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Everything posted by GoSox05

  1. What issues would you say the Democrats have that are worse than anything the Republican party is doing? One of the most dangerous things going on right now is the "ahh both parties are bad" thing. The Democratic party has problems and are generally inept, but the Republican Party is arguably one of the most extreme right wings parties in any democracy in the world. Not a lot of major parties combine their nationalism and wanting to return to the gilded age. It's also not just Trump.
  2. Didn't some Republicans say that if Clinton won they were going to block every candidate for four years?
  3. Another former OSU wrestler says Jim Jordan knew about alleged abuse Republicans are 100% backing this guy.
  4. Anyone in the Democratic party that votes for this guy should face a primary challenger.
  5. I've lost track of all the Neo-Nazi and white nationalist running for office. The Republican Party is fine though, it's Trump that is bad.
  6. The Trump administration made trade threats to Ecuador over … breastfeeding The "pro-life" party.
  7. That was Trump talking about Elton John at his rally in Montana. He has to be suffering from some sort of brain disease.
  8. Trump asked aides about invading Venezuela last year: AP Funny as hell that our brain dead President just casually brings up invading a country for no reason. Years of just god awful destructive foreign policy has brought us to the point that a president could say something like that and not be looked at like he was out of his mind.
  9. He embarrassed himself that last time he talked about politics. I think it also goes to show that you are a centrist and back centrist policies. You don't think that people like Ocasio-Cortez can't win in the Midwest because of their politics. You don't want them to win.
  10. I think Reddy has posted this article before. It doesn't really say much to be honest. Not to say that Sanders was perfect in campaigning in the south, but this idea that Clinton is some how to the left of Sanders on social issues is just crazy. There has been a million posts about that here.
  11. This continues to be one of the biggest lies from that election. It is so frustrating to keep on pointing it out. I give up on liberals. Go vote for Michael Bloomberg or the Starbucks guy or whatever.
  12. I know that Caucuses are not equal to general electorate. I just wanted to make the point that Bernie would have beat Clinton in those states in any sort of election. Don't need a Poly Sci class to tell me Bernie would have won.
  13. Bernie would have won them if they were primaries too.
  14. Ron Paul posted this and then quickly deleted it. Seems like a normal nice guy.
  15. Christ, she was just disagreeing with her. Also, she was right. You can downplay caucus all you want, but Sanders did well in those states. Her "Bernie-bro splaining attack". Yeah, I'm the one not living in the real world.
  16. She should know that it is illegal to disagree with a WAR HERO!!!! Ma'am have you no respect for the law! You sound like a Republican. Also, saying she doesn't understand something. Is this some sort of sexist attack? Typical for Crowley-bros.
  17. How is DSA a reason for where we are today? They only started to be active organization backing candidates since after the 2016 election. I also think the idea they can't win anywhere but the coasts is ridiculous and is a narrative being sold by people who have struggled in the Midwest as of recent.
  18. There really isn't a connection. It's just looks really bad that the President is calling journalists "enemy of the people" while they are being killed in this country. I read twitter thread early today from all journalists who receive death threats. It's pretty awful. One journalist covers make up and she receives death threats all the time.
  19. You just said that you "hated" that a red rose twitter handle was getting in. I also don't know how a group that is part of the Democratic Party and is helping bring people into the party and be active in the party isn't helping or advancing the party. I love how centrists were mad that people like Ralph Nader were running and that people were supporting him. They said why don't you just join the Democrats and run in the primary. So that is what DSA is doing and now that is bad as well. I guess just fall in line with the party that has lost over a 1000 seats in the past few years and don't complain.
  20. I would say a large majority of Republicans/conservatives support Trumps policies. They just don't like him because he is crude. That's why he has almost a 90% approval rating from his party.
  21. I'd love to know why, you would hate a part of the Democratic party that is helping bring excitement and youth to the party. I'm sure it's something Bernie-bro or something blah blah. I also love red scare shit coming from the Democratic party.
  22. Ouch. I don't think that dude realized how close he was to the wall. I ran into a tree one time like that.
  23. Barbara Lee, a stalwart of the left, considering bid for House Democratic leadership
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