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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Feb 4, 2008 -> 12:02 PM) So either she is as cold and calculating as they come, or she is losing control and having a breakdown. True, and I don't think she's having a breakdown.
  2. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 4, 2008 -> 10:05 AM) Hillary does "it" again - in Connecticut. Me thinks she is getting desperate. Funny, she was all smiles last night after the Giants won. She watched at a bar/grill in St. Paul.
  3. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 1, 2008 -> 11:58 AM) MN Senate Poll: Franken 43% Coleman 40%. Coleman is running to the center pretty desperately; it's fun to watch. He is a shameless opportunist, but a genuinely nice guy, according to friends of mine who know him. I like the fact that if he does lose to Franken (who is not a complete shoo-in for the nomination at this point, BTW), Coleman will have lost separate elections both to a Satirist and a Professional Wrestler.
  4. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 31, 2008 -> 02:27 PM) Stupid question, could Hillary choose Bill as her VP running mate? Weren't you listening in grade school? There is no such thing as a stupid question! Anyway, the answer is no. The bolded sections exclude Bill.
  5. QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Jan 31, 2008 -> 11:35 AM) Well, they've been too frozen the last few days to do the polls. lol Why is that in green? I was walking home at about 11PM Tuesday night and the thermometer at the bank read -22 degrees. I love it here.
  6. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jan 30, 2008 -> 11:54 AM) I play with it as often as I can. . . I wonder how many stars that gives me? *rimshot*
  7. Oops, forgot to add that in Key West, there's a laundromat (or was, what with property values there) on the corner of Truman Avenue and Margaret Street. Yup, it's the Margaret Truman Laundry.
  8. QUOTE(BearSox @ Jan 29, 2008 -> 11:26 PM) Truman was a bad president and a goof ball... after all, he did fire the greatest military general of the 20th century. Um, MacArthur was far from the greatest general of the 20th century. Anyone else would have been cashiered after the debacle in the Philippines on December 8, 1941.
  9. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 29, 2008 -> 09:26 PM) Is there anyone here who is either actually: excited about voting for Hillary or even just planning to vote for Hillary at all in November? I actually switched out of working next Tuesday night so I can caucus for Obama, and I haven't caucused since 1992. I will have to hold my nose more than usual to vote for the Dem if Hill wins the nomination. Maybe I'll just leave the top spot blank.
  10. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 29, 2008 -> 09:15 PM) I might become a Bloomberg fan pretty quick, if he runs. If not, I'll support McCain, though not without some hesitation. My mother, who, as far as I know, has always voted for the Dem nominee for every race, has told me that if Hill wins she'll vote for Bloomberg, if he runs. That's how pissed she is at Billary.
  11. I've lived here quite a while, so Minneapolis is right up there. Love Chicago for so many reasons, all of which all of you probably already know. Key West is fantastic. Completely unaffordable for me to reside in, but I'd like to move there anyway.
  12. I remember the first time I was made aware of the Beloit survey. It mentioned that the incoming students were not alive the last time someone set foot on the moon. I felt old then. I feel much older now.
  13. QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jan 10, 2008 -> 09:02 PM) http://www.kpcnews.com/articles/2008/01/09...a5420740819.prt She owns property in Indiana and Florida, then changed her license and voter registration to her Florida address. She maintained her voter registration in Indiana as well, AND claimed homested exemptions on the properties in both states. She tried to claim that the voter registration came automatically with her license, but when confronted with proof she knowingly changed it, she tried to play dumb. "Why did I do that?", she says. Seems like more of a tax scam than voter fraud. She was trying to get out of paying taxes in Indiana, right? I don't think she voted in both states, but if she did, throw the book at her. I'll bet I'm registered in at least two precincts, if not three. Not that I would ever vote twice. I left that behind when I moved out of Chicago.
  14. QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Jan 9, 2008 -> 09:18 AM) Remember, NV is a caucus. So, you could see something similar to what happened in Iowa were people flip to Obama Edwards as a second choice. And if Edwards isnt viable, that could be a huge boost to Obama. Does anyone know what the NV caucus rules are? If viability is set at 15%, like in Iowa, it will be interesting to see how second choices break. If the threshold for viability is lower, or if there is no threshold, not so much. Edit: Found the rules. Pretty much the same, except in small precincts.
  15. QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jan 8, 2008 -> 02:08 PM) Yes. I have had several games of Diplomacy that went of for quite a long time. I have a friend who will never play that game with me ever again. I made a friend of mine so mad once by "forgetting" to support a convoy that he didn't speak to me for a couple of months. It really detracted from that particular game for him, though.
  16. Anyone ever played Diplomacy? Think Risk, but far more detailed and nuanced. There's a game that can last awhile.
  17. QUOTE(Felix @ Jan 6, 2008 -> 08:48 PM) Or Gopher fans (although I suppose we did beat ISU in basketball and do have a future to look forward to, SO THERE!) Sox -- 4th place, 24 games back Bears -- 7-9, last place (did sweep Pack, which is always a plus) T-Wolves -- 4-29 Gopher FB -- 1-11 Gopher BB -- 10-3 So this season's not a total loss, I guess.
  18. A boy's best friend is his mother.
  19. If Hillary ends up finishing third, that will set up a "Comeback Kid" scenario in New Hampshire. Don't like that one single bit.
  20. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 3, 2008 -> 11:03 AM) I don't want to find out. I might vote for Hillary over Hitler or Stalin, but at the moment I can't think of too many more who'd I'd choose Hillary over. Ok, I'll add Nero to the list. Nero>>>>>Caligula
  21. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Jan 2, 2008 -> 03:46 PM) This will probably end up in the Buster, but I'm too lazy. How on God's green Earth do "permanent residents" come in and cash 2k in checks each month? What are they doing to earn that? Is it a deceased spouse from a war? loop holes that some how minorities know about and no one else? anyone? "Permanent residents"? If these people are working legally in the US and paying taxes each paycheck, they probably have earned their checks. I have a friend whose father played in the NHL and worked for various teams after his career. He and his wife never became citizens, but have working visas -- they should be entitled to the money they legally earned, shouldn't they?
  22. I had to be up at 5:30 AM, so I was under the covers at 9:30. Ah, the glamour of the restaurant biz.
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