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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 09:01 PM) Its BS, they should be able to play in the elements. The players could handle the elements. The corporate bobos who foot the bills? Not so much.
  2. Fargin' Gophers! Why do I put myself through this crap? Oh, yeah. I remember.
  3. Johnny Cash is the man. Period. In Don Zmuda's book about Andy Kaufman (an entertaing read, BTW), he talks about doing a show at the Grand Old Opry. There was a older man in reading glasses sitting at a table in the wings, doing paperwork. Zmuda and Kaufman assumed that he was the Stage Manager or something. The intercom announced, "Johnny Cash, you're need on stage." All of a sudden the "Stage Manager" got up, took off his specs, ran his fingers through his hair, and he was Johnny Cash. To Zmuda and Kaufman it was magical
  4. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Nov 18, 2005 -> 02:16 PM) Yeah, I saw that. That guy might just be bitter because the idiot reported the previous day that Cass would wait 'til spring to make the decision, even though he had already decided on DePaul. http://www.pjstar.com/stories/111705/BRA_B85ASJFR.071.shtml Still, I hope Wainwright isn't already f-ing up this early in his tenure. Here's more, from Sportsline: EDIT: Poor HTML use.
  5. I loved his justification: "All trouble is worth a wage." Idiot.
  6. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 15, 2005 -> 04:33 PM) First positive test...we probably don't even know about it. With speed, I'm okay with that. We don't know about first positives for pot, either, do we? I'm actually not sure, but I don't think so.
  7. Tuesday, November 15, 2005 Sources: Steroid penalties much tougher with agreement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Associated Press WASHINGTON -- Major League Baseball players and owners agreed to toughen penalties for steroid use to a 50-game suspension for a first failed test and a lifetime ban for a third, The Associated Press learned. The deal, which also adds testing for amphetamines, was described to the AP by two congressional aides on condition of anonymity because it had not been officially announced. A formal announcement was planned for later Tuesday, a baseball official told the AP. Baseball's current steroid penalties are a 10-day suspension for a first offense, 30 days for a second offense, and 60 days for a third. The earliest a player could be banned for life is a fifth offense. The sport's second new steroids agreement in 10 months came after lengthy negotiations prompted by urging from Congress -- including the threat of legislation that would require higher penalties and stricter testing standards.
  8. Josh, Brian, I know hope springs eternal and all that jazz, and I realize Michigan has a solid chance of beating the Bucks on Saturday. But the Spartans have about as much chance of beating PSU as I have being elected Pope. The've quit on the season.
  9. For the last 15 or so years, I have cooked for friends who, like me, have no family in town. We have WAY too much food, owing to the fact that someone always wants to try a new turkey receipe every year (like Flaxx's brine and grill or deep frying it), but not wanting to give up a roasted bird. We drink a lot of wine and end up watching the Egg Bowl, which should be really pathetic this year.
  10. While I would absolutely hate to see Frank in a Twins Uni, it would be fun to hear all their fans rationalize it. I mean, I'd still be pissed, but it'd be fun. Don't really think it's going to happen, though. 1.2%.
  11. QUOTE(zach61 @ Nov 11, 2005 -> 01:30 PM) It reminds me of #6 You must come back to the village, Number 6.
  12. 1. A fellow will remember a lot of things you wouldn't think he'd remember. You take me. One day, back in 1896, I was crossing over to Jersey on the ferry, and as we pulled out, there was another ferry pulling in, and on it there was a girl waiting to get off. A white dress she had on. She was carrying a white parasol. I only saw her for one second. She didn't see me at all, but I'll bet a month hasn't gone by since that I haven't thought of that girl. Bernstein, Citizen Kane 2. It's easy to grin, When your ship comes in, And you've got the stock market beat. But the man who's worthwhile, Is the man who can smile, When his shorts are too thight in the seat. Judge Smails, Caddyshack 3. I was misinformed. Rick Blaine, Casablanca
  13. Mplssoxfan


    QUOTE(Mercy! @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 05:29 PM) That's a problem? I always think of the "Politics of Joy" when I think of Minnesota. Just can't help it. It's a problem if you have a reform candidate running who cannot get himself/herself the endorsement. If you can be savvy enough to get a deadlocked convention, then you still have a chance to win the election. It's a problem if you have a candidate who is so entrenched in power, both in his/her office and in the party structure, that he/she can get away with anything short of a felony and still get re-elected.
  14. I didn't read any of this thread, but re: T.O. as a Bear: HELL, NO!!!!!! His talents, and they are myriad, are not anywhere close to being worth the hassles he will bring. I saw Mike Lupica comparing Rodman to T. O. on Sunday. WTF, over? Rodman= 5 rings. T. O.= 0 rings. Rodman= saying and doing things to take pressure off, like the Fool in Shakespeare or the "backwards walker" in Plains Native tribes. T. O.= saying and doing things which make it harder for your team to win. T. O. will end up in the NFL next year, no doubt. Just not with the Bears, please.
  15. Mplssoxfan


    We had elections for Mayor, city council, board of estimate and taxation, park board and library board. The big problem in Mpls. is, if you aren't endorsed by the Dems, you have very little chance of winning.
  16. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 7, 2005 -> 02:45 PM) I miss sandlot baseball, professional athletes being normal people who were good at a game, kids being able to play in the streets, and decent music being on the radio. Do kids actually do this any more? Choose up sides, four a side, pitcher's hand out at first, center and right fields are foul. Fun times, indeed.
  17. I was too old to actually learn anything from it, but I really liked "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?"
  18. Mplssoxfan


    Shakespeare, Milton and the Bible. Wait a minute, what was the question?
  19. Slightly tangential, but... Latrell Sprewell turned down a 3yr/21M offer from the T-Wolves last year, saying that it was "insulting" and that he "had to feed his family." He still hasn't signed, not even for the vet's minimum. How many times does a player, in any sport, turn down a contract deal as "insulting", only to sign for less? I say over 50%. And how is Spree feeding his family?
  20. Overheard in a bar in Minneapolis: "So, who do you think our MVP is this year? Pat Williams or Chris Kluwe?" That's right, folks. Vikes fans think their punter is the MVP.
  21. Happy B-Day to one of my Fav guys in these here parts. Have a good one, man!
  22. Mplssoxfan


    Okay, assuming that we're selling him the spare parts, doesn't that mean that there are Lockheed Martin techies working on the planes? If there are, and Chavez goes through with his crazy threat (he won't, but still), the Lockheed guys will sabotage the planes, right? Just like happened in Iran when the Shah got deposed.
  23. Cool. Northfield, Binghamton, SLaP! What a meteoric rise to power!
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