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South Side Fireworks Man

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Everything posted by South Side Fireworks Man

  1. Who else can the Sox rush up from the minors to be a savior? LOL
  2. Won't happen for two reasons: 1. Sox are too cheap to make a competitive offer. 2. Sox would have to overpay to get a top tier free agent to chose them over more desirable destinations.
  3. Too bad Jimmy Piersall isn't still alive. The Sox haven't had a good coach working with their outfielders since he used to back in the day.
  4. I guess the Cubs were willing to let Jimenez go since there's no DH in the National league.
  5. I hope it leads to Tim becoming the starting RFer for the next several seasons.
  6. Collins better become good enough defensively to stick behind the plate, even if only as a backup, because he doesn't hit well enough to be a full time DH. After all, a DH is supposed to be a good hitter.
  7. Erratic in the field on defense and low baseball acumen. Has pure athletic ability. Reminds me of Lee "Bee Bee" Richard.
  8. Never make the first out or the last out at third base. Baseball 101.
  9. If it's going to rain soon, Sox should start Fulmer and put Gio in after a long delay if they resume play.
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