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Everything posted by ptatc

  1. True, but there were other teams after that which were going to pass on him. The Cardnials were just one that wasn't overly concerned.
  2. I don't see him as captain panic. He seems very patient and thorough with his process. I thought the handling of the Cease trade was good.
  3. They weren't the only team that thought this.
  4. With Moncada that's not uncommon. Medical clearance and the player being ready do not always coincide. This happens on both sides. Sometimes the players wants to go prior to full medical clearance, other times they are cleared but don't feel comfortable. I'm sure the Sox wanted to get him back to possibly build value to trade him.
  5. I totally disagree with the comment about the Sox medical staff. I agree with the fact that the Dodgers have the luxury of handling him differently. With the revenue the team generates they can afford to have pitchers who misses a good deal of time or miss entire seasons and just buy another one.
  6. I agree with the trading part. That's why I'm wondering about the spending. Trading Skubal, and spending big seems to be opposite philosophies.
  7. Just like any negotiations. They go down to the last second to try to get the "last, best, final offer" Frustrating.
  8. Again, it's not that "it's a good half" or that he isn't a unicorn talent. It's with his history and current usage can he continue to stay healthy with continued use this year and into next year. And is it worth the risk to sign him to a long term deal with this history. The talent isn't in question. The question is can he stay healthy enough to justify keeping him and giving a deal or would they get more value from a trade with prospects.
  9. That would be spending. Would they have any money left for anyone else then? That will be interesting to watch
  10. What makes you think the Tigers will spend? Their payroll is 24 th in the league and is 40 million less than the White Sox.
  11. No worries. It probably came from me saying he has only done it for half a year. That was meant more to point out that he hasn't done it for a full year from a load perspective not that he has performed at a high level for "only" half a year.
  12. That would probably be the way they would handle it. Personally, I would shut him down for the year since the team is awful and I wouldn't want him to add that much stress on his body compared to his previous workload. Then add more next year. However, it doesn't appear they will do that.
  13. To be clear, I've never downplayed his performance in any of the discussion. I've questioned whether it can be continued this year and into the future.
  14. I agree. It may hit him next year. However, he could also be overloaded this year. He is an excellent talent and it's up to the GMs to decide on his worth based on his history and use. The teams will need to weigh the risk of the possibility of him being unavailable. It's a gamble.
  15. Again, the discussion isn't to downplay his accomplishments. As Ray Ray said he is having a season that few other pitchers have ever done. It great and great to watch. However, for the success of the team going forward, what is the best move for the team.
  16. True, and he has already missed time. Just because he got that contract doesn't mean it was smart or that any team other than LA can afford to pay hom thay much to pitch part of a year.
  17. That's not the point. The point isn't that he isn't having a great year or isn't a great talent. Or that it isn't fun to watch. The point is that is with his injury history and use this year: 1. What is his value in a trade 2. Is he worth giving a long term contract to.
  18. Let's take a look at the injury history of these pitchers. Sale and deGrom with missed very significant time with injuries. Currently strider has pitched poorly this year and is out with an elbow injury. So if we look at the history of these pitchers who accomplished these feats, they are uncorn in talent but pretty much guaranteed to have injury riddled careers. Do you want to give these pitchers 6 year deals?
  19. But only for half year. There is no denying he is having success. The question is can he continue to do it. That is the risk. This is what GMs need to decide if giving up significant capital is worth it to acquire.
  20. We aren't talking some missed time. It is significant time/surgery. There is definitely an increased probability. As I said 81% of the time they will have another significant injury. Crochet has already proven it correct when he had to be shutdown with a shoulder injury then had to miss an entire year with a UCL reconstruction. These were not "everybody misses time" injuries. Go ahead and take the chance. The risk profile, onjry history, volume usage says you're wrong. Again, nothing is 100%. The body just doesn't work that way. As you said some pitchers can handle it, others can't. I agree. However Crochet's profile and his usage this year really elevates that risk. Paying him for 6 years is a massive risk. Might work out, might not. Nothing is guaranteed but it's a massive risk despite his half season of durability and success.
  21. People don't know he's a unicorn. He's shown half a season of injury free success. If he stays injury free until the end if next season, I'll give it to you. The telltale sign is if this season doesn't cause issues next season.
  22. If you are looking for something that predicts 100% it will always happen, you will never find it in relation to the human body. It is just too variable. However, you are wrong that one opinon is just as good as the next. Research has shown that a previous injury predict around 81% of the time another injury will occur. With Crochet, he had a shoulder injury followed up by a UCL. The prediction was 100% accurate. Research as also shown that as a pitcher increases the volume the likelihood of injury also increases. Is it 100%? No, buts it's a significant risk. Does smoking cause cancer 100% of the time? No, but is a significant risk. Now you can guess all you want but the daya shows the risk/likelihood. If you were going to sink 10s of miilions of dollars into an a pitcher that has this history and has had the wear this year that has never been done before? As I said previously, you may be right but you are taking an awful major risk.
  23. I agree. Which is another reason why they should make every effort to trade him. No one knows how teams will view his value based on all of these factors. Do the Sox trade him for what they think is 75% of his value due to the other team's concerns? You know the other teams will try to talk Getz down.
  24. The advantage the Sox have here is that don't really need to worry about the rest of his career. Go ahead and pitch him again, he probably only has one or two left here. The real interesting thing will be is what happens if they don't trade him. He'll be an interesting medical case for the rest of the year. You can bet the medical staff is closely documenting everything and in a couple of years there will be a case study published that start with "A male baseball pitcher 25 years old had UCL .......
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