh. *Insert appropriate smiley here*
  4. My favorite bit from that excellent piece: A question I have always asked: If you are reasonably happy and content in your life and lifestyle, and Bestie was certainly more than reasonably content, how are you a failure if the worst that can be said of you is that you're a non-conformist?
  5. QUOTE(Mercy! @ Nov 22, 2005 -> 09:12 PM) Until the first really big snowfall that people don't clear from the sidewalks. I'm a walker, too. Except that we got 4-5 inches of the white stuff today. And it was damn cold yesterday.
  6. ...is like Bill Wirtz spending money on Free Agents.
  7. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 23, 2005 -> 05:47 PM) the best book I was ever required to read For some reason, I was never required to read it, but I loved the book. For once, the film was great, too.
  8. QUOTE(Cerbaho-WG @ Nov 23, 2005 -> 11:02 PM) It'd doubtful that Rowand will ever reproduce his 2004 numbers unless NL pitchers throw him fastball after fastball. Rowand will use the entire field but is very suspect to breaking pitches down and away; he looks flat out clueless on sliders not even close to the plate. For some reason pitchers don't exploit this, but Rowand is a very good fastball and mistake pitcher. Rowand's defense was without a doubt the best in CF for the AL and it wouldn't surprise me to see Rowand continue to play great defense for a few more years. I've never thought highly of Rowand and I think the maximum of what he'll produce is something around his 2005 numbers. I agree with Cerbaho 100%. AROW, though I love his defense and enthusiasm, has an enormous hole in his swing for weeks at a time. If a righty throws him a curveball or slider low and away, he can't do a damn thing with it. But, if the pitcher makes a mistake, Aaron will punish him. Aaron is so much better than Lofton, though, in every phase of the game -- the Phils have their starting CF for a good long while.
  9. QUOTE(Hey_Look_Its_Chase_Utley! @ Nov 23, 2005 -> 05:17 PM) Phillies fan here. Congrats on the World Series victory, and getting on the classiest guys in baseball. I really think Thome was a great pickup for you guys, and is much better of where he can DH instead of playing 1B every day. What can you tell me about the prospects the Phillies reportedly received. Nice avatar, my friend.
  10. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Nov 23, 2005 -> 04:59 PM) You will never be taken seriously again if we do not see a picture of you in a mumu and with a shaved head.... On the other hand, you will never be taken seriously again if we do see a picture of you in a muu-muu and a shaved head. Catch-22, Yossarian.
  11. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Nov 23, 2005 -> 04:39 PM) I keed, I keed. The only reason my wife can rattle the greek alphabet off forward and backwards is because she was a sorority sister in her deep dark past. Hell, offense wasn't even close to being taken. I knew where you were going. I'm just not sure what's worse -- frat boy or trivia geek. And I know I'm not the only one of the latter who posts here.
  12. Enormous turkeys, Football and special people -- Happy Thanksgiving!
  13. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Nov 23, 2005 -> 04:33 PM) Frat Boy. Um, not so much. Trivia geek, that I can handle.
  14. QUOTE(knightni @ Nov 23, 2005 -> 04:28 PM) Epsilon is next.. right? Correct.
  15. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Nov 23, 2005 -> 04:22 PM) Delta!!! Brought to you by the busiest tropical storm season in history. At least it's way out in the middle of the Atlantic. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,176554,00.html Damnit! I was going to be the first one to answer this correctly!
  16. Food, for sure. I cook every year and my italian sausage stuffing is fantastic. Football runs a close second.
  17. Speaking of Soxy, some guy came into the bar yesterday wearing a T-shirt that had a picture of a "Philosopher Trading Card" with Chomsky's picture on the card. Funny stuff.
  18. Link Wray and Robert Gordon. Lots of fun.
  19. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 21, 2005 -> 04:52 PM) IMNSHO, neither party really care about issues for issue sake, they only wish to score debate points and get elected. So if being pro-ABC and anti-123 achieves that goal, then that's their platform. Statesmen are a dying breed. I don't remember who said this -- when I googled it, it was attirbuted to Bob Edwards, but I suspect that's not right, but, "Statesmen are dead politicians. Lord knows, we need more statesmen."
  20. As some of you may know, I work behind a bar. We had the Bears on today, thanks to the Monday Night matchup. I, as I have been for the last 6 weeks, was sporting my home Urlacher jersey. Actual exchange between me and a guest: Mpls: I love this, although I might really might start to smell next week. Guest: Huh? Mpls: I haven't washed this since the streak started. Guest: Man, every time I come here to watch the Bears, they win. You better not watch that shirt. Mpls: You're right. I want the Bears to win, but I need to wash my shirt.
  21. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Nov 19, 2005 -> 08:06 PM) Have you read something that said that the Alamo doesn't want an All-Iowa game? Bowls shun rematches.
  22. One man's Big 10 bowl picks: PSU -- BCS OSU -- BCS Wisc -- Capital One Iowa -- Outback Michigan -- Alamo NW -- Sun Minn -- Music City. Again. Damnit. Although it's better than Xmas in Detroit.
  23. This is really starting to look like an extremely bloody version of 1970's Northern Ireland. Bombing Mosques and funeral processions? It's going to get worse before it gets better.
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