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Everything posted by ptatc

  1. Is there an average out there for each team? It would be interesting to see how this compares to others.
  2. I agree in most games. Not in a 16-4 game in the 9th. I've just too many injuries happen in situations like that where it isn't necessary. The Sox would be in a really difficult position if they lost him too.
  3. I don't have a problem with the "respect" issue, I guess you would call it. My problem would be the chance of getting injured when they are already missing Eloy, Robert and Abreu. The game was decided just get it over with.
  4. You're taking it to the extreme and missing the point. It's not that they aren't allowed. It's within the rules. Most were just trying to get the game over with. What would be your take if the Robert injury happened when they were leading 16-4? Would you call him stupid for trying that hard with that lead?
  5. This is part of the point that some people have an issue with. Mercedes wasn't trying to get the game over with as fast as possible. He was still trying to extend the game and add to his stats.
  6. Maybe just to protect him from the Twins.
  7. The game has definitely changed and the key point being about money. The position player pitching won't effect anything for him. Mercedes getting a homerun adding to his stats or a strikeout added to them can make a difference.
  8. The announcers specifically commented on the 3-0 swing. Take it however you want.
  9. Your venting at the wrong person. I was just explaining why the announcers didn't like it and what they didn't like about it.
  10. I'm not saying I agree. Just pointing out that the announcers didn't have a problem with the homerun, just swinging at the 3-0 pitch. His question was why they had a problem with it.
  11. The issue that the announcers were bringing up is that swinging at a 3-0 pitch in this situation is unnecessary. You should give the position player or struggling player a break because the game is already decided. They didn't have a problem with the homerun. It's the swinging at 3-0. At one time this was considered a courtesy to the player.
  12. The most amazing thing about the article is that Jesse Roger's is actually talking about the White Sox. ?
  13. I disagree with this take in general. I have no personal knowledge of this situation but in general if players in any sport are dogging it in games they are doing it moreso in the offseason and that is where those types of injuries come from.
  14. Maybe the Sox are starting to look at the games inefficiency where the ball is less lively and no one else is playing this way yet. Of course much if it was forced by losing Eloy, then Robert. That's a lot of power gone from the lineup and replaced with minimal power.
  15. From the south Soldier Field is easy like I said in another post. Getting out is even easier. Train leaves 20 minutes after the game ends from 18th street.
  16. From the south Soldier is by far the easiest. Take the Metra and drops you off at 18th or 12th, depending on where your seats are. Driving in you get off the Ryan at 31st and go straight to McCormick. We've had season tickets in the family since 1963. Soldier field is easy.
  17. I don't think Rodon will be in the rotation at the end of the season. It's been 5 years since he even pitched 160 innings. The last 2 years it's been 34 and 7 innings respectively. As I very said all along I think their plan is to have kopech take his spot toward the end of the year. It was an easy choice when the season started but nobody thought Rodon would pitch lime this. Its going to make a for a really crazy transition and everyone will freak out ala the Strasburg situation.
  18. ptatc


    The difference is that the flame outs happened in the minors. There were fewer teams and not as many pitchers were needed.
  19. I don't any reason why Jimenez won't back perfectly healthy. Once the muscle is re-attached there shouldn't be an issue.
  20. His power will not be affected by the injury. It's his left pec which isn't the power for the for a right handed swing.
  21. Yeah. He should be back in mid-August depending on how much of a rehab assignment they do.
  22. Hey, nothing wrong with being a nerd. ? What. I. Don't. Like. About. Len. Is. He. Seems. More. worried. about. Diction. And. Pronunciation. Than. About. Entertainment. And. It. Makes. For. A. Very. strange. Pace. Of. Broadcast.
  23. Yeah these injuries for speed guys need to be treated very conservatively.
  24. No but at this level that aren't going to use something that doesn't have good evidence to support it. Nothing in medicine is ever 100%. A minimally clinical difference is great if it hits 85%. There is just too much anatomical variability in people let alone if people actually do what they are supposed to. So if your point is that they are using concepts that aren't 100% guaranteed to work, you're right because it doesn't exist.
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