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Everything posted by GoSox05

  1. Imagine the absolute human garbage you have to be to separate an 8-month child from it's parents. The Democratic Party should be doing everything in their power to stop this and when they gain control of the government and Presidency they should open investigations into this and starting putting people in prison. The only way this kind of stuff is going to stop in this country is if people are held accountable for their actions. That should include everyone from ICE that was involved in this. From the top to the bottom.
  2. So is Steve King. He keeps a confederate flag on his desk. Having been born and raised in Iowa. I'm sure it's just a southern pride thing though. Honestly, that the Republican party doesn't completely disavow someone like Steve King says a lot. He is an open white nationalist, who tweets daily about the mad hordes coming to kill "our culture".
  3. Here is some of the stuff they do. - They execute hundreds a people a year. - They are currently invading a neighboring country. Killing tens of thousands and causing a famine. - They often fund extremest groups in other countries. - Women have no rights and are often harshly punished - They also use slave labor. Wait, whoops. That is our good ally and country we sell millions of arms to Saudi Arabia. My bad.
  4. Corey Stewart winning. Steve King retweeting a Neo-Nazi. Banner day for the white nationalist party. I'm sure it's the Democrats fault or liberals or the left. Anyone, but conservatives.
  5. Trump only getting along with dictators (Kim, Saudi King) and fighting with democratically elected leaders (Canada, Germany) says a lot about him. I do think this summit was good. I don't think much will be done, but it's at least one step away from nuclear war, so I feel that's good.
  6. Every day the Republicans continue to become the most radical right wing party in any democratic country and continue to gain more and more power. Democratic Party better start to do something.
  7. Once you turn 18 you should be able to vote. It should nearly impossible to remove that. You should want to make voting as easy as possible. That includes making it a national holiday. America has a historically low voting percentage compared to most other democracies, so obviously we are doing something wrong.
  8. It should be an insanely difficult process to remove someone from the voter roll not the other way around. Let's not act like this is just a about having some good process or to get rid of voter fraud or whatever bullshit excuse they make. It's about making it difficult for certain parts of the country to vote.
  9. GoSox05

    2018 Films thread

    Yeah, I thought this would take place after part II, but it looks like it is ignoring everything after the original. So they are not going to be related. Looks like it will be pretty violent, that would be quite different from the original.
  10. GoSox05

    2018 Films thread

    That Halloween trailer was better than I expected. I think it's going to be pretty good.
  11. Lol. How are we going to pay for these things!!! Schultz, my friend. I have one idea.
  12. An early Congrats to Rosanne Barr for winning the presidency in 2024.
  13. What does that mean? If she were to lose the primary, do you think De León would struggle in the national election? It's California, there is almost no Republican party in that state anymore. I just don't understand that.
  14. Yeah, I'm happy Jones won in AL, but let's face it, that had little to do with any strategy. Roy Moore is a child molester and he still almost won.
  15. Is the Republican party as anti-primary as the Democrats? Seems very undemocratic to just always support the status quo. Anytime someone even remotely tries to challenge even some of the worst parts of the Democratic party they are met with hostility. Like imagine contently yelling that we must not challenge people like Cuomo or Lipinski.
  16. Primary is to be held on 9/13. Also, Cuomo is garbage.
  17. Maybe. It might be working on a race to race basis, but it was a giant failure at the national level. It's also one of my fears. One party filled with complete nationalist psychos and the other being the socially liberal wall street party. It would be like if England only had the Liberal Democrats and the UKIP.
  18. “For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin.” Chuck Schumer, 2016
  19. The pressure really is on Pelosi and Schumer. If the Democrats have a bad mid-terms, have to imagine both will be out of leadership positions.
  20. That letter Trump sent reads like it was written by a 12 year old. What an embarrassment. Although, these negotiations will probably go smoother if we are left out of the loop.
  21. This is just 100% bullshit. I guess when you don't like a politician you can just make up things about them.
  22. Ah, yes. Known anti-LGBT, anti-woman, white supremacist politician Bernie Sanders. Remember that time he called African Americans "superpredators" and tried to pass laws so gay people wouldn't be allowed to marry. I think it was him, could have been someone else.
  23. Democrats Want To Boost School Funding To Address Teacher Walkouts Lot's of ripping on Dems, but this is a good plan that they should talk about all the time.
  24. You seem so determined to compare Sanders to Trump every chance you get. Funny, I don't see you mention anything when Chuck Schumer actually praises Trump.
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