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Everything posted by soxman35

  1. Its not only him that gives me s*** about the cubs and sox. I am on the North side of town and a sox fan. I whare sox shirts and hats to school everyday. Everyday i get s*** for whareing that stuff and being a sox fan. I just want to give it to everyone who hates the sox. There are like 2 or 3 real sox fans in my school me and my friend and we are probably the most hated people in the school becsue of us liking the sox. But f*** that s*** i will always be a SOX FAN
  2. QUOTE(bighurt4444 @ Jun 12, 2005 -> 11:44 PM) I would start off by saying, "let me show you just how little you know about baseball" Then ask them the question, "who is a better pitcher Mark Buehrle or Kerry Wood". Without exception they will always say Kerry Wood is better. Then you can nail them with the facts about the two pitchers. By the time you give them all the stats that favor Buehrle, then just say, "see you obviously know nothing about baseball so just shut up"! Here are some facts to use for this arguement: Buehrle: Career wins: 76-68 Career losses: 46-51 Career winning %: 62.3%-57.1% Highest win total in a season: 19-14 Buehrle's numbers are listed first Number of K's per walk: 2.51-2.31 walks: 256-526 ERA: 3.68-3.70 i have done that I also asked him to name the whole cubs lineup he could not do it what a true cub fan typacle cub fan dont know a thing about the cubs nor baseball in genaral
  3. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 12, 2005 -> 11:35 PM) He's just randomly saying the word Cubs huh. Is he retarded? sad but hes not a retard just really not mature
  4. like he randomly says the word cubs in front of me just to hype me up and just acts like a jack off
  5. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Jun 12, 2005 -> 11:28 PM) Stop talking to me or I'll pop you in the mouth. By the way, we're no longer friends, annoying bastard. man i like that one
  6. thats cool i am pumped for those game against LA
  7. What do you say to some stupid friend of your that is a cub fan and will not stop talking about the cubs? I want to let him have it good what do u guys think i should say to him to get him to sit down and shut up
  8. When i was 3 i got to be fan of the game and got to go down on the field in between the 5 and 6th inning and thats when i really started to become a fan
  9. good game just got back from it sat in the bleachers. i am sick of fans trying to talk to u about the game and they dont no s*** about baseball
  10. QUOTE(BigNDfan80 @ Jun 3, 2005 -> 07:16 AM) I'll be at the game tonight! So far the Sox are 2-0 with me in attendance. yeah i am gettting tickets too at the gate probaly bleacher
  11. just got back from the game Dye is awsome with the walk off homerun and the diving catch
  12. QUOTE(qwerty @ May 30, 2005 -> 08:22 PM) You must be seven rather than 17... one of the greatest managers you have ever seen. he is a smart Manager he knows how team cemastry works he puts everyone in the game so everyone is happy and gets alonge with each other. At the end of the season they are going to be a great team because Ozzie made them a great team u must not be a true sox fan if u dont like Ozzie
  13. soxman35

    B MAC

    QUOTE(Dam8610 @ May 30, 2005 -> 08:38 PM) :banghead When you have a young talent that is as good as he is, it's usually better to let him get experience at a lower level than to have him rotting away on the bench in a higher level. Then, when he does come up to the higher level, he won't ride the bench, he'll start and do better because of the experience he was allowed to get. i think we could win more games with him. I think he could be a great relever and i dont think he would be rotting away in are bullpen. He would be helping our team win games. Poor managing giveing him up.
  14. the Rangers are pritty damn good i picked that up quick from last serius and the Angels i think are going to make it the white sox they will make it and the Twins i think will fall short and thats the way i would like it to be
  15. soxman35

    B MAC

    Why dont we use B Mac as a Long Releaver pitcher
  16. sweet I like that guy alot one of the greatest managers i have ever seen today he did not look to good thow hope we keep him for a long time
  17. come on he is 8 and 2 and we have alot more games untell we hit the all stare break i think he can break 20 to be totaly serius i think 23 he will win this season
  18. i made a bet saying he will win over 20 games this season what u think
  19. i think alot of guys can read Marte pritty well and i think Takatsu sucks any easer the ball would be on a baseball tee I got to go with Hermanson
  20. QUOTE(I-HATE-CREDE @ May 30, 2005 -> 06:10 PM) The only good Cub fan is a dead Cub fan. hey i hear u maybe i should go get that bat now
  21. great game and all i got a huge problem right now thow i got 2 of the biggest cub fans in my town in my house and they are talking to my parents and i really want to take a baseball bat to there face and make them leave what should i do or say
  22. love it look really cool thanks for these
  23. lets win the series agianst the Chicago chockers scrub
  24. QUOTE(Soxnbears01 @ May 16, 2005 -> 01:45 PM) Sec. 115 tonight. maybe Ill see u there ill be about 10 seats above sox dugout dont know what section that is cause my dad has the tickets
  25. Hernadez with 2.91ERA 5-1 VS. Park 4.99ERA 3-1 LETS GO SOX
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