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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. From Sunday's Minneapolis Startribune:
  2. QUOTE(MurcieOne @ Jun 26, 2005 -> 06:17 AM) one thing i dont get..... why harp on the big frank? He's not really a controversial player on the sox... or really the face of the franchise anymore (Buehrle, Rowand, Konerko IMHO) shoulda went after buehrle... just my 2 cents... it was prolly just easier to use the big hurt in their rhyme scheme. The way Twins fans think, though, is that Frank is a "cancer in the clubhouse." I cannot count how many times I've heard, "Well, sure the Sox are playing okay now, but when Frank gets back, he'll f*** up the clubhouse, and the Twins will catch up." Frank is still the most recognizable member of this team outside of Chicago, at least for non-hardcore MLB fans.
  3. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jun 24, 2005 -> 11:21 PM) Didn't he withdraw from the Presidential race a while back over a plagerism issue or something? He lifted whole paragraphs from a speech from British Labour Leader Neil Kinnock and inserted them into his stump speech, I also seem to remember Biden exaggerating about his academic career. No, I must be wrong -- a politician would never do something like that!
  4. Exactly. Try telling someone in Minneapolis you're a Sox fan, and that's what you'll get.
  5. I've lived in Minneapolis for a long time, and one bad thing about Minnesota sports fans (in any sport, really) is that they are unoriginal. Cubs fans start throwing HR balls back? Three or four years later, Twins fans throw 'em back. Badger student section shouts "Left, Right," etc. to a opponent who fouls out? Three or four years later, Gopher students do the same. I cannot remember a time when I have heard groups of Minny fans come up with something that others put to use elsewhere. Many of the fans are knowledgable (the idiot in question last night was obviously not), and some of them are as dumb as a post.
  6. Just for the record, I don't think many players bone their bats any more. What the bat companies do now is "double dip" the bats. That is, they dip them in lacquer once, let them dry, and dip then again before they get shipped. This process accomplishes the same effect as "boning." "Boning", "double dipping"... I fear where else this discussion could go.
  7. Further, I realize that nobody cares, but the post that kyyle mentioned to kick off this thread was by guest blogger RD, not by Bat Girl. Apparently, she's on vacation, or something.
  8. On sort of the same topic, but not concerning Bat Girl... On the broadcast of the Twinks game last nioght, they ran a graphic titled: "Don't Start to Panic Yet!" Actually, these are all paraphrasings of what it said, since I didn't take notes. "There are still 92 games left to play." -- Fair enough, I guess. "Twins are tied with Red Sox for the Wild Card at the beginning of Today's Games." -- OK, I can see that. "Twins are on pace to win more games than last season." -- Well, I think they're on pace to win one or two more games than last year, so that's fair. "Twins overcame a 7.5 game deficit at the All-Stak break in 2003" -- Well, yeah. That's true, but anyone who believes the Sox are going to fall apart the way the Royals did two years ago is a lunatic. I had just finished work and was watching the end of the Twinks and the end of the NBA Finals with some of our regulars and two of them, both Twinks fans, burst out laughing when they read this thing. On a more realistic note, former Twinks manager Tom Kelly has essentially conceded. He said (and this was passed along to me secondhand, so I'm paraphrasing), "If the White Sox attain a double-digit lead, you can forget about catching them. You'll just have to concentrate on the Wild-Card race."
  9. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 02:28 PM) Does this address mean anything to anyone? It's a historic landmark courthouse building downtown. Anyway, one of our clients has an office in that building. Today, I happen to look at one of the plaques on their wall and I notice it was where the Black Sox trial was held. I've been there hundreds of times and never knew that. They also lynched people there and the tenants claim it's haunted. I know they hanged people there, but I didn't hear that they lynched anyone. Could have happened, I guess.
  10. Isn't that the same building Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur were writing about in "The Front Page"? I'm fairly certain that it was.
  11. I tried to get something going on Saturday: http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=35563 His funeral is tomorrow. I will know a bunch of people there, but I doubt I'll attend.
  12. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 20, 2005 -> 02:05 PM) Read John Kass. I do, but perhaps not often enough. BTW, does anyone have a link to the original article?
  13. It's times like this that make me wish Royko was still alive. He's doing barrel rolls in his coffin right now.
  14. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 20, 2005 -> 12:07 PM) #2 Dave Stieb pitching a no hitter into the 9th against the Sox at old Comiskey. The Blue Jays were leading 6-0 and everyone had started to cheer for him to get the no-no, except for me, and then the bottom of the 9th came around. Rudy Law, Bryan Little, and Harold Baines, went backtobacktoback to make it a 6-3 game, followed by Fisk and Kittle getting backtoback doubles to make it 6-4. The Jays then went to the pen, and finished off the win. I'll just never forget everyone going crazy. I was at this game, sitting in the grandstand down the left field line; it was 1984, IIRC. A woman and her two kids actually left the park in the 8th inning! My friend and I asked her, "Where are you going? Why are you leaving?" She replied, "Look at the scoreboard!" Me, mouth agape and completely incredulous, "Yeah, look at it!" She left with her kids and my friend (a Twins fan and now a Priest, BTW) "Boy, she's really f'in stupid, huh?" We then got into a really good conversation with a guy who had been coming to the park since the days of Willie Kamm.
  15. Mplssoxfan

    Dumb things

    QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 19, 2005 -> 11:52 PM) I waste the most money when I go out barhopping. Pitchers, tips, music -- drains the wallet so damn fast. But it is good times so I dunno if it is a total waste of money. I'm a bartender, so I have two things here. First, I could've written this. Second, of course it's not a total waste of money -- you have your hangovers to prove it!
  16. The basic problem we have is that many, many people agree that both houses are full of scoundrels, idiots or whichever derogatory name you can think of, but everyone believes that our own Senator or Representative isn't one of the reprobates. For instance, even though I cannot stand either of my own Senators (Dayton is blah, Coleman is a fraud), I like my Rep. (Sabo). So we get stuck with the same men and women, over and over. I've been in the anti-Byrd camp for a long time, trust me. I still do not understand how this pompous ass continues to get re-elected. Oh, wait a minute, he brought all kind of Federal jobs to the state. Now I get it.
  17. I think I speak for most Sox fans and most of the active members of Soxtalk when I say I would love to see Frank end his career in Silver and Black. I cringe at the thought of him in Fenway, or, God forbid, in pinstripes, staring down Garland or Buehrle.
  18. Karl Mueller died from complications of throat cancer. He was a good, humble guy who resembled a rock star less that anyone I've ever met.
  19. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 09:34 PM) 8-4 Giants. Omar just went yard for his first homer of the year. Romero hung three sliders to three straight hitters -- beautiful to watch!
  20. QUOTE(Tadahito15 @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 09:06 PM) Wow. This would have been a great game to be at. The emotional ride of the game there must be INSANE!!!!!!!!! GOOOO SOX BABY An emotional rush like that can be as intoxicating as Bourbon.
  21. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 07:29 PM) Hey folks, the chat is jumpin so far tonight so stop in and say hi. Chat is too tough when you have to follow along on gameday.
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