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Everything posted by ptatc

  1. Not really. It's the semitendosis which they are correct that thay part of it is used for grafts in reconstructions such as ACL and UCL. There is still the semimembranosis in the medial hamstrings so whatever is left on the semitendonosis should be fine.
  2. I saw the same thing and thought the same thing and didn't bet it either.
  3. True. Perhaps it was a little hyperbole. Perhaps a better way to put it is that it is as grueling as any of those. The grueling the life on the road of constant traveling and lack of rest and being away from your family is extremely stressful. Not physically tough as what most people consider grueling.
  4. The question wasn't which us harder. The question was can an MLB season be considered "grueling " since their hands are baby soft.
  5. You're wrong. And again the taping thing was a JOKE. Don't know how many times I need to repeat it
  6. Good way to explain it. It's a difficult concept to grasp.
  7. You would be wrong. I have experienced both worlds can you say the same? But don't listen to someone with experience, believe what you want.
  8. I've done factory work, construction and worked at horse racing tracks shoveling crap. I was making a joke about the hands as that was your comment. I understand you don't get why the travel, hotel and no rest schedule doesn;t sound tough until you experience it. It's the fact that you get no rest and breaks for 8 months. With real life jobs you actually get sleep and rest and days off.
  9. Yeah, its real difficult. In college there's the whole studying part too.
  10. I would disagree. Your version of grueling I've done as well. After 8-12 hours you get to go home and relax if you want before you do it again. You get 2 days off after every 5 days unless you choose overtime. In baseball half the time you don't get to go home. You have to go right to the hotel and travel until 2 am. sometimes every 3 days. You have very few days off and are constantly beat up.
  11. It's fine. He's obviously never experienced it. I get it. It's really difficult to explain how difficult the 8 months of a baseball season is on the mind and body because there isn't a collision or heavy work. It's like saying running a marathon isn't difficult.
  12. what do soft hands have to do with grueling schedules and travel? You may travel differently, I guess. But back to the comment, you ever tried taping ankles, Knees and wrists? you get more cuts and blisters and torn finger nails. That part is worse in football though as there is more players.
  13. He's talking about the ones that really abuse it. You can bet that at a minimum 50% of the Sox staff uses something.
  14. Nearly all of them do. It's like the amphetamines until they started testing for them. If they want it to stop, they need to suspend people.
  15. This article and the rest of the people out there really don't have a solution. Most are proposing that they should have a stickier ball or allow a certain substance that way the pitchers won't use anything else. This is BS. There are always pitchers who will try to add more. There needs to be consequences for not following the rules or the "accepted" amount of substances.
  16. This all happened to the players too. Plus they don't get to see their kids for a week or two at a time not just for a day. I get the working poor bit. I've done the factory horse racing track work as well. But nothing is as grueling as traveling from place to place every few days, getting to the hotel at 2am, being away from home for 4 months out of the year. The players do get compensated well but they earn it. Even in my profession I could have made much more than I do now, not what the players make of course, but it just wasn't worth it.
  17. All the money in the world doesn't change the fact that it is a hard life and ruins many families.
  18. It is a hard life. Especially with family. I don't know how any marriages stay together or how they keep mentally in the game. I only did I for one year when I was single and it was grueling and I wasn't trying to play at that high level.
  19. ptatc

    2021 Catch-All

    Thanks! I think I'm going to use the trial and error experiment as well to see if one has an advantage.
  20. This is really only true if you are looking at true red flags or if you are looking for them being significantly worse. If you are looking all trams within the standard deviation you could say that all trams are fairly even. However as you stated just using a simple rank will tell you what the relationship of their score relative to other teams. So they could not be significantly different from others yet still be on the bottom end of getting hosed. It depends on what you want the numbers to say.
  21. Hence the reason mangers really don't make that much difference.
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