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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Feb 16, 2008 -> 08:59 PM) What a terrible game today. With LFC effectively out of the EPL race, is there any (good) reason why Benitez was fielding such a (relatively) weak squad to start? I know they're banged up a bit but damn -- you kind of deserve that result when you don't start Gerrard, Torres AND Reina. There's a Champs League tie on Tuesday, right? TYKES!
  2. My take, here in Minneapolis, is that Livan is going to eat a lot of innings, and a lot of food.
  3. QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 15, 2008 -> 11:38 AM) But why can't things like this be decided on the community level. If the community wants to have an invocation before a High School graduation, why should the fed be able to say no, that's not allowed? A pregame team prayer before a football game. Everyone wouldn't be forced to participate, if the chose not to. Simple answer is that there is Federal money involved. When the Feds fund things, they get a say. If the kids want to pray before a game, they can. It just can't be sponsored in any way by the school.
  4. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 15, 2008 -> 11:30 AM) I agree with that. But if I were in class and choose to say a prayer before a test, I shouldn't get kicked out of school for it, either. And there's been cases where that's happened, and it's a shame. I think it was George Will who said, "As long as there are math tests, there will be prayer in school." Any teacher who leads a prayer should be disciplined, just as any teacher who stops a student from praying should be disciplined.
  5. QUOTE(Reddy @ Feb 15, 2008 -> 11:41 AM) i dont think thats true. the religious right, if they dont have a candidate to rally behind, just wont vote. A lot of them will vote for McCain in the General. Book it.
  6. Easiest vote I've cast in a while. Good luck Lilly!
  7. Here's an interesting take on the hearings from a political reporter. I'll add my voice to the contention that the "physical evidence" that McNamee has is pretty much worthless in a court of law. In the court of public opinion, though, it could be the last straw against Clemens.
  8. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 14, 2008 -> 08:59 AM) I absolutely HATE the '07 Patriots, but there hasn't been a truer statement on this thread then this one right here ^^. I would say a 1-15 Dolphins team of 2007 would SMOKE the '72 Dolphins. But whatever, because some people can't handle the truth. You're right of course, but I think that's only true if the '72 Dolphins got into a time machine and came to 2007. If you played the game under the conditions that teams played in in 1972 (smaller roster, fewer substitutions, much less sophistication on both sides of the ball, etc.) it would be a closer game. I mean, there wasn't a spread offense and five wide outs in 1972. Not to pick on you kap (I'll save that for the 'buster), but saying that any team from today would whup any team from 27 years ago isn't exactly a bold stretch.
  9. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 14, 2008 -> 04:51 PM) You're in Minnesota, so you don't count anyways. I don't count for a few reasons. 1. Caucuses 2. "Only" 10 Electoral Votes 3. My precinct went 74%-26% Obama.
  10. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 14, 2008 -> 01:27 PM) Isn't it possible that hte Clintons are running a solid campaign but Obama is just running a better one? I'll submit this as evidence of that claim: There's no doubt that Clinton is running a solid campaign. I was in her corner until about six months ago, when I apparently started drinking lots of Kool-Aid.
  11. It's probably too early to worry about the Supers, but since everyone else is, here's my $0.02. I assume (perhaps naively) that the majority of Supers are not a pack of fools. If Obama has a considerable lead of pledged delegates after things wash out, they will have to break for him. If Clinton has a considerable lead, they'll have to break for her. To me, this will be a test of the leadership of Howard Dean. If the delegate scenario plays out in favor of Obama, it will be Dean's job to convince Clinton to bow out gracefully. That will be the toughest thing Dean's ever done, more than likely, but it has to be done for the good of the party. If Obama has that considerable lead in pledged delegates and Clinton still takes the fight all the way to Denver and wins, then McCain will likely win in November, and Dean will be out of a job.
  12. QUOTE(NUKE @ Feb 13, 2008 -> 01:44 PM) The way things are now with the deficit and national debt, I'd rather just not spend it at all. The reason the economy is in such trouble right now is that consumers have been on an unsustainable coke-binge of spending for the last 10 years and now we're going to use deficit spending to serve up some more and say "go spend it!". Better make your peace with whatever Deity you worship, I'm in full agreement with NUKE on an issue!
  13. CNN reports polls open statewide in Maryland for an extra 90 minutes because of bad weather.
  14. Mplssoxfan


    I just finished A Crack in the Edge of the World, by Simon Winchester, and, after reading that, I am now as qualified as Balta to discuss Geology. I am now reading The First World War, by John Keegan.
  15. Mplssoxfan


    QUOTE(smalls2598 @ Feb 12, 2008 -> 04:10 PM) "Ball Four" by Jim Bouton (Amazon Link) It was given to me as a Christmas gift, but I just started reading it last week. Pretty enjoyable so far. Great book.
  16. Cnn and Fox call Virginia for Obama at 7:01 local time.
  17. QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Feb 12, 2008 -> 01:58 PM) Well, if you CAN see the decision maker when you first get there, great! But I can tell you that 99.9% of the time, you will not. Sure, you can, and should, try, but at that first meeting, don't push it. Plus, if you try to see the decision maker without an appointment, and there is a no solicitation sign, some of the gatekeepers are downright b****y and actually call the police. I was removed from one office once, a long time ago when the gatekeeper started swearing at me and calling the police when I only asked if I could have the name of the decision maker so I could call back. She was being very loud to me, which prompted the decision maker to actually come out of his office and start yelling at me as well. So my temper got the better of me and I yelled back asking them if they wanted their sales people treated the way they are treating me (although I also used several profanities). I get sales people in my store to see me all the time. I try to not be rude but won't see them unless they have an appointment. When they persist, then I get rude, but not before. As for what the sales guy is making, you forgot about the $500 a week he got before he even sold a thing. That pays for his time to make calls, mail letters, etc. And I think you missed it, 2 of the 3 already saw me, and I got one order and one job to estimate. The third is later this week. As long as I meet him that will be a 5% success rate on the calls for appointments, not too bad. WHat you live for is the repeatability of the orders. I have a restaurant chain that has 7 locations that order from me regularly. Each invoice is between $50 and $120, but I get 7 of those, every month, without having to 'sell' them anymore. Just provide good product and service, which I do anyway. I do inventory sheets for a metal fabricator every 3 months like clockwork. No more selling of that item, just an automatic reorder. I do work for several homeowners associations. They do the same copying and mailing every month because theyare legally required to do so. I just download the file from email and print, every month. He's gotta start somewhere, maybe he just wanted to start right at the top? That reminds me of a friend. He wanted to make money so badly, except for the part that he would actually have to work for it. When he wasn't flaming out in whatever job he was currently in, he was trying to set up some sort of business that he could draw income from without actually having to do much work. He has some source of income from family money, so he's never going to starve. I'm not really certain what he's doing now, though I'm sure it involves some sort of idea where he'll put a minimal effort in and expect six figures of income.
  18. QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Feb 11, 2008 -> 09:47 PM) An update on my MIA salesguy. I still had not heard from him by 5:45 on Friday, so I called his cell phone, which he supposedly lost on Tuesday and was getting replaced. After 5 or 6 rings I got the voice mail. So, I left a message with a question: "I'm just curious. Would you keep someone employed if you haven't heard from them in a week? Call me, now." Nothing friday. Around 3 pm today, still haven't heard from him, so I called again and left a message asking when he was coming by to pick up his things. FINALLY, at 4:45 I get an email saying "i will be by at 8 to get my stuf." Typed just like that. Should I say something witty in the AM, or just hand him his last commission check and laugh? Somehow, I don't think that this clown is going to be using you as a reference.
  19. Let's get Dana Jacobson and Chet Coppock in a room and give them sensitivity training. That should solve things.
  20. I know I'm in the vast minority on this, but I don't think it's a great idea to borrow $200M from China to "stimulate" our economy. Having said that, I sure as hell won't turn down the check.
  21. A guy was in the bar last week with a Bears cap on. I said, "I don't usually do this, but Sox or Cubs?" He said, "Sox", and I said, "I thought so, me too." His wife tried to make a case for the Twins, but we weren't listening.
  22. Mplssoxfan

    Food Thread

    My parents just sent me a shipment of Waygu Sliders from Dean and DeLuca. I'm going to eat well tonight, but I may want to make out my will. If you hear a loud noise like a creaky trunk slamming shut coming from the north, don't worry. That'll be my arteries slamming shut. Yum.
  23. QUOTE(Mplssoxfan @ Feb 7, 2008 -> 11:33 AM) I can't find a link, but somewhere on NPR this morning, a gentleman who claimed expertise in this field said that concern about terror (or US involvement) in this case was overblown. A couple of points he made were that , because of corrosion and seismic activity, cables are compromised quite often and that there is a fleet of ships (25, I believe he said) that motor around the globe fixing broken cables. He said that the recent cut cables were a coincidence. I'll try to find the link. It seems that ATC doesn't update their website until the afternoon, nor does the Future Tense feature that I think the story may have run on. Here's the Future Tense website. You can get a real audio file or an MP3 of the broadcast there.
  24. I can't find a link, but somewhere on NPR this morning, a gentleman who claimed expertise in this field said that concern about terror (or US involvement) in this case was overblown. A couple of points he made were that , because of corrosion and seismic activity, cables are compromised quite often and that there is a fleet of ships (25, I believe he said) that motor around the globe fixing broken cables. He said that the recent cut cables were a coincidence. I'll try to find the link. It seems that ATC doesn't update their website until the afternoon, nor does the Future Tense feature that I think the story may have run on.
  25. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Feb 4, 2008 -> 06:27 PM) I figured this deserved it's own thread since the dude has 900 wins. This info courtesy of ESPNEWS. Uninformative Link.
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