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4 batters, 4k's god help us.
can we get a do over
how the hell are we gonna score two runs.
QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 22, 2007 -> 02:29 PM) Why do "big companies" in your mind rip people off? Do you shop at Walmart? (Serious question). If not, why not? If so, why do you? do not shop at Walmart. for alot of reasons. one they dont give their employes health covergage. second they sell a high amount of items made in countries that a have child workers. third they move into towns and kill local stores. Fourth they sell music and movies that are censored. I live in chicago and I think theres only one and we liked to keep it that way.
QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jun 22, 2007 -> 02:06 PM) Read a little better. Let me fix that. White males aged 25-30 whose family income exceeds 150k per year dont need career fairs. got it.
QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 22, 2007 -> 01:52 PM) There's a distinction in this argument. I've never said I'm against giving people health care, I'm against labeling it as a right. Once you label something a fundamental right it forever changes the nature of the beast. Personally I was a big advocate of Henry Ford Jr. (guy from Tennessee) and his plan. He essentially said if you work hard society should reward you by helping out when you get in a bind. But it wasn't (a) forever and (B) for those who do not deserve it. And I don't think I back rich medical companies anymore than you and I and the rest of the country backs rich automobile manufacturers, rich energy companies, rich communications companies, etc. I sure hope you don't own a cell phone. God knows you're stuffing money in the cofers of the devil. I agree costs have gotten out of control in some circumstances, and for this I have no problem with the government intervening and setting up some rules. I don't see how this relates to giving everyone health care though. I actually didnt mean you. sorry about that. I know we all to support big companies, but we dont have to like it. When we start liking it, than they can do what they want. Thats the problem with the right. They believe that big comapnies can do no wrong. The boss is always right king of mentality. They think that people are the problem. Poor people. The right always complains about people on welfare, yet they never complain about big companies ripping people out of things they worked there whole lives for. Some people will work 30 years for companies and that company can't give them helath care. Its bulls***. I also believe that Health care is a human right. I believe its a coutries responsibilty to take care of each other. Its a goverments job to make sure it takes care of its people.
QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 22, 2007 -> 01:40 PM) Oh, so back to my other comments in the other thread I just made... you hate life, and now it's America's fault for not giving you a chance, eh? Until you realize that you have the power to change your circumstances, then don't cry about how unfair America is. Don't tell me I hate life. You don't know me. Its not about America giving me a chance. Ive given myself chances. But Some people are never given a chance. Some foriegn countries arent given the chance to suceed because America rams its policies down there throats. I dont cry about whats going on. I dont sit around and armchair QB.
QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 22, 2007 -> 01:38 PM) There are ways to improve this, and why do we have to be dependent on our government to do so? Also, tort reform is a HUGE part of this equation. What about the R & D costs for medicine? Are they just supposed to be sucked up by the companies who make them just out of the goodness of their hearts? If you really want to start throwing s***bomb hyperbole crap around, why even have a capitalistic society at all? Why shouldn't the government just set limits on the amount of money ANY of us make? What's the initiative to be innovative, and make new things? Why can't we all just be robots, all on the same, even, level playing field? companies don't do anything out of the goodness of their hearts and thats the problem. R and D costs are taken care of by corporate welfare. I don't think a capitalistic society works, at least not this one. Dont talk about being robots, repulicans and the right do nothing but follow George Bush like little robots.
QUOTE(jasonxctf @ Jun 22, 2007 -> 01:10 PM) so for those on the board who are against providing health-care for all, either paid by employers or the government... who should be responsible for say a $13,000 bill for an ambulence trip to the ER, ER work for 15 minutes and the death of my father-in-law? should it really cost $200 to get my teeth cleaned for 15 minutes? Should dentists really be charging $800 an hour? the whole system is out of whack. Pull out insurance and we are in a world of hurt. so if you pull out insurance, who can afford to get their teeth cleaned for $200? Then 1 of 2 things happen... 1) People don't clean their teeth. Huge medical issues arise 2) Government regulates the cost a dentist can charge for a teeth-cleaning. which one do you prefer? I agree. but acording to KapKomet, you don't have a right for health care and its your own problem. People like him like to back rich medical companies over there own fellow citizens. Its sick. sicko.
I think Contreras would accept a trade to the Mets. I'm mean who wouldnt want to go to from a below average team to a team that has a very good shot at going to the World Series this year and maybe next year too.
well white males who make 150k don't really need a career fair.
QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 22, 2007 -> 12:25 PM) So, on the actual subject of the movie, I thought this initial review, admittedly from a leftist site, was at least intriguing. I think another point of this movie, although I have not seen it. Michael Moore did talk about this in some interviews. Is that Americans need to start taking better care of themselves. He included himself in this too. Americans eat like s***. Fast food is s***. Theres too many chemicals in our foods. There called vegtables. there tasty.
QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 22, 2007 -> 12:20 PM) *sigh*. Ok... Cuba's people could have a LOT of money, if the government chose to allow capitalistic concepts to run through. Fidel likes his money just fine, thank you. So does Hugo Chavez in Venzuela, but I digress. So, as usual, it's the United States' fault that Cuba, Iraq, and the USSR in the Communist times sucked so bad. Nice. Not often. You know, it might surprise you that we have more things in common then you would think. NSS72 knows all my secrets now. Just ask him. I know I throw a lot of hyperbole out there on a lot of topics, but the extremes are almost always somewhere in the middle. Well I almost always blame America first. We're an Empire its what we do. We f*** with other nations. I like Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez. I don't apologize for it like most wussy democrats.
QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 22, 2007 -> 12:14 PM) No you don't, in comparison. Trust me. I've seen it from all sides. Well lets do ours better than. Its gonna happen. The majority of people in this country want it. There are too many people who are tired of being sick and dying while rich companies get richer and richer. It seems that Rich white republicans are the only ones who don't think we should have it. Wonder why.
QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 22, 2007 -> 12:03 PM) So if you die in the ER because the system is so backed up and abused, would that be an interference of your right? I think we're all in agreement that people dying is bad (mmkay). But that doesn't mean we should create a right to health care. My interpretation is that you have a right to life; not a right to a good life, a fair life or any other definition of life, just life. You have a right to be on the Earth. It stops there. Whether we, as an advanced civilized society, choose to make it a privilege is the debate. This right nonsense is why the Constitution has been used as legal tp for the last 200 years. And I completely disagree that the Government is in the best position to manage such a system. Let Government create the boundaries, let the private sector put it in motion. Haven't we learned yet that Government makes everything worse? Public is just about always worse than private (in terms of management). I look forward to watching Moore's movie. I can't wait to laugh at how he conveniently leaves out every problem with universal/national healthcare in countries like Canada. The insane tax increases that are needed, the insane waiting lines to see a doctor, etc. I'll bet he barely mentions those trivial facts. So people don't have a right to health care, but the medical companies have a right to make billions of dollars and charge insane amounts for the things that people need to survive. The whole "candians gotta wait a long time in line" speach is old. I dont know what fairy tale lines you wait in but in the America I live in you also have to wait in long lines.
QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 22, 2007 -> 11:55 AM) The falling of the USSR had a little to do with defense spending, but it also had a lot to do with monetary policy of the time and commodities pricing - trade barriers, etc. There were all sorts of things that went into play. And again, there was little in the way of hard core facts on Iran-Contra - there were some things that I disagree with, but the majority of the claims are unfounded. I think that "Blood on the Border" is an excellent book on the subject about Central America. It was written by Roxanne Dunbar Ortix who is a leftist for sure, by she does a pretty good job of staying out of the politics and just reporting the facts. I'm sure there were trade barriers and other such blockades on the USSR. I just happen to find that most of them hurt the people of the country more than the goverment. For example Cuba and Iraq. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 22, 2007 -> 11:56 AM) An awful lot of Reagan policies helped in the matter. SDI, whether effective or not, played a big part in potentially eliminating the Russian ICBM stockpile's usefulness. Reagan's arms buildup left the Soviets unable to keep pace without destroying their economy. The U.S. support of the Afghan fighters, esp. with the Stinger, bled the Russians just like Vietnam bled the U.S. And turning around and negotiating after all the buildup, without making the mistake of war, gave the Russians a way out that helped crack everything. I wouldn't underestimate at all the effectiveness of 40 years of the containment system outlined by Truman, or the actions of any number of presidents, but I also wouldn't underestimate the job of the Reagan admin. in actually pulling the coup de gras and finishing the job. The whole Afghan was another one of Reagans huge mistakes. The USSR invaded Afganistan to help the goverment against the Mujahideen. The Mujahideen were heavly funded by Ronald Reagan. We all know the famous person that was spawned from the Mujahideen.
QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 22, 2007 -> 11:37 AM) I can't defend anything... . Again. I absolutely have a clue of what you're talking about, and there's a conspiracy theory for everything. On the scheme of things, Iran-Contra (which is what you're alluding to, more or less) didn't ever really totally support the accuasations that were thrown about by the left. I agree that there were some thread of issues, but it certainly doesn't rise to the "criminal" crap you're throwing around - at least that was outright proven. As far as why he gets credit for the collapse of the USSR, learn some history about the economic policies of the time. That's at least a start to the answer. But, as usual, I'm sure anything positive about any evil pissant Republican is all lies anyway... so go on talking about the half truths as you see them. Edit: I just saw your reply. You have to look at things in perspective, about the spending. It wasn't just defense spending... it was a lot of factors. This is no conspiracy theory bulls***. Ronald Reagan helped fund a dirty war in Houndras and Nicaragua. They backed a brutal Hondruas goverment that oppresed its people. He helped fund a contra army by selling arms to Iran and drug traficking. The Contras we're terrorists that were US trained. They raped women and childern. They set off bombs in civilans area. There were a number of people including Reagans national security advisor John Poindexter. That we're charged. For Reagan not to know what was going on down there, he would have to be insane. In the end some 30,000 people we're killed. It has nothing to do with repulicans. Jimmy Carter was guilty in a many ways on the same issue. As far as the USSR goes, what economic polices? Arms race?
you have to have both. You need those guys who play everyday to do the little things right, like beat out a infiled single or dive for a ball. You need the big numbers guys to hit big home runs and drive in the guy who just hit the infield single.
QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 22, 2007 -> 10:50 AM) That's hysterical. You should be in comedy. There's nothing funny about it. Do you call it a joke because you can't deny it or do you not have a clue to what I'm talking about? If want to defend Reagan than go ahead, but if you can't than don't leave dumb posts because you aren't educated on the subject. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 22, 2007 -> 11:23 AM) Which is the bigger mistake; underestimating the contribution Mr. Reagan did have to the downfall of the Soviet Union, or overestimating it? overestimating it by far. It brings a cult of personality to a person who desrves the complete opposite. People tend to look at America - good, Soviet Union - bad. Its a simple look at a very complex matter. Reagan brought us this fear that the Soviet Union was the evil empire and that we would be nuked any second. Which we find out years later, we're lies. Reagan may have been responsible for the USSR falling in the fact that he out spent them on arms, but by doing so he put the U.S in the poor house too. Americans fear of communism is just insane. People we're so afraid of communists taking over the world, they didnt notice the Anti-communists already did.
First, I can't understand how Reagan gets credit for the fall of the USSR. Its well documented that the USSR was self imploding. Gorbachev had been bringing about changes. The best part is that the USA and Reagan wanted the USSR to fall to so bad and than when it does. They do nothing to help the countries out and are now a large reason why there is fear of missing bombs. Second, Ronald Reagan was a criminal. His dirty war in Central America was one of the worst things a U.S president has ever done. It was dirty, it was murder. His morning in America, christian craziness was something that not even George Bush can compete with. I hope that in time Ronnie will be looked upon like he should. Like a war criminal.
well health care in this country is a joke. So if it helps expose that, than it will be good.
A goold ole' ass kickin would be nice. Baseball life has been pretty s***ty lately so it would be cool. Also there's a chance that this could be Big Mark's last game as a White Sox. how sad.
I like the fact that we have multiple options to choose from. I think that we a have a bright future for starting pitching.
QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 20, 2007 -> 04:27 PM) We need Ozzie to start drinking before the press conferences... I agree 100%. Hell during the games too.
I thought it was 7th series in a row.