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Everything posted by ptatc

  1. Love whataburger. Just had my first in-n-out burger in 5 years. Hmmm.
  2. This is what I've been saying. thank you. Even if he just missed a sign he needs to be held accountable, granted to a lesser degree.
  3. Correct. I never commented on what TLR said and when asked said I would prefer it was all kept in house. But also that it probably isn't practical to do so. The only comment i made was that Mercedes was wrong to not listen to the coach and the only responses I've gotten are that TLR was wrong in everything he did. Not one person responded to my comment about Mercedes.
  4. I agree. Back to the original point of the discussion, Mercedes should still listen to the coach and be held accountable for not doing so.
  5. no. That wasn't the discussion. You asked that during a different discussion. The discussion was did Mercedes do something wrong by not listening to the coach. You interjected a different discussion about TLR making the public statements. I answered your question, you continue to deflect from the original discussion.
  6. Sure you do. Everyone wants everything out in the open and the media go after it until they get a response. It is gone. There is nothing behind closed doors anymore. Point still remain as much as you want to deflect this to TLR. Mercedes should listen to the coach and there should be accountability when he doesn't.
  7. It wouldn't be the first time this has happened.
  8. Personally, I would prefer it behind closed doors but with the media and fans today wanting more transparency and information I think those old school days are gone too.
  9. That's fine. Mercedes still needs to listen to his coach.
  10. ptatc

    2021 Catch-All

    Does anyone use Google pay or Samsung pay on a regular basis? Trying to decide which one is better. I've read the reviews but wanted to know about real experiences.
  11. Don't care. Then he is wrong in neglecting to to his job. You still listen to the coach.
  12. While I don't have an issue with Mercedes in the general sense of the situation, I do have a problem with him ignoring the take sign from his coach.
  13. Sure. Just like in the NFL with pulling your starters in the 4th quarter with a big lead. Should they just forfeit the game at that point and not play the last part of the 4th quarter?
  14. Or his looking at Boston and "blowing the whistle" after his homerun. Because Boston was only doing it to congratulate one of his OF on a good play.
  15. True. As I said. I would b more concerned about Mercedes getting hurt in the meaningless at bat.
  16. That's empathy not sportsmanship. It had nothing to do with the sport. Sportsmanship is respect within the context of the game.
  17. So the way they calculate it is by game against each opponent? This would make the average 0 then. A rank would be easier than the standard deviation to see if the umpires are truly biased against a team provided that all teams see the same rotation of umpires on an equal basis.
  18. Swinging the bat when the outcome has been decided. I guess the other could apply as well but I wasn't thinking that.
  19. It is out dated concept, for better or worse.
  20. I don't necessarily agree. The Sox can't afford to lose another one of their best hitters in a meaningless time of the game, if he gets hurt.
  21. He should know by now that TLR has a RHP lineup and a LHP lineup. It shouldn't be a surprise.
  22. I would yell thank you, then take a bow. ?
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