I thought the episode was awesome, but some of the battle scenes were a little confusing. Big medieval like battle scenes are always chaotic.
Did they lose another dragon, it was kinda hard to tell?
So does Metcalf. I like those guys more in the third or fourth round.
It's hard to take those guys with more complete WR out there. Butler, Brown, Whiteside, Samuel.
It's actually amazing that in the first round only one RB, WR and CB were drafted. Weird.
I'm glad they didn't take any TE in the first round. I'm not big on taking TE that early.
They might still get Metcalf, but I don't know. He seems like a dude that could be out of the league in 3 years.
The Packers are super conservative when it comes to injuries, so that doesn't bother me about Gary, they also said yesterday he doesn't need surgery. The lack of production is somewhat concerning, but plenty of guys don't have a ton of sacks in college and then tear it up in the NFL. I'm concerned he is a one trick player, bull rush move and that's about it. He is going to have to develop something else if he wants to be more than a stout run stuffer. He is either going be Soloman Thomas or Cameron Jordan.
No, that actually would be the smarter move. I like Haskins and not really a fan of Jones.
I like Lock as well. There has been talk of the Packers taking him. If he falls to 30 I'd be all about it.
Raiders might be normal, although you can never rule them out.
Washington seems like they are going to let Dan Snyder run their draft and will probably do some really stupid things.
I think there will be a lot of trades in the first round. I think the last two years there was 5 and 7, I would think something around that.
Packers, Lions and Vikings will add 9 players before the Bears draft this year.
I saw the interview with Larson and Renner and I think it had more to do with the whole set up. Those type of interviews always come off awkward and I think actors hate them.
Also, I know this might be the end for a couple of the actors, but I think people are going a little overboard with the this is the end stuff.
They aren't going to stop making Iron Man or Captain America movies. They make billions of dollars. They well never stop, maybe a few year hiatus at most.
I thought the scene with all them sitting around the fire was great. I loved the gallows humor everyone had.
It definitely felt like a goodbye episode. Next week is going to be wild.
Yeah, it definitely explains the amount of throw aways he had.
I do think some of it could also be that he didn't trust the offense and some of the young players around him.
I expect a big bounce back this year. Wouldn't be surprised if he threw 10-15 more TD this year.
I know Chris Evans is done, but I would have loved another Captain America movie. I feel like Civil War was almost like Avengers 2.5
Would have liked to see a more solo Captain America movie.
Yeah, It's gotta be up there. It's just kind of feels outside the Marvel movies they made after. I know Tony Snark is it and the end, but outside of that if feels like separate from the rest.