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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. Mplssoxfan


    If only some of the planes are operational right now, because of the lack of spare parts, and if we are not selling any spare parts to Venezuela, then if Chavez sells the planes to Castro, they won't work anyway. Lockheed Martin or GE certainly won't sell any spare parts to Castro. Even if Chavez sells the planes to Castro, Fidel still has to get someone to train his pilots how to fly the planes and use their weapons systems, which he probably doesn't have any armament for anyway. Does Chavez have enough pilots trained in the F-16 who are loyal enough to him to ferry the planes to Cuba and train the Cuban Air Force? Chavez is twisting the Tiger's tail, nothing more.
  2. Happy B-Day, man. Enjoy one or two at, oh, I don't know, Grumpy's or Nye's!
  3. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 25, 2005 -> 11:28 AM) Where is the congressional investigations on the 270 or so members (who have admitted) on violations of travel misuses and abuses? Where is the congressional investigations of the 75 or so senators who did the same thing Frist did, but didn't "get caught"? That's more my point. THEY ALL DO IT, and it's so partisan when they start choking each other's chicken, yes, the "blow job" included. It's so sad. Our government is nothing but corruption. Here's some linkage to an excellent column about the issue, in general. Because, let's face it, Frist is far from the only one doing something like this.
  4. Mplssoxfan

    Need Help

    QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Oct 31, 2005 -> 09:52 PM) It's about a salesman who has two sons. Essentially, the salesman works himself to death for his ungrateful family. Touching story about the degradation of family values in American society. Oh, wait what I mean to say is: READ THE DAMN PLAY! It's important, interesting and a damn fine story. Soxy, that's Death of a Salesman, not Everyman. Everyman is an allegory in which our hero, Everyman makes his journey through our world, trying to get to Heaven (man, it's been a long time since I read this). IIRC, and I'm almost sure I don't, Everyman is abandoned by all worldly things (Wealth is one I vividly remember) save Good Works on his spiritual journey. Clearly this was written long before the Great Awakening. I realize I've been little help. Sorry, but I think (Gasp!) a trip to the Library might be in your future.
  5. The Onion has unveiled its new Sports Section! This actually might belong in SLaP.
  6. Thanks, Kap. That might be the single greatest post I have read on an intertron message board.
  7. QUOTE(Wedge @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 12:37 AM) Anyone else almost in tears? More than almost, man.
  8. I was in the middle of this thread when I completely lost it. 33 years since my first day at Comiskey -- it's all good, baby! Chicago White Sox, World Champions. I really like the sound of that.
  9. Pumped my fists, shouted "Hell yeah!" and accepted grudging congratulations from the Twins fans I was surrounded by (one of whom was sporting an Astros cap, just to piss me off). I think I might have to put Journey and AC?DC into the jukebox again...
  10. QUOTE(Antonio Osuna @ Oct 26, 2005 -> 03:03 PM) What the hell? Somebody's overconfident about THIS year, which, may I remind you, isn't over yet. With the way our pitching and their pitching is set up, Houston has the best chance of anyone in recent series history to come back from 3-0 should they win tonight. So nobody get too giddy yet. Wha? A one legged guy and a guy with a sore elbow don't do a whole hell of a lot for me, sorry. I'll agree with the last bit, though. Let's win this f***ing thing!
  11. Any Bar where I can convince them to turn the sound on. I worked for the first two hours of the game last night and some jackass asked, "Aren't the Wild on?" I told him, "You have no chance of seeing Hockey in this bar tonight."
  12. Budweiser and Jagermeister (you'd think someone of my advanced age would know better, wouldn't you?) I also have a Montecristo Number Two at the ready.
  13. I think it's closed in the summertime because of the heat, and they want to open it because it's nice out now in Texas. Mid 70's, I think.
  14. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I guarantee you that there are a bunch of Astros fans saying how biased Buck nad McCarver are towards the Sox. Get over it.
  15. I now have a fantastic feeling about tonight. As I walked into work today, about five steps from the door, I looked down and found a dime. GO SOX!
  16. Let's see... I help run a restaurant/bar in Minneapolis... Twins, I think.
  17. Mplssoxfan


    Reminds me of Senator Durbin a few years ago during a Crosstown Series game. Announcer (I think it was Stone): Who are you rooting for today, Senator? Durbin: (chuckling) Chicago. I'm rooting for Chicago.
  18. I was discussing this earlier today with a friend of mine who happens to be a Cubs fan. He is enjoying this run by the Sox for two reasons: first, because he's a baseball fan and, well, the Sox are fun to watch. Second, he thinks it's going put a lot of pressure on the Cubs' management to get them over the hump for the very reason that they cannot stand idly by and watch the Sox take the lead in Chicago. Should be an intersting off-season.
  19. Chills... just chills.
  20. QUOTE(winninguglyin83 @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 12:06 AM) from an older generation sox fan all I can say is I can officially die saying I something I never thought I would see. Concur. This is f***ing fantastic.
  21. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Oct 16, 2005 -> 04:00 PM) Win it for...my grandfather, so he may see a White Sox winner before he passes on. Win it for...Old Comiskey Park, churros, Nancy Faust, Andy the Clown, Jimmy Piersall, Bill Veeck. Win it for...all the people who never saw a White Sox World Series. Win it for...every single player on the 1919 Chicago White Sox Team. May they FINALLY rest in peace. CAN I HAVE AN AMEN?!? AMEN!!!
  22. This team is truly 25 for 9. A TEAM in every sense of the word. GO SOX!!!!
  23. QUOTE(MinnySoxFan @ Oct 16, 2005 -> 11:15 PM) Wow. A world series thread. Yeah. Wow. I can't believe it yet.
  24. QUOTE(fathom @ Oct 16, 2005 -> 11:33 PM) He's a crazy mo-fo, but you can't argue with the results right now. Many times, the optimal strategy is the least expected. Ozzie is a great manager for post-steroidal Baseball.
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