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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Oct 15, 2005 -> 02:37 PM) Bunch of losers. I'd be pissed if I was a MInny fan. Yeah, I'm pissed. Not as pissed as someone I go to the games with. He was screaming at the top of his lungs outside the Teflon Baggie like a pentacostalist preacher. "How many different ways can this team lose a game?!? Let's go back to Michigan two years ago... " etc. I had to leave him and go drink at one of my favorite bars, no matter that it was about to be overrun by Badger fans. Two things kept me (relatively) sane after the game. One, the vast majority of Badger fans admitted that Minny lost and they didn't win (scant consolation, methinks), and when I walked into the bar, there was a guy with a late 80's curlicue C cap and a t-shirt that proclaimed Wrigley as "The World's Biggest Gay Bar."! Apparently he's in town for a wedding. I drank with him for a little bit and it helped. GO SOX!
  2. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Oct 14, 2005 -> 03:37 PM) Anyone that blames AJ for ANY of this should be kicked in the balls Apparently, we have a lot of ball-kicking to do. At least a bunch of the people I talk to in Mpls. Idiots.
  3. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Oct 14, 2005 -> 01:16 PM) How should I respond to this? I can go the personal attack route .. which you have in the other threads .. or I can go the sensei route & enlighten you. When you consider the size of the American economy in relation to the rest of the world it's impractical to believe that a company holding the patent to this vaccine or any other would not setup manufacturing in the US if given the proper incentive to do so. As to that incentive, conservatives are not chained to the minimum wage as liberals are. In the interest of national security the US Congress can make an exception for this. I'm a little confused. Are you suggesting that you want the Avian Flu vaccine produced by people who are making less than minimum wage?
  4. I live in South Minneapolis and I have lived here ever since I went to the U of MN many years ago. My family moved to Chicago (Hinsdale, actually) when I was 9. I had already been to baseball games in 3 parks (Fenway, Yankee, Memorial in Baltimore), but I was too young to attach myself to any team. My first game in Comiskey was in 1973 and I went as often as possible over the years. I've been to the Cell a few times, but get to as many Sox games as possible under the Teflon Bubble.
  5. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Oct 13, 2005 -> 09:59 PM) Just because we got by with it doesn't mean that Cora wasn't a total jackass there. There was no reason for AROW to have slid there and DEFENITELY no reason to have sent him afterward. If Cora had watched the throw come in from right and seen how off line it was and was waving all the way AROW would have made it easily. Excellent point. But I'm not certain how close Aaron was to third when Cora realized the throw was going to miss both middle infielders.
  6. If your credo all year is to be aggressive, that's the play you make. It took a great slide to the ball, a great pick-up and a near-perfect throw by Robb Quinlan to get Aaron. Two feet to Molina's right, he doesn't make the tag. Two feet to Molina's left, it hits Aaron. I, too was upset that we were run out of the inning, but it's a classic second-guess.
  7. QUOTE(CYGarland @ Oct 13, 2005 -> 08:41 PM) He will not be the home ump till at least game 6, so he should be alright in Anaheim..............maybe Actually, he will not be behind the plate the reat of the series. Game 3, LF. Game 4, RF. Game 5, 3B. Game 6 (If Nec.) 2B. Game 7 (If Nec.) 1B. I have friends who know Eddings and they tell me he's a good guy, and a tough guy. If he though AJ was out, he would have called him out, pure and simple.
  8. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 13, 2005 -> 08:59 AM) Is this the America we want to live in? The firefighters put it out once. I guess this is the difference between the America ideal. Neighbors helping neighbors through a crisis use to be the standard of American behavior. Now it's f*** you, too bad, we're not helping because you didn't pay $25. I find it sad. Volunteer fire departments use to be run as a community, with the residents helping each other. Some community members contributed more, some less or not at all, but everyone was helped. Another example of America pulling apart instead of pulling together. Concur 100%, regardless of how my last post sounded. I hope the community comes toghther for this guy and helps him rebuild.
  9. People in Northern Minnesota (and I've met my share) as we say here, are different. This is probably a guy who b****es and moans about everything under the sun, from taxes to farmers to rich city residents who post their land so he can't hunt there to high gas prices, etc, etc & etc. He took a risk that his house wouldn't burn and he lost. He refused to pay the $25 that all his neighbors were paying and he lost his house. I feel bad for him, but, hey, gambling hurts families, right?
  10. Part of the reason Zygi Wilf bought the team was to get a bunch of state money to build a huge stadium/retail complex in the Northern suburbs. I'm only guessing, but there's no chance the Vikings get any money from the state now. Another sports team clad in purple moving from Minneapolis to L.A, anyone?
  11. Mplssoxfan


    QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 01:55 PM) Like I said before. Aiding and abeting a felony. Pull their charitable charter with the IRS. They are officially a criminal organization in my book. Can you imagine an ambitious prosecutor going after a Archdiocese armed with RICO indictments? That'd be a wild spectacle, huh?
  12. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Oct 11, 2005 -> 11:27 PM) Rowand bunting in the 9th was ridiculous. You're putting everything on AJ. There is absolutely no way Crede can hit K-Rod.Absolutely no way. Rowand had to hit there and be short and quick. Why was AJ stealing? I hope there was a missed sign. What's with Dye bunting? If that's his only way to get on, the Sox better find someone else to bat 3rd. A couple of tough plays that if they are made the game is still tied. The DP ball where Iguchi got nailed and threw it high, and the slow roller to Crede who had no play at home but hesitated toward home anyway and had no shot at Cabrera. Pods unable to execute a bunt was painful especially after Dye's single. Had to have been a missed sign. I don't know if it was AJ or Joe who missed it, but it absolutely had to be a missed sign.
  13. Here's some linkage to the whole Downey piece. There's some other funny things in there, too.
  14. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Oct 9, 2005 -> 03:36 PM) Okay, I could see us beating the spread, but nothing more. Coach Hep's finally got us beating the teams we should be beating, hence the 4-1 record up to this point. Coach Hep would deserve a statue, if he could find 2 more wins somewhere on this schedule though. Even though Minnesota is far better on paper, they never play well in Bloomington. And Purdue's not as good as advertised.
  15. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Oct 10, 2005 -> 12:26 PM) Well we're talking game 2, not game 1. Also, TV rules all. I don't think anyone cares about sleep. That's what greenies are for.
  16. QUOTE(YASNY @ Oct 8, 2005 -> 03:44 AM) The 3rd strike to Damn is one of those moments I'll never forget. I had just started work (good luck to you, if you wanted a drink this Happy Hour) and started to despair until I realized Damon went around. My regulars who know my leanings told me how lucky I was -- screw that! I think it was Branch Rickey who first said, "Luck is the residue of design."
  17. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Oct 6, 2005 -> 03:49 PM) I got three passports. Couple of visas. Don't even know my real name. But I ain't got no speakers ain't got no headphones ain't got no records to play
  18. Funny guy. Match Game was so good, and Nipsey was just a small part of it. RIP
  19. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 3, 2005 -> 08:30 AM) Now ain't that interesting. I bet he does a 180 on this deal. Sure doesn't look like it. From the Washington Post: EDIT: Linkage
  20. All that can be said is this: f*** THE YANKEES!!! Go LAAAA, or however many "A's" follow the "L".
  21. That would be unparalleled hubris, if true. I think that Karl and Scooter are way too savvy to allow something like that to happen. They know enough to protect the top bananas at all costs.
  22. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Oct 2, 2005 -> 04:37 PM) I think I'll be quite conflicted if we were to play the Stros in a WS. My favorite piece of baseball memoribilia is a Jeff Bagwell autographed ball (does the Jose Lima autograph on the ball cancel it out, though?). Craig Biggio could play for me anyday. He is the definition of grinder. Bagwell is so close to Franks numbers that it is scary. If we cannot win it, I want the Stros to. Considering that Bagwell and Frank were born on the same day, it's really scary.
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