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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. QUOTE(CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 01:28 AM) I thought it was pretty funny. It's to be expected from Indian fans . However I do not find our fans with the choking and hangman noose avatars to be funny at all. I know there's a lot of tense people here and others ready to bust out the "I told u so's" but relax and enjoy the ride. If we crash and burn at the end so be it, but it's been one helluva ride so far and it ain't over till it's over. I find them pathetic, in fact. If the season were over and the lads lost the entire lead, then fine, choke on.
  2. QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Sep 15, 2005 -> 12:15 PM) So, I've been thinking. You know that saying you catch more flies with honey? Because who wants to catch them, really? I want to swat them down and kill them. So, why would I waste good honey on something that irritates the crap out of me. Just some food for thought on a loverly Thursday. What intellectual puzzles have you all been pondering today? If Denny's is always open, why are there locks on the doors?
  3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sometimes it's good to live where you cannot watch the games.
  4. "Did you read Sammy's autobiography Yes, I Can? It should be called Yes, I Can, if Frank and Dino Say it's Okay." I could do this all night, but I won't.
  5. "The Police said, 'Best leave it unsolved, really.'"
  6. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 14, 2005 -> 09:48 PM) explain? "Hello Cleveland!"
  7. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 14, 2005 -> 08:13 PM) The bankruptcy laws are not changing for corporations, at least not drastically. INDIVIDUAL bamkruptcy is changing drastically. As I understand it, after Oct. 17 (when the new laws go into effect), the bankruptcy trustees can force executives and officers to take pay cuts. So that's a fairly large incentive to declare now. Also, I think Northwest had some large debt and pension payments due this week.
  8. And I posted it an hour or so before you... http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=39898
  9. This is funny. Sad as all hell, but funny nonetheless.
  10. QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Sep 12, 2005 -> 09:02 PM) wtf are the ashes? You could always google it! lol! An overview: http://www.334notout.com/
  11. Pulp Fiction. QUOTE(3E8 @ Sep 12, 2005 -> 12:38 AM) That s***'ll rob you of your ambitions. Not if your ambition is to get high and watch T.V. Damnit, man, you beat me to it! New, on the WB, a story about the lives and loves at an Orange Juice factory in Frostproof, Florida -- Pulp Friction.
  12. Talk to the county, get it knocked down abit if you can, and pay it! You don't want it hanging over your head. Trust me, I know.
  13. Apparently, not everyone in Columbus was impressed with the US... LOL!
  14. At the BP Amoco station half a block from my work, the price went from $3 to $2.80 today. That's good to see.
  15. QUOTE(Wong & Owens @ Sep 2, 2005 -> 07:59 AM) And then there's these Mensa candidates: http://www.alaska.net/~clund/e_djublonskop...arthsociety.htm Um... I think you should read a little further on that link.
  16. Pretty soon we'll be seeing this sign...
  17. For starters, almost 30% of domestic oil production is based on the Gulf Coast. Katrina knocked out about 95% of that. Almost half the nation's refinery capacity is located in Mississippi and Louisiana. 2.26 million barrels of oil refining a day is down right now, which, of course, puts a bit of a crimp in supply. Econ 101: restricted supply coupled with enhanced demand (Labor Day Weekend) equals prices through the roof. I'm going four hours north of here in a pickup (not mine) on Monday. Can't wait to see how much I'm going to shell out for that trip.
  18. QUOTE(Middle Buffalo @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 11:59 AM) Some people see the black in the clouds, some see the silver lining. I choose to see the "silver and black!" Ban him! Personal attack!
  19. Here's a lot of before and after satellite photos of the city. Jawdropping.
  20. That is truly funny. My best laugh of the day.
  21. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 29, 2005 -> 04:17 PM) I love my car. People knew better than to do anything to it. Vandelism is f***ing stupid and all who partake in it should be dealt with in a physical manner. A friend who owns a couple of eating and drinking establishments feels much the same way you do. One time he caught a kid tagging his place and he rubbed the kid's face in the paint-strewn exposed brick wall. Another time he grabbed the kid's spray bottle and said, "Close your eyes and hold your breath," and emptied the can on him. The kid said, "I'm telling my parents!" My friend said, "Go right ahead, what the hell are they gonna do? If you were my kid and you came home like that, I'd laugh in your face and then ground you for three months." The kid went home, told his Dad and his Dad called my friend. They discussed what happened and the kid got grounded -- for a month.
  22. The lack of a comma in the title made me wonder if some freakish Hammond-Cal City based genetic experiment had gone horribly wrong.
  23. QUOTE(qwerty @ Aug 28, 2005 -> 12:19 PM) It is really a toss up who is a better fielder. Uribe has 6.4 win shares defensively and furcal has 6.5 win shares defensively. Furcal's range factor is better than uribe's this year but there zone rating is identicial. Range factor has alot tto do with position and the pitchers ont he entire staff. Also, last year uribe led the lead in range factor and was tied for the best zone rating... so he is capable of being every bit as good as furcal and better. I (obviously) don't have the numbers in front of me, but intuitively, the Sox staff (Jon, Count, El Duque) gets tons of ground ball outs. That always helps your range factor a bit. I think it's too early to give up on Uribe.
  24. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Aug 29, 2005 -> 10:05 AM) It's not him, but our Aflac man has quite a resume: http://imdb.com/name/nm0377106/ Man, that's quite a bit of work. I'm friends with a couple of actors who would give their left one for that much work.
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