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Princess Dye

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  1. The Sox will get a good haul but two 55s don't get traded at once, that's doesn't happen anymore
  2. https://twitter.com/og_yungdilly/status/1752773687734829519?t=SD9IP1KPWsGgkf5vXVOe4g&s=19
  3. Does passan's latest have anything of note?
  4. anyone see if Kiley McDaniel changed anything re the Sox a half hour ago?
  5. https://twitter.com/martinonyc/status/1465060597842812940?s=20 pertinent to Bassitt....
  6. scherzer will settle for less than 120m....he's 37 and didnt entirely finish last season 100%
  7. I come to Soxtalk expecting to see the post from some beer-swilling sloth of a man here say "Robert shouldve had it" and of course the forum does not disappoint
  8. Whenever we are bad again, lets do full rebuild again. it becomes worth it. Maybe 43-yr old Ryan Cordell can come back.
  9. it's amazing how Yolmer has almost been this 2 WAR type of guy, while being an automatic out at the plate. Amazing defense.
  10. name a 2nd street in chicago after him my frents
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