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Everything posted by GoSox05

  1. Tom Brady and the Patriots have been in a division like that for about 20 years.
  2. He's fun to watch. He just always has been injured.
  3. Thank god no one has been hurt with these bombs yet. I wonder if this person is continuing to send them or are they just finding some later.
  4. Nice to see JJ Watt healthy and being an absolute terror. Texans could be a scary team as the year goes one.
  5. Most teams are a play here and a play there away from being 5-1 or 4-2. Yet, they aren't.
  6. Jones has never really been a red zone WR. I don't know if that has something to do with Ryan or maybe Jones isn't good in the red zone. It's definitely been amplified under Sarkisian. In the past 23 games he has 3 td. DeVante Adams has 16 in that span.
  7. Julio Jones is going to have like 3000 yards receiving this year and no TD.
  8. Raiders have a lot of 1st round picks. If only you could trust Gruden to not mess that up. So far in the next two years the Raiders will have 5 first round picks. Crazy.
  9. Jacksonville is a smaller city, compared to New York or Chicago, but the Colts do pretty well in Indy. Redskins are just temporarily having problems, worst owner in the league is a big part of it. Although the team isn't that bad. It's weird how sports teams seem to catch on in some places and not others. It doesn't seem to always be associated with the size of the city, see L.A. and Miami. It also doesn't seem to be how well a team does. The Rams had plenty of success in St. Louis and just never caught on. Jaguars had stretch of losing, the past 5-6 but have almost half their seasons in the league being over .500. It would be a cool study to look at all sports like that. I also wonder if any league has ever thought about doing something like Green Bay. Putting a professional team in a small town/city or if that was just something that can't happen again.
  10. It's amazing with how popular the NFL is that some teams just seem to struggle.
  11. GoSox05


    I've had a few crowns done over the past few years and that's how they do it. Temporary and then the permanent. They will size you for the permanent and then they usually have to special order it.
  12. Wow, Steve King never lets you down when it comes to crazy. I wonder if he started walking around with a swastika arm band, what other Republicans even care?
  13. One thing I have to give Trump is his ability to get people to think that he is not part of the establishment, it's really impressive. A New York billionaire, who was born into wealth and is now president and his party controls all three branches of government is not establishment some how. Not to mention that most of his cabinet is just other billionaires that have no business being in the position they are, but they are rich. See Betsy Devos.
  14. Rodgers is great, the Packers so far are just average. Wish they could put together a full game.
  15. Eh, it was dumb on her part, but it's nothing that will keep her from running for President or winning for that matter. Most people don't even know what its about now or will remember it in two years. The president was caught on tape bragging about sexual assault just before last election.
  16. Also, Trump hates Native Americans. There is numerous times in the past where he has attacked them.
  17. Warren was stupid to even acknowledge it, but all of this is because the president of the United States continues to call her a racial slur over and over again. He lied about how she benefited from it and people continue to do so. It's just so disturbing how much his followers will bend over backwards to make sure he is never caught in a lie. To them he is infallible, godlike. Has any Trump supporter ever just been like "man maybe Warren isn't Native American, but Trump really shouldn't be going around calling her racial slurs all the time".
  18. We are doomed. Just shut the whole thing down.
  19. Yeah, the Midwest has never had any success with progressive candidates.
  20. I get why she did it, but this is why she should have just ignored it. No matter what she came back with it would never be enough for pizzagate people.
  21. I doubt a King would not tell the truth about something like this.
  22. Well, she isn't running in rural Iowa. So what does it matter? Are you honestly mad that she tweeted about playing a video game? This can't be real.
  23. He has been to every county in Texas. Every time I see an interview with him he sounds like his voice is getting ready to go. It would just be hilarious to see Cruz lose. He would be be so mad about it and then Trump would tweet that he is a loser or something like that. It's been a rough couple years of politics in America, so that would be fun.
  24. Beto O'Rourke registers voter after reading about him in the Guardian You have to give it to O'Rourke. He is working his ass off.
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