Correct. But still spent the same amount of money. So should they have 2 super stars and the rest replacement level or do they spread it around and have a number of really good players but not the superstars?
Either way it s the same amount of money. Like I said I guess my definition of cheap is different.
I guess I understand what you are saying but dont understand the concept. To me cheap means you aren't spending the money. 187 million is 187 million no matter if you have 10 really good players or 1 superstar and 9 ok players.
So it's not a matter of being cheap as much as it is how to allocate the money.
I'm trying to follow the logic of the last few posts.
Apparently if you spend the same amount of money but do it on a few players your cheap because you haven't spent it on a single player.
The amount of money doesn't make it cheap but how you spread it around does.
They are more fragile because there are more teams and many if these would never had made it due to the injuries on the minors. And the ones that did make it would have their careers ended. We have a much better handle on rehab and surgical procedures now.
He's not worng about the White Sox chance to win the division if Lambert is a regular starter. What he neglects to realize is their 1-2 starters aren't currently in the rotation.