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Everything posted by GoSox05

  1. Worm brained President. Just so incredibly stupid.
  2. I wonder if he ever visits any bigger cities as President. I doubt he ever comes to Chicago.
  3. On Mike Pence praising Joe Arpaio. @radleybalko 5h5 hours ago Reminder: Joe Arpaio once faked an assassination attempt, then framed a man for it — all to win sympathy for his reelection campaign. The innocent man spent 4 years in jail. Taxpayers footed the $1 million settlement. These people are all for law and order.
  4. If you mean break from Republicans as far as just what he says and the way he acts. In that regard he is a break from everything regardless of party. As far as policies go. He is right in line. I stand by saying that Bush and Reagan were worse. Trump has time to prove me wrong. Bush in general has been getting a lot of nice things said about him lately. How quickly people forget.
  5. I was trying to keep this in a modern context. You are the one who said Trump was this never before seen awful president that America will be lucky to survive. I was just trying to point out that he isn't that much different from the last couple Republican presidents and the party in general. He's just louder and more obscene. If the Democrats beat him in 2020 and get someone in power who doesn't take gigantic steps in changing how the economy works and how we deal with other countries. The next Republican will be worse than Trump. He may not be as loud, but he will be worse.
  6. "While I may not agree with Bush/Reagan, I think that supplying Efraín Ríos Montt with tanks to help him to commit genocide is just slight difference of opinion. "
  7. No, constant white washing of things like the Iraq war is what continues to get us into trouble. I could care less to have a "legitimate conversation" with a Republican if they are going to white wash the history of these two. I shouldn't have to explain all the stuff that Reagan did. If you have no problem with him selling arms to Iran while supplying chemical weapons to Iraq, who just happened to be fighting a war against Iran. If you think it's normal to fund two sides of a war as people die in mass numbers, than that's on you, but don't pretend that it's normal. Also, to mention that with those arms sales from Iran, we funded the Contras. Who used to rape and murder people. But, you know Trump said bad words or whatever.
  8. Bush and Reagan were a million times worse than Trump. Bush is responsible for a million dead people in Iraq and Reagan should have died in the Hague. That's just based on their foreign policy, not to mention their cruel and destructive policies here. Although it is early for Trump. He still has time spill plenty of blood.
  9. They've been like this for quite some time.
  10. I don't think anyone blames "white men" for all problems. That's alt-right talking point.
  11. Union workers voting for Trump or Republicans in general is something I just don't get. Even if you think Democrats spend too much time worrying about social issues. The party you are voting for wants to end unions and work protections. Seems like a pretty big economic issue. It also speaks to how much Democrats have lost that vote by not going to bat for them.
  12. We'll find out pretty early today. If he falls past the first 10-15 teams in the 2nd round, he could see a big fall.
  13. Read something on twitter last night about teams concerned about his knee and back.
  14. It could depend on one of them having a bad year. More likely the Saints, with an aging QB and tough division. They are probably both playoff teams.
  15. They could package both and go into the top 5. Might have to throw in something else, but it won't totally wreck their draft.
  16. Now that the Packers have two first round picks next year, they can pretty take any player they want. Nick Bosa please enter the draft.
  17. This could shape up to be one of the crazier drafts. Already has been a ton of trades, could see some more tonight.
  18. "Job creators" are the new kings and queens.
  19. That Baker Mayfield photo is great. I heard there is a possibility he goes #1. I think it's because of this photo
  20. I bet the number of people who support taxing the richest 1% is higher than one would think.
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