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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. Good news from here. Giants score four in the top of the first off Loshe.
  2. I like football, but I don't usually get really pumped for the Bears until the Sox are out of it. This year, I hope to start to get really involved with the Bears for the Ravens game or the game at Detroit.
  3. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 04:11 PM) Jose Guillens such a badass. I thought that was the coolest thing ever to spite his old team, what a missle. I didn't see what he did as going over the line. Nice bat toss hard clap and a scream. I love it. It might not have been over the line, but it was close -- the toss in particular. It could get ugly tonight.
  4. Can anyone here point me to the Chapter and Verse that states "Hate thy Neighbor"?
  5. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 04:48 PM) You musn't have seen SSk5's post count . Congrats DBAH0!!!!!!!!!!! Wait a minute -- doesn't SSK5 post in his sleep?
  6. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 02:42 PM) There is a story/ledgend about how that famous shot of Fisk waving at the ball happened. Supposedly, the guy working the camera had been told to cut to something else, but was distracted by a rat running at his feet. Consequently, the camera didn't move and was locked on Fisk the whole time. So, one of the best sports TV shots supposedly happened by pure accident. I seem to rememeber that the camera moves with Fisk as he hops down the line. Then again everything surroundiong Fenway is a great story or tale. The guy who gave us the tour of Fenway told us that tale, maybe I have the details wrong. Anyone else heard this? I, too, have heard that story. Supposedly the cameraman was trained to cut to crowd reaction or something, but a rat startled him and he stayed with Fisk. It was a complete accident, but it changed the way games were covered. That series changed a good many people's perceptions of baseball as well, and sparked a big resurgence in the game.
  7. People thought his dad was nuts when he introduced the exploding scoreboard, right? I actually thought some of those ideas were pretty good, like the "sing with Harry for charity" bit or the "move Minnie's statue" bit. The part about the demographics was very encouraging as well.
  8. Wow! We'll now have an admin on here all the time. Congrats, mate!
  9. After the way Guillen flipped his bat and started shouting when he went yard off of Shields, I think we'll see him getting plunked tonight.
  10. QUOTE(Benchwarmerjim @ Jun 14, 2005 -> 08:57 PM) if you could find a voting record of this, it would be appriciated. I looked at the Senates website (a handy website when it comes to Senate action) and i couldnt find a roll call on the votes http://www.congress.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d109:S.Res.39: No roll call, since it was a voice vote. I believe there were 84 sponsors and co-sponsors, so that's what the 16 "no" votes refer to. I think, under Senate rules, any of the 16 can add their names as co-sponsors for at least 5 days. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jun 14, 2005 -> 04:52 PM) I don't think they refused to 'come out against lynching', they just refused to apologize for something they didn't do that happened a long time ago. Maybe it's a little like doctors not wanting to say they are sorry when they screw up for fear of it being used against them later. Ask the 16 if they are against lynching, I bet they all say yes, they are against it. I'm not sure how the resolution was written, but I suspect it was an apology by the institution of the Senate for the wrongs of that body, not an apology of any individual Senators, or even an apology by the US. As to your second point, you may be right about the caution of those Senators, but, IMO, I don't see any downside. I don't think your third point is debatable. If there was a Senator today in favor of lynching, he or she certainly wouldn't say so.
  11. QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Jun 14, 2005 -> 08:36 PM) Luckily the Twins are losing. 2-1 in the 6th 3-1 Giants. Ray-Ray with a HR.
  12. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Jun 14, 2005 -> 05:25 PM) 1959. 1993. 1919. 1919 -- Lost in WS to Reds. 1959 -- Lost in WS to Dodgers. 1993 -- Lost in ALCS to Blue Jays. Still haven't won a postseason series since beating the Giants in 1917.
  13. Can the Sox just "borrow" Hee Seop Choi for the rest of the year? It was a gas watching him feast on Twinkies pitching last weekend.
  14. Seriously, what would be the downside to voting yes? You might not get the support of some serious nut jobs, but who would they then support/
  15. Do you think he's cheating?
  16. Thanks, guys, I just installed it. A scan came up with quite a bit of crap on my machine, but it's all gone now.
  17. QUOTE(BlackBetsy @ Jun 11, 2005 -> 03:39 PM) Although I wouldn't mind a tight race to keep the Sox at the top of their game.... F*** the Twins. I want them to collapse so bad and so humiliatingly that their fans BEG to be contracted. I want Aaron Gleeman to close down his blog, for Bat-Girl to pledge allegiance to Frank Thomas, and for Twins Geek to go back to getting Atomic Wedgies from the bigger kids at school. The Minnesota Twins must be destroyed. Delenda Minnesota Est?
  18. I wasn't really sure where to post this, but I need a decent and, with any luck, free way to get rid of some Spyware and Adware. I'm pretty compu-illiterate, so keep that in mind. Thanks in advance.
  19. Went to my first game in 1973 (9 yrs old), became a fan in '75 and '77 cemented the deal.
  20. QUOTE(mreye @ Jun 9, 2005 -> 02:19 PM) You know what's sad? Everything that's being suggested here is common sense! Come on, people. Sadly, common sense, much like common courtesy, ain't so common any more.
  21. I read more than I post around these parts, and I still consider myself a newbie. My general advice to any newbie on any message board would always be to tread lightly until you get the feel of the place. It's common sense, don't you think? As for those who argue that it is their right to post whatever they wish to -- please. Spare me. You have the same free speech rights here as you have in someone's home, that is to say, none. If you come into my home and insult me or any of my friends, I have an absolute right to ask you to leave. If you post something here that the admins or mods agree pushes the boundaries, they have every right to delete it. If you persist in that behavior, they have every right to ban you. And they should. My .02.
  22. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 04:15 PM) I had Barmes starting at SS and Loretta starting at 2nd. Ouch.
  23. That large, loud string of profanity you heard coming from the far north was courtesy of yours truly. My savvy pickup at starting SS after Bobby Crosby went down early. The two best FA options in my league are Julio Lugo and (ohgodohgodohgod) Neifi Freaking Perez! I am not a happy camper right now. Seriously, I hope he can come back and play as well as he had been. He was having a fantastic season.
  24. That's incredibly inspiring.
  25. I would absolutely love to go there some time.
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