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Middle Buffalo

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Everything posted by Middle Buffalo

  1. Let me see him do that with his mouth.
  2. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Nov 13, 2006 -> 11:52 AM) But as for calling in sick and how to do it? You call in, say "I'm not coming in, I'm sick" and that is it. They can't ask questions. Back to when I supervised in the PO, I had a manager who was pretty nutty. She'd call every morning right when I was busiest and ask how things were going. See, she worked 6-7 hours a day, then when shopping for "supplies," commuted to her boyfriend's station where they'd go out for business lunches or drive together to meetings, so me being in the middle of something important couldn't be possible. Anyway, she was insane about sick days (though her attendance was poor), and she'd ask me who called in, what's their problem, did I tell them they really needed to come in, etc. She hated that I just took the call and recorded the absence. 5 years later, I can still hear her seething with anger that I was so forgiving about sick days. My opinion, once someone picks up the phone, they're NOT coming in. Why put on a fake voice or come up with an elaborate story? Say, "I can't make it in today, I don't feel well and can't possibly work. I should be ok tomorrow. Good day, sir." Then, hang up.
  3. I'm able to carry sick leave over infinitely, which is great. That will be great if I get an awful illness. Can't wait. I hardly ever call in sick for myself. I went seven years in between sick calls recently. Now, I only use sick leave for sick kids or for doctor appointments. I was a supervisor for the Post Office, and, without fail, when I walked into the bldg at 4:45am the phone would be ringing with sick calls. I very rarely believed that the person was too ill to work. I still feel that way. I guess my work ethic comes from my parents. I don't ever remember either one of them using sick days. They probably didn't even get them. Now, I own an apartment complex and I have three employees. The office manager is always telling me that she's sick. Maybe she should lay off the Pepsi and cigarette diet.
  4. I used to watch it in the summers all the time, and then one day I turned on the tv and his hair was not black anymore. Color me shocked.
  5. Ideally, I like to vote candidate by candidate. However, sometimes (like now, for instance) I think we need to change the ruling party, and I go straight Democrat. It's no different than the politicians voting along party lines, and they hardly ever stray from that. Since they don't it's necessary to get them out.
  6. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Oct 22, 2006 -> 01:29 PM) Any points taken off for the hypocracy of wanting the government to spend tax money on his pet projects, them moving their company to a tax-haven to avoid paying taxes? That is reason alone to dismiss his politics. Imagine that, a guy with money not wanting to give huge sums of it to the government in taxes. The Beatles should write a song about that. Regarding Bono being a blow-hard. There's two things that charitible organizations really want and need. Time and money. Without people like Bono sacrificing their time, most organizations and causes simply do not get the recognition they need. The recognition is what raises money. Is there some hypocracy in his message? Sure. But, at least he's doing something.
  7. "The Illusionist" is pretty good. Edward Norton usually is. Unfortunately, e attempts some odd euro-accent that's unneccesary. It kind of comes and goes and distracted me. Also, the antagonist (the crown prince) bears a resemblance to Jude Law. Kind of a Don Swayze v. Patrick Swayze resemblance. I pointed it out to my wife really early in the movie. She said "no way." By the end of the movie she wasn't sure if it was Jude himself. Same facial features and hairline, just a tad ugly.
  8. Jesse Ventura was correct. He didn't have time to bleed.
  9. Made my bi-weekly trek to the local Catholic church this Sunday. Really interesting homily about Catholics' attitudes toward contraception. Not really relevant when 90% of the congregation is 65 and up, but interesting.
  10. 'Superfly" Snuka Savage Austin Jake the Snake Chris Adams (from the Von Erich WCCW? league) Flair That mid-80s Von Erich league was the best.
  11. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jun 29, 2006 -> 10:54 AM) I bet he's European. Ever been on a European beach? Nothing but banana hammocks. He's also wearing a turtleneck down there. Another sure sign that he's Euro.
  12. We used to buy a "kit" off a kid whose dad was a cop. I guess the business model was: Confiscate illegal contraband from a lawbreaker, give said items to son, pad bank account illegally. Gotta love Chicago.
  13. The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face - Roberta Flack May 1972
  14. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 06:50 AM) Has anyone here ever run an ad on Criagslist? Is it free ? I've never run an ad, but I'm pretty sure it's free. I've picked up several free items and paid for a few (mostly appliances for an apartment bldg I own). I was watching "Breakfast Club" on VH1 tonight, and I was amazed that they felt it was necessary to dub the line "Eat my shorts!" They replaced it with "Eat my socks!" Well, at least Judd Nelson got a little voice-over work out of the deal. Now if we could only find a little work for Rupert (Styles) Stylinski from "Teen Wolf."
  15. I haven't seen a Sox game with Sox announcers since early in the season. Is there something wrong with Hawk? His voice sounds funny.
  16. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 08:37 AM) Tip for those of you entering the "real business world" soon. The two MOST important pieces of infomation on a voice message are your name and your phone number. I can't tell you how many times people either forget to leave a phone number, or speed through their message so quickly that I'm unable to pick up either one. *sigh* There I feel better. I like it best when the person is smart enough to repeat the phone number for you at the end of the call...and you still can't understand because he/she talks too fast.
  17. QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Jun 8, 2006 -> 10:59 AM) Chicago radio died the day they split up the Score personalities. North and Jiggets followed by McNeil and Boers were the best. The transition between those shows was priceless. McNeil acted like a 300-lbs baby after that because the Score took Mike North's side vs. his. And North became even more of a primadonna after that. The Monsters of the Mid-day followed by the Heavy Fuel Crew was the high time in Chicago radio. Very true.
  18. Ever hear a certain song and get instantly transported back in time. (Sounds like a line written for Barry Williams to hawk a best of the '70's compilation disc). When I hear "Heaven" by Bryan Adams, it's 1985 all over again. Every time I hear it (which isn't often) I think of the song that was playing while I danced with my grade school crush. I was in love with her for 6 years, and then finally asked her out in 8th grade. Lasted about 3 weeks. Best three weeks of my life. I would have married that girl. share
  19. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 06:02 PM) The answer is #10 - Bon Jovi #9 - James Blunt #8 - Celine Dion #7 - Ashlee Simpson #6 - Bryan Adams #5 - Phil Collins #4 - Neil Diamond #3 - Paula Abdul #2 - Michael McDonald #1 - Barry Manilow What is The Top 10 Pop Artists for the Terminally Uncool I won't say which artists, but color me uncool.
  20. I was cleaning my garage a few nights ago and I found my Rollerblades. I remember my wife (then girlfriend) wanted to go rollerblading about ten years ago, so we both went and bought some blades and hit the road. Bought elbow pads and hand guards (or whatever they're called). After, oh, 30 minutes, I realized that I hated rollerblading. I never used them again. I'd give them to Goodwill, but I'd hate to see some bum in a "Frankie Says Relax" t-shirt rolling around town in my blades. In my garage they will stay. A constant reminder that my wife does not really know me and what I like to do for recreation.
  21. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 1, 2006 -> 01:37 PM) http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060501/pl_nm/...HNlYwMlJVRPUCUl National guard troops to the border, crackdowns on businesses who hire illegals and a bunch of other goodies. Im liking what they are proposing down there. Ouch. This could clear out the apartment complex that I own. It also means that I better get going on some of my home improvement projects that I have planned. I (like my hero Big Frank) can't afford to hire union labor.
  22. Great topic. Guns N Roses is decidedly not a "hair" band. Best band of the late '90s. When I think of hair bands, I picture Kip Winger.
  23. If the people who package CDs don't start making them a little easier to open, I'm gonna start illegally downloading my music. Nothing like taking ten minutes to get to the child-proofed CD.
  24. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 09:01 AM) Not unusually hot. Your feet and lower legs are always in shade. Actually sandals and stuff with the sun beating down, are hot also. The desert dwellers learned a thing or two about surviving in heat and sun. Loosly wrapped, garmets covering the skin are usually cooler. It is also one of the times in the out of doors where cotton actually works well. In cold weather cotton kills. It's a pain in the ass, not to mention a major trip hazard, when my loosely wrapped cloth shoes unravel mid-stride. My feet do stay cool, though.
  25. My son dropped an ice cream cone today, and, maybe, 2000 ants quickly moved in and made it their ice cream cone. If I was an ant, I'd become a dentist.
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