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Everything posted by GoSox05

  1. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 02:15 PM) We agree! Woot! I really need to get some work done. yeah i'll agree on the work part. I think I may get fired today for arguing online. How do you explain that one.
  2. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 02:12 PM) I would not attend that Church, but that doesn't stop me from attending the one next door. I experience the same emotions when you try to paint me with that stroke as any Sox fan when we get compared to some idiot running on the field and assaulting players. I don't know of anyone who attends a Church who doesn't disagree with some of the teachings. It would be impossible to match up 100% with everything a given Church teaches. I know their are pro death penalty Catholics and Pro-Choice Baptists. Our book stores are filled with self help books. Each of these, in a sense, is creating a religion. I prefer a more time tested variety. I don't think my views should be dismissed because I attend Church and I find it sad that it would make someone sick how I choose to spend my Sunday mornings and occassional Saturday nights. Perhaps if I was getting drunk at a bar it would make someone feel better. I'm not saying that you or your church are like that. I'm just saying that part of religion can upset someone and make them have a negative view on religion.
  3. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 01:58 PM) Count up how many messages about religion you receive this week, versus beer ads, and tell me which is more pushy . . . I agree some zealots are too pushy and it turns me off as well. But the mainstream follower probably is too timid to invite you. I will get way more beer ad's for sure, but I've never seen a beer ad that says i'm gonna burn in hell for being gay. I have see church signs that say that. I realize this is a small faction, but it still is there and it is what bothers me.
  4. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 01:56 PM) Where does a value system come from? And parents and upbringing doesn't count... I understand that there are value systems. I just don't think they have to come from religion or a goverment. I think humans can learn respect for each other without being told.
  5. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 01:49 PM) Oh, so it's hard to get ran over if you were a construction worker, because you're in an office. I get it now. I was just cracking a joke. Dude if you have a problem with me, do me a favor and leave me alone.
  6. QUOTE(knightni @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 01:50 PM) How would you know "right" or "wrong" without a value system? Basically, you'd do whatever you wanted until someone with a value system came to arrest you. So your saying that if there was no law or religious value system, that you would have no problem killing someone?
  7. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 01:45 PM) You've gone from wanting to ban all religion, to saying religion is pushy, to saying someone invited you to Church once?! No, TexSox was saying that people don't object to being asked to a ball game or a movie, but they do when someone invites them to church. I was just wondering why someone would want to invite me or someone else to a church. I still think that religion is pushy though.
  8. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 01:27 PM) Or dead. well I work in an office so If I didn't die, I think I would be pissed or very confused.
  9. QUOTE(knightni @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 01:40 PM) Religion is the basis of all morality and laws. So, if you don't want to believe that the government is influenced by religion, go shoot a guy and see what happens. So you need a religion or a god to tell you that killing someone is bad? Thank the lordy lord that he didn't say it was cool to do that.
  10. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 01:41 PM) Interesting that most people do not object to an invitation to attend a baseball game, a restaurant, or movie, but some will to an invitation to attend Church. I wonder why that is? Would I be trying to convince you to be Italian by heading to Olive Garden? Why than would someone invite me to church?
  11. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 01:38 PM) Personally, I haven't. It's your choice. I didn't say you. I just mean in general and I don't really mean join so much. It's more about pushing those values on me.
  12. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 01:35 PM) Now stick out your tongue Well yeah, and we'll like give Illinoise back to the Indians Illinoise. I like or how about Illinoize. Texas is a fine state. Its just very hot, although I bet your winters are nice.
  13. well I may be an Ameoba, but your the one's getting all goofy about my ridiculous posts. I don't think that religion should be ilegal. I just ask that you stop trying to make me join all the time. But to what Texsox said about not having core beliefs and a basis for what is right or wrong. I don't think you need religion to tell you what is right or wrong. Some people might, but I don't feel I do.
  14. QUOTE(BigEdWalsh @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 12:06 PM) You don't recall if I was on that list do you? Yes you were. Good news though. In hell the drinks are free and they have a beer volcano.
  15. QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 01:23 PM) not too get too far off on a tangent, but I remember a few years back when they first started the increased fines in construction zones, it was a kneejerk reaction to a worker being killed by a speeder. They failed to mention that the speeder was drunk. or that of the 7 previous fatalities in the previous 7 years, 6 of those were also from drunk drivers, and one was from a worker who backed over a coworker. So regardless of the fines, etc, the drunks were going to speed anyway. So all that fine does is screw you or me if we happen to be going fatser than 45 and a cop was bored. or we get nailed by a f***ing camera, which is also bull. It is revenue generation under the guise of worker safety. If a coworker of mine ever ran me over. I would be pissed.
  16. QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 01:15 PM) GoSox, what's your solution? To give Texas back to Mexico. That would be a nice start.
  17. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 01:16 PM) Who do you mean by "they". The full time Church employees and their organization or their followers? all of them. I think organized religion should be ilegal. Christians make me sick.
  18. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 01:13 PM) Someone who isn't logical isn't necessarily dumb, FWIW. I'm done with you now. It's been real. Oh I didnt know you were from Texas. That explains it. I was in Texas once and I'd rather eat glass than go there again.
  19. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 01:04 PM) YOU ARE AN AMEOBA. YOU HAVE THE LOGIC OF AN AMEOBA. Learn the difference between the two. It's sort of hard to debate someone who has the logic of an ameoba. So your saying that i'm dumb. Which is name calling. I would like to play little name calling games with you, but I would get banned.
  20. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 12:57 PM) not to be a nazi, but your horrible opinions are only amplified by your lack of grammatical understanding. Soxy just passed out. I will be the first admit that my grammer on the internet is bad to say the least. I just had no idea this many Sox fans were right wing nut cases. Kinda sad.
  21. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 12:55 PM) You have the logic of an ameoba, maybe. It's been fun. Well when you can't debate something, I guess its always good to resort to name calling.
  22. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 12:52 PM) but in Iraq, that's ALARMING! I'm sorry, I had to. 268 deaths are alarming in Iraq, cause that wouldnt be 14 years it would be a week or so.
  23. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 12:31 PM) Really? Tell the government to get out of my (healthcare) business. Tell the government to get out of my (marital) business. Tell the government to get out of my (pocketbook) business. Tell the government to get out of my (social welfare program) business. Tell the government to get out of my (immigration) business. Lastly, tell the government to get out of my (religious) business. It's sort of the same thing, don'cha think? nope not at all. There in the military. Part of the goverment. They were in uniform.
  24. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 12:17 PM) First of all, this stuff happened long before NAFTA, so stop that crap before it even starts. Second, NAFTA actually did draw in business for Mexico. It's too bad that their government is so corrupt that they actually don't invest in their infastructure. The wages have steadily increased since NAFTA, but it's not NEARLY enough for the common people. Employers are the issue. Most of us say that here on this board. Since the start of NAFTA in 1994. The economy has had downturns in production, wages and employment and 22 percent drop in wages. Not to mention the sevre health and safety risks. Maybe NAFTA isnt causing the harsh conditions, but they are harsh and thats why people are coming here. I dont support a system that allows people to come here and be treated without labor laws.
  25. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 7, 2007 -> 12:19 PM) The truth is, they don't. We try so hard to protect every other form of religion, that Christians actually get repressed and told what they can't do all the time. There usually getting told what they can't do, because their always trying to put their religion on everyone else. Tell them to get out of my buisness and I'll get out of their's.
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