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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. Mplssoxfan


    QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Jul 18, 2005 -> 11:11 AM) I think you're all forgetting that money is the root of all evil. . . Ah, but it's the love of money that's the root of all evil, I believe.
  2. QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Jul 12, 2005 -> 10:52 AM) Maybe I'm missing something ere, but the Basque terrorists bombed Basque territory? If the power plant was providing power for areas of Spain other than the Basque homeland, it will fall into what ETA likes to do. That might actually be a good book club entry, "The Basque History of the World"; it was a very interesting read.
  3. I think we should save all baseball-related books for the offseason; maybe that'll whet the appetite for the coming season.
  4. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jul 12, 2005 -> 01:35 PM) The po-po sucks. Their response time is so damn slow. If it is an emergency and you really cared, you'd show up quick. Are you implying that... ...911 is a joke?
  5. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jul 11, 2005 -> 06:43 PM) Titanic The ship sank Miracle We beat the evil Russians!
  6. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Seems as if someone has some unretired campaign debt.
  7. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jul 11, 2005 -> 05:09 PM) Oooh, that was that Joe Mantegna flick... good call, very shocking ending. In that same vein, from about the same time, whet about the ending to The Grifters? Agreed, another good one. Also, The Spanish Prisoner was pretty good. I am a sucker for those psychological thrillers.
  8. I'm showing my age here, but the ending to House of Games was really good. Also, a very little noticed film that was Clive Owen's first effort in the US, Croupier, had a good ending.
  9. QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Jul 11, 2005 -> 03:11 PM) Okay, I don't really know much about prostitution--but isn't $36 REALLY cheap? Hasn't she upped her price since she started? If you think anyone is going to touch that question with a 39 1/2 foot pole, you've got another thing coming, ChiSoxyGirl. Hehhehheh.
  10. QUOTE(TheDybber @ Jul 7, 2005 -> 10:24 AM) Dude...the ASG is in Detroit. That's not a vacation. Second prize: Two weeks in Detroit!
  11. Haven't read the whole thread, but I would definitely come out to "Sabotage" by the Beastie Boys.
  12. Thirty for Pods, twenty-nine for Oswalt. I messed up my first vote.
  13. I thought this was intriguing, especially the statistics about the statutes overturned by the Court since 1994.
  14. FWIW, since the Boggs/D-Rays mess, the HOF no longer lets the player decide what is on his cap on his plaque.
  15. QUOTE(JimH @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 10:09 AM) Great story, good for you and happy belated b-day. Hang onto the girlfriend, she sounds like a definite keeper. Jim, you beat me to it. Many happy returns, Tony -- looks like next year's a big one!
  16. Here's a little caution for you Schmidt lovers (and I am one). I still want him, though.
  17. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 2, 2005 -> 05:48 AM) I don't blame the cameraman one iota. This was not an accident by Rogers. He assaulted the guy. Period. Then he did it again, and went after a second cameraman. These guys were doing their jobs and were where they were supposed to be. If Kenny Rogers is too f***ing stupid to release he is going to be caught on camera while physically attacking a cameraman, then he deserves to wallet lightened. I'd sue the prima donna bastard too. I concur 100%. If you are a Major League Baseball player, then any time you step out of the dugout, there will be cameras there. It is part of your job to deal with that fact. If you cannot deal with the fact that there will be cameras, writers and other assorted media working, earning their living, when you go to work, find another job. Kenny Rogers is extremely well-paid for what he does. If he cannot deal with media scrutiny, he should fall back on his wits like the vast majority of his fellow citizens. If the police think that there is cause to charge him with assault, I hope he is charged. There certainly seems to be enough evidence in favor of charging him.
  18. What should happen with the fan voting is something like Bill James (I know, but bear with me) advocated about 20 years ago: make each ballpark a separate precinct, with on-line voting being a separate precinct. It would work like this: the votes from each park would be counted separately, and the leading votegetter at each park would recieve 10 votes. Then the 2nd place man would get 9, 3rd place 8, etc. It's essentially the same way the voting works for MVP and Cy Young awards. I realize it will never happen, but it would be a much better system than we have now, where I just basically vote for members of my fantasy team and the Sox, because it doesn't really matter.
  19. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 11:27 PM) Well, I'll start this off then and then we can go from there with volunteers for future book suggestions. How about the first book being: Survivor - Chuck Palahniuk It is a novel about Tender Branson -- last surviving member of the so-called Creedish Death Cult -- dictating his life story into the flight recorder of Flight 2039. I read it before but haven't read it in a few years so I wanted to re-read it again...So I figured why not do it with this? Everybody down? Sounds good. I'm in. I like Tex's idea of some of the books being Chicago-related, too. Let's say we have to be done by Monday the 25th. That'll give us three weeks to read and a week to discuss. We can then have someone pick a new book during our discussion week. Is that OK with every one? Since it wasn't my idea, I don't want to go around and lay down any laws.
  20. QUOTE(Al Lopez's Ghost @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 06:00 AM) I know how you know. Pete Ward to Robin Ventura. In between the two, yes, that was a black hole. I was actually thinking Willie Kamm to Robin Ventura. Now that's a black hole.
  21. Rankings: 1-4 MLB, NFL, NCAA Football, NCAA Hoops 5 PGA 6 NBA Everything else, I couldn't care less about.
  22. That is tremendous. I know it won't happen, but I'd so like it to.
  23. I feel bad for Zach Greinke. He's pitching well, but it's hard to win when you can't score.
  24. Anytime any one of my friends ask me what I mean when I say, "As a rule, Sox fans are glass-half-empty people," I'll just direct them to this thread.
  25. Oops, sorry, mods and admins -- please delete.
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