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Posts posted by Pauly8509CWS

  1. I'm looking forward to the 20th-23rd down here, Pygmalion Music Fest is coming and I'm going to go see Of Montreal, Murder By Death, and Judah Johnson for sure. I've not seen them yet, but Murder By Death is supposed to put on a ridiculous show.

  2. I went down to Northerly Island yesterday to see 311 and the Wailers. Amazing show. So much energy from both groups. It was strange I haven't really listened to 311 since like 7th grade and my friends asked if I wanted to go with. I was really impressed.

  3. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 01:17 PM)
    And really, if a person is not harming another person, what business is it of the government or anybody else what a person is putting into their body?



    :cheers :cheers :cheers

  4. QUOTE(DePloderer @ Jul 27, 2006 -> 02:32 AM)
    So where should I start?


    Their first CD is self titled and has a damn good bass heavy jam called The Sinister Minister, start their and if you like it, keep reading. UFO Tofu is their third album I believe, and Magic Fingers is one of my favorite Flecktones songs so I'd suggest that CD next, and then go to Left of Cool, this came out around the time the band collaberated with DMB. Which is why I began listening in the first place. They have a new album out but I havent checked it out yet. But they're definitely worth a shot. Victor Wooten is an AMAZING bassist.


    QUOTE(bmags @ Jul 27, 2006 -> 01:17 AM)
    you could have tooken that as you might like dispatch too there high horse.

    finally read the bottom...and no...i just don't like dave matthews. The fact that he's popular just gives me more opportunities to not like him. I dislike OAR just as much, but i don't have as many opportunities to say why i hate them. I don't hate pop music because its pop...i hate it because it's excrement. I miss the days when the bands i listened to were aspiring to be number 1 on the radio...but whatever its not that bit of a hit to my experience with them.


    I respect that, I obviously feel differently, and I don't know how much you've listened to the band, but I'm sure you've mostly heard the radio popular stuff thats really not even close to the good stuff that they've put out, granted their last album was garbage and so was Everyday, but Before These Crowded Streets is a masterpiece.

  5. QUOTE(bmags @ Jul 26, 2006 -> 06:39 PM)
    to me it seems that everyone who likes dave matthews inevitably likes bela fleck, phish, and dispatch. Sometimes jack johnson and widespread panic and stuff, but its pretty consistent that they all heard of those four. and O.A.R.


    Well sir, then you have talked to the "stereotypical" Dave Matthews Band fans in regards to OAR, dispatch, and Jack Johnson.


    It's weird, I get lumped into a stereotype because of the music I listen to, I'm sure you all think im the popped collar drunken frat boy too huh?


    Here's my spin with DMB, and I'd like to hear what you DMB haters have to say.


    I think the reason the band is so hated is because of the groups popularity and with it, come stereotypes which many find unfavorable. Its something that's really a bad stereotype of an actual DMB fan, like Ligue and such for the Sox, we aren't ALL like that. I'm really looking forward to a better answer of why nobody else here likes DMB that isnt just, They suck, or Dave sucks.



  6. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jul 20, 2006 -> 08:49 AM)
    Strange bill.


    Very strange, but Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers were amazing last year at the World, and I've heard good things about the Strokes live shows.

  7. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Jul 18, 2006 -> 11:57 PM)
    Stellar Road is pretty big in my area right now.


    I like them less than most of my friends do, but I still think they're okay.



    Alkaline Trio


    Lucky Boys Confusion


    Stellar Road


    pretty much my top 3 from around the 'burbs.

  8. QUOTE(DePloderer @ Jul 18, 2006 -> 05:38 PM)
    BTW, Phish are playing Chicago at the end of this month, I sooo wish it was in mid August instead.


    It's just Trey and Mike playing, but it's still gonna be sick. Phish is on a "hiatus" but Trey's talked about getting back together in the future.

  9. QUOTE(DePloderer @ Jul 18, 2006 -> 10:23 AM)
    That's Ok. Phish are now my new, newest favourite band. I just got "Billy Breathed", Great sunny weather (yes we are having some) car music.


    I've got a couple of cool videos from their concerts when they have glow stick wars. Amazing music.

  10. So the past couple of years I've been listening to a local band called Stellar Road, 2004 I think was when their full band album came out and when it was lent to me to listen to I immediately went out and bought it. They're kinda a jam band, similar musically to Hootie and the Blowfish, not nearly as good vocals though.


    Since I'm only 18 its hard to see them play at the bars they usually play at, it works sometimes and usually my buddy and I are allowed into Sam Maguires in Orland Park, just so they know we're not drinking or anything, to hear them play, usually a $5 dollar cover charge. Well this past Wed. we were asked for our IDs and were told since we're not 21 we can no longer go there. Once in awhile we used to chat for like 10 seconds with the vocalist/guitarist or any other member of the band, and now we're not allowed in anymore. There's my bit of complaining.


    Now, my happiness. This weekend the MIX hosted a battle of the bands to see who would win the opportunity to open for Bon Jovi at Soldier Field. The Aragon Ballroom was packed for the show, mostly with Stellar Road fans. The other fans were completely drowned out by the SR fans and since it was based on crowd participation the decision was easy to make. I dont care who it is they open for, its a huge opportunity for them. It was really cool to see a band we'd watched every chance we could have the opportunity to do something like that.

  11. I'm not saying it's not an improvement, it's just not as drastic as people may think. If they can pull in Samsonov and get him in shape and working hard it's not gonna be enough, sign Yannic Perrault and move Ruutu to wing. There you have someone who can win faceoffs and play decently both ways. The FA class was weak and I'm glad Tallon made a move, but of course there is just so much left to do.

  12. Just my $.02, but a first line of Calder/Ruutu/Havlat scares me very little. Ruutu is unproven and Calder is clearly AT BEST a second liner. Havlat too, is basically a fringe first line player on a good team. This trade, IMO, while it's nice, it isn't gonna improve them too much. Those of you who think Calder and Ruutu are first liners right now are kidding yourselves.

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