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Everything posted by GoSox05

  1. I'm not getting in the Hillary stuff anymore. People need to get over that. On the other hand people better start getting mad. Stop letting people tell you that it's wrong to get angry.
  2. Good god. Things are going to be interesting. Could see huge hits to gay rights and women's right to choose.
  3. Just to note, none of the money people pay in their union fees go to political campaigns. I seen Trump tweeted out today that they did and that isn't the case. It will be used in the future to get people to not opt into unions.
  4. I know the pension talk always comes up when people start talking about public unions, but this isn't just about a teachers pension in IL. This will affect teachers, fireman, police and tons of other public jobs.
  5. What strawman? This supreme court ruling was nothing to do with pensions. Also, pensions are good.
  6. Yes, working class teachers are definitely to blame for everything.
  7. They stole it and Obama made it way to easy for them to do it. Also, as far as the Janus ruling goes today, you can bet they go after private sector unions next.
  8. Supreme Court rules nonunion workers cannot be forced to pay fees to public sector unions The continued assault on unions and working class people. Only good thing that could come of this is the radicalization of unions.
  9. I'm sure all the elections will be totally upended in 6 months because Sarah H. Sanders couldn't eat dinner one night in June. No Independent was going to vote Democrat because he saw the torture of children and couldn't possibly vote for Trump, but then changed their mind because of that. They were just always going to vote for Trump.
  10. Republicans: Yes, we are locking up children in cages and banning Muslims from coming to America Democrats: We refused service to a public official. Independent: Wow, It's like I can't even tell them apart.
  11. No, not one Republican will call for Trump to apologize or anything like that for saying she was low IQ and pretty much telling her to watch her back. Trump has been calling a sitting senator a racial slur for years and no one in his party gives a shit.
  12. Not just from Never Trumpers, but how many articles did Chris Cillizza write when Steve King was retweeting a neo-nazi and tweeting about keeping his heritage in tact.
  13. Trumps hardcore followers, who up until now were very normal nice people, will now be embolden by the lady who couldn't eat a restaurant.
  14. Can't wait to read 900 op-ed pieces by centrists about how the left are being mean to people who are locking children in cages and people who wan to make sure someone with a pre- existing condition can't get healthcare. Instead read this. Politics have real world consequences. This Is Just the Beginning
  15. Yeah, it's 716 billion for this year. 82 billion dollar increase from last year. They could have just kept it at around 600 billion and took that 80 billion and used it to fund college education, but that would be crazy. Love to spend almost a trillion dollars a year on military as the country rots.
  16. Can You Think of Any Other Ways to Spend $716 Billion? Only 7 Democrats and Sanders voted against this. Embarrassing. This country loves brutality. So, Murphy knew this bill would help fund Saudi bombers as they kill mass amounts of people. He still voted for it anyway. Completely worthless.
  17. The fact that Trump, born rich and living in New York penthouses his whole life can call anyone else "elitist" without people laughing in his face is a telling sign of people paying attention to anything.
  18. So they separated a nine month year old baby from her family and brought her to NYC. How do they plan to get her back with her parents?
  19. They are probably going to try and attach it to some crazy immigration bill and then when Dems don't vote for it, they will blame Democrats for it.
  20. Support For Same-Sex Marriage Isn’t Unanimous A vast majority are not "good" with gay marriage. It's better than it used to be, but far from a majority being good with it. Also, on immigration the Republicans have moved far to the right and Democrats have shifted with them. What used to be moderate views on immigration are viewed as "open borders!".
  21. "For-profit child prison camp" That is a phrase that shouldn't exist.
  22. Seattle council votes to repeal tax to help homeless amid opposition from Amazon, other businesses Not everyone is thrilled that Jeff Bezos wants to go back to the moon Jeff Bezos seems cool. Yeah, we don't need unions and better labor laws.
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