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Everything posted by ptatc

  1. So you will be negative until they make the ALCS or World Series? Again must suck to be the sports fan you choose to be. That's not a "big picture" thinker. That's looking for any excuse to not enjoy the team.
  2. This makes no sense. Why wouldn't you be excited for one of the better teams in the league that isn't anywhere close to full strength yet?
  3. Really? You can't get excited for a team with one of the best records in baseball without many of their best players until the make the ALCS? It must suck being a sports fan in your world.
  4. Like someone else said, as long as they are better than an average player it will an improvement in 3 spots in the lineup. That's a substantial improvement.
  5. Wow. That is the most pessimistic view you could take. Adding 3 all-star caliber bats won't help them.
  6. There will be only 3 non-All Star caliber spots in the lineup. That is far better than nearly every team. They can live with weaker bats at 2B and RF especially with Engel defense in RF.
  7. I agree. BP help is what's needed.
  8. Yep. Key is coming back. Bullpen would be a greater concern in my opinion.
  9. Don't forget to add Grandal as well. Adding 3 all-star caliber bats will dramatically change the lineup.
  10. People should be used to compartmentalization. Many Sox fans have disliked the FO and TLR but still root for the players. That was just a trial run for this step up.
  11. Lansing Lugnuts or Vegas 51's were my favorites
  12. Not necessarily mad as it isn't Montgomery's fault just kind of weird. But the underslot deal also makes a lot of sense.
  13. It will be weird for him to talk to Montgomery. He has to be thinking "you cost me 1.5 million dollars." If all reports are true if montgomery wasn't available the sox would have taken Kath for the 3,3 million dollar slot.
  14. ptatc

    The Beer Thread

    I agree. Spotted cow is my least favorite of their beer. However, I love the brewery. If you like sours, they have a wide variety of good ones. If you go to the brewery itself they sell R and D beers in limited runs to test them for the public. Some of my favorites have come from that.
  15. Sorry, a cheap troll job for the posters who keep reminding everyone about TLR alcohol incidences.
  16. It is somewhat surprising that is so little movement with 7 days until the deadline.
  17. As opposed to the posters who enjoy ridiculing a man with an addition and disease?
  18. The only way this works is if their mascot is Groot and their motto is "I AM GROOT"
  19. Don't you think they would release if they didn't have plans for him? They obviously think he has value for either a trade or late season call up. I wonder if there are trade talks and it's some place he doesn't want to go?
  20. We now have the new epitome of evil being. He trumps KW as anything people don't like is his fault. He is now GM and working trades while in the dugout. Good multi-tasker.
  21. If I were him I would take it as a positive that they have plans for him either in a trade or as a late season call up. If they did t have plans for him they would grant the release. I highly doubt they would.mame him stay in the minors and not give him a chance out of spite.
  22. I think it was wrong to do it publicly. The manager has every right to get on his case when he ignores him.
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