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Everything posted by soxman35

  1. QUOTE(qwerty @ Mar 28, 2005 -> 11:18 PM) Actually, i changed it right when the thread started. man i was playing along the whole time
  2. QUOTE(rangercal @ Mar 28, 2005 -> 11:01 PM) Im a sox fan as much as anyone on here. I hate the cubs too. But for my sake, can you just claim to be a cub fan? what the f*** are u on i hate the cubs i am a sox fan
  3. QUOTE(3E8 @ Mar 28, 2005 -> 10:44 PM) he's just winding you up. i know but i am on a role against the cubs so dont stop me
  4. your a cubs fan there is know other mockery thats the biggest of them all
  5. qwerty u like the twins to maybe the Tigers maybe the Indians
  6. QUOTE(Jabroni @ Mar 28, 2005 -> 10:47 PM) Wow, qwerty said he was JonMDavis at NorthSideBaseball.com and he has 20,643 posts there since April 20th, 2003... http://www.northsidebaseball.com/Forum/pro...iewprofile&u=22 If he's a student, I don't think he's going to class. hahaha
  7. QUOTE(Reddy @ Mar 28, 2005 -> 10:43 PM) dude i love my sox, aint no way thats gonna change. But learn to be more accepting and tolerant. Plus the cubs really arent that bad, just some of the fans. Although you're not exactly the model sox fan either are you? wow your calling me not the model fan but u still stick up for the cubs if i am not the model fan that must make u a cub fan too cause i at least stick up for the team
  8. qwerty i feel bad for u man i feel bad for all cub fans tell u what they will not see first place in there division for a long time there the lovable loser simple as that people like them becuase they like the stadium or some s*** like that Ill tell u what its a big s*** holl if you ask me
  9. dont stick up for the cubs stick up for the white sox have some f***in PRIDE
  10. y and how can u be a cub fan and be in this site
  11. QUOTE(qwerty @ Mar 28, 2005 -> 10:27 PM) You don't know anyone that is a chicago fan? yeah people who dont know baseball and dont follow it
  12. QUOTE(qwerty @ Mar 28, 2005 -> 10:25 PM) It is my right to post on a white sox site. I have never said anything bad about the white sox... but i do bleed cubby blue. shut the f*** up and get out stay out dont ever post f***en again u stupid ass cub f***
  13. i dont beleave that crap only f***ed up cub fans joke about s*** like that and u cant be both cubs and sox
  14. QUOTE(qwerty @ Mar 28, 2005 -> 10:08 PM) Me joke? No way. yeah dude if you are really a cub jack off farewether b**** then get the f*** off this site
  15. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Mar 28, 2005 -> 08:04 PM) Thats why it's in green :banghead :banghead :banghead thanks for clearing that up just wanted to make sure
  16. QUOTE(Be Good @ Mar 28, 2005 -> 08:01 PM) In order: 1. Blackhawks 2. Cubs 3. Bulls 4. Bears 5. Sox wow that is a terrible order i hope u are joking
  17. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Mar 28, 2005 -> 07:58 PM) Fire? you for real
  18. just want to see who u all like and just wanted to see if there are any b****es in hear that are really not sox fans and like the cubs I got the
  19. what bums took UNC because that was stupid there going to lose today hahaha
  20. i only got 1 team still in it for me and that is ILL
  21. QUOTE(whitesoxin' @ Mar 26, 2005 -> 10:26 PM) I was at church for a 3 hour easter vigil and missed the entire game. :headshake Sounds like it was effin awesome and my bracket keeps getting better and better! sorry just had to rub it in a bit
  22. QUOTE(whitesoxin' @ Mar 26, 2005 -> 10:26 PM) I was at church for a 3 hour easter vigil and missed the entire game. :headshake Sounds like it was effin awesome and my bracket keeps getting better and better! i got to miss for the game i am going tommorw hahaha
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