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Everything posted by GoSox05

  1. So everyone get's mad when a represive leader comes to our country to be asked tough question's, but it's cool if our President goes to Saudia Arabia and hangs out with the House of Saud. Who have done the same type of thing's as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
  2. Id love Hall or Frucal on the team. When does trading usually start?
  3. QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Sep 19, 2007 -> 03:39 PM) He wants Obama to defend them because they are black and he is black. That is the same narrowminded bulls*** that has the radical Muslims up in arms, defending terrorists, because the are fellow Muslims. Flassox, those nooses were bad. very bad. but what they did wasn't any better. Catch the guys who hung the nooses and try them for the hate crimes the left loves so much. The black kids got caught. Kinda like in football, the one who retaliates always gets the penalty. I don't see any similarties in this case and terrorism. I think it's about people standing up for themselves and being fed up. I see kids who grew up in the south and have heard stories about how their familes were hung from tree's. Than to see nooses haning from a tree. I don't know what its like to be black in the south, but i'm guessing I would have reacted too. Oh that and Jesse Jackson is great for pissing off uptight closet racists.
  4. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 19, 2007 -> 12:35 PM) Love, peace, talking, and slobber - that is what makes the world go round. I'd rather have that than a bunch of meat heads running treating world affairs like it was a WWE match.
  5. QUOTE(NUKE @ Sep 11, 2007 -> 11:33 PM) http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,296450,00.html It seems that nobody really gives a s*** in the world whether the islamo-fascist regime of Iran acquires nukes. That's the sentiment I got after reading that Germany is now refusing to go along with even economic sanctions against the criminal regime of Iran. Russia and China are only concerned about their own selfish economic interests so now it looks more and more likely that we're going to have to drop the hammer on Tehran. I say go for it. Better to rid ourselves of this problem now than in 5 years when they have the bomb and the means to deliver it. Yeah lets bomb those dirty islamo-fascist's. Let's bomb everyone!! That will solve everything. Drop the hammer! Just like Hulk Hogan!
  6. He's lucky it was a cop and not seabass. Kick his ass SEABASS!
  7. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Aug 30, 2007 -> 01:10 PM) Yeah, but what about siblings? People act like there's millions of people who wann marry their sister's. I think there's maybe some isolated cases. More than likely in Texas.
  8. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Aug 30, 2007 -> 01:03 PM) so you're in favor of cousins and homosexuals getting married. What about siblings? Who is anyone to say who can or can't get married.
  9. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Aug 30, 2007 -> 12:51 PM) Texas will secede from the union before this will happen. only in my dreams.
  10. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 29, 2007 -> 12:26 PM) At first I was going to insert some smart ass, sarcastic, and condescending comment, then I realized we did inflict our Governor now President Bush on this great country, so we probably deserve a shot now and again. Yes, but you gave us Hank Hill too. So I think that might be like a cancel out type thing.
  11. I'd like to see SUV's gone because people can't drive them. They sure as hell can't park them.
  12. I'd like to see us get a multi-tool OF, lead off hitter type guy. Can we put Grady Siezemore back in the draft and than re-draft him?
  13. This season was bad, but I think you have to give them more time. Chicago fans always wanna dump their coach and manager right away. I would like to see some changes with the players. More speed and a better bullpen.
  14. QUOTE(Yossarian @ Aug 24, 2007 -> 03:29 PM) Aren't we quick to accuse? My family has Blacks, Spanish and French speaking immigrants, and one Jewish uncle through intermarriage. I certainly don't hate any of them, and to the best of my knowledge none of them dislikes me. My heart does break when I visit Albany Park. Or Little Village or Humboldt Park, and countless other Chicago neighborhoods. Recent immigrants have not treated those neighborhoods with the same respect as past residents. If in 21st Century America it makes one a racist to say that, then things are more PC than even I imagined. I taught history, and don't need a lesson on immigration. This is the third major wave of immigration since the Revolutionary war, and yes everyone who came before this current group also caught hell. It's part of the process, and being half Italian, I know the insults, slurs, and menial jobs that stood in the way of my ancestors advancement. The problem today is that assimilation is a dirty word, and many of today's immigrants are not encouraged and don't wish to assimilate. Some liberals even call that sort of thing racist. What a world we live in? Many of today's immigrants would return to their native countries in a heartbeat, if conditions were different. Most of yesterday's immigrants clung tenaciously to the old ways, but encouraged, no demanded that their offspring assimilate (again that dirty word). Yeah I'm glad they deported that loud unpleasant woman. I think a country that has 10 or 12 or whatever million undocumented aliens is courting disaster. I know the Albany Park of my youth is far superior to the battleground neighborhood of today, and if it's not at least partly the fault of the current residents then whose fault is it? A long time ago, when I was a kid playing ball on the playground at Roosevelt High, three of my best friends were immigrants from Quebec, Sicily and Cuba. You could hear French, Italian, and Spanish in their homes. All three turned out to be fine hard working guys. Great pals to have as a kid. I wasn't taught to judge people based on their race or nationality, and I also wasn't taught to gussie up the truth as I see it. If that makes me a racist to some of you then tough twinkies. One more thing. I get sad when I visit Albany Park. I can't say for every neighborhood in Chicago, but the one I live in seem's to be respected by the current immigrants. I think areas that have a heavy immigrant population are going to be your poorer areas. It goes for all past waves of immigration. I think that immigrants from all generations would have stayed in their home country had things been better off. They come to America for a better life. To say that it's part of the "process" to be attacked is just insane. We all come from immigrants and should learn from what happened to are grandparents, so that we don't do what was done to them. Also I'm so sick of the "PC" thing. It's such a copout to use that.
  15. Wow, was he wrong. None of that stuff happened.
  16. Can you apologize for cannibalism? Besides that, there really is cannibalism!!!!!! I thought that was for zombie movies. If someone ate me I would be so pissed.
  17. QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Aug 15, 2007 -> 10:33 PM) Here's one for ya. A lawyer wants a judge to recuse himself because he is too religious http://www.dailybusinessreview.com/news.html?news_id=44458 He says because he hired some law clerks from Ave Maria Law School, and donated some money to the school. Also claims he is biased against women and working mothers and such, even though it is noted he has ruled in favor of strippers in employment cases. Oh, and here is the kicker: on page 11, he basically says that the judge has to recuse himself, because once he reads all this crap I am saying about him, he could never give my client a fair trial. Other stuff too in the motion. Long read. http://www.courtzero.org/spolteraffidavit.pdf I also rule in favor of strippers in employment cases.
  18. I would be pissed too if someone called me a nappy headed ho on one of the biggest radio shows in the country.
  19. That dosen't sound good at all.
  20. I believe in only one god and that god is the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
  21. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Aug 13, 2007 -> 09:17 AM) Then to you it is also pretty clear that it's OK to sell your daughter into slavery (Exodus 21:7), and it's OK to own slaves as long as you buy them from a neighboring nation (Leviticus 25:44), and that you can of course kill your neighbor if you find he has been working on the Sabbath (Exodus 35:2). Likewise, you're crystal clear about it being better for you to give your daughter up to be raped if it keeps two men from sinning by lying together (Genesis 19:1-9 - a personal favorite of mine). If you are clear about all of these things, and a boatload of others taken right from the Bible, then you are somewhat of a misanthrope in modern society. If you only think God's word as recorded in the Bible is only eternally binding when it condones bigotry against gays but less so regarding these other ancient dictates, then certainly you are in good company. But your interpretation of the Bible and which of God's laws should be heeded nonetheless remains distressingly selective. I hate when my neighbor works on the Sabbath. It's like "dude stop working on the Sabbath or I'll have to come over there and hurt you". Now that I think about it. Wouldn't killing your neighbor on the Sabbath be like working yourself. You have to "work" at killing someone. So do you have to kill yourself than for working at killing your neighbor for working on the Sabbath or does like another neighbor have to come over and kill you? Cause killing yourself is a sin and I'd hate to go to hell on a day that I did a good deed by killing my neighbor for working on the Sabbath.
  22. I believe that we are all god's little angel's and we are all loved by him.
  23. Does this mean that we will no longer see the Karl Rove dance? Doin the dancin, the Karl Rove dance. MC Rove.
  24. QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Aug 10, 2007 -> 01:58 PM) Fixed that for you. I know. White people are so oppressed. It's like everytime I go into a store there like "look at him, I bet he tries to steal some stuff".
  25. we really need to stop the racism against zombies. There just misunderstood.
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