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Everything posted by UC76

  1. Bradley's O'Bryant is the shizzle. He's only a sophomore, but when he comes out I wouldn't mind seeing Bulls give him a shot. They could use a 7-footer with some skills.
  2. I just hope the MVC keeps winning to further embarrass Packer and Nantz.
  3. Good deal. I'll get in on this.
  4. Gonzaga is going down in the second round. They don't play defense. Their only chance is if everyone on the team grows a mustache.
  5. The MVC title game will air in about half an hour...on CBS! Dick Enberg! This is huge for the MVC. The title game was never on CBS before. This has certainly been the MVC's year. Southern Illinois vs Bradley. All-Illinois, baby! Also, I'll be very pissed off if both SIU and Bradley don't make the tourney. Both have done enough to deserve bids.
  6. Both Williams and Beane have done solid jobs. Williams has a Series ring, and Beane continually produces a contender despite routinely being forced to cast off his best players to clubs with more $$$$. (Damon, Giambi, Hudson, Tejada, etc.) I don't think Williams nor Beane can be faulted much regarding their resumes. Both have acoomplished plenty thus far.
  7. I have nothing much to add other that it's GREAT to see a game thread at the top of the board again.
  8. I voted for standing ovation because I think he deserves it and that is what I'd honestly do. And I don't think booing would be cool. However, I wouldn't have a problem with anyone who did nothing. Frank has done plenty to piss off the fans so if some chose to sit in silence I could understand.
  9. All I know is that I love what Williams said. I love Frank but he was a baby with the Sox and he's continued to be a baby even after leaving. Someone should have said exactly what KW did a long time ago. Sometimes the truth hurts.
  10. Oh, this is good. The White Sox-Yankees rivalry could be getting interesting. (I apologize if this has been posted already.)
  11. The name 'Rusty Tucker' just sounds like a lefty reliever. I'll take that as a good thing.
  12. As long as the seats are packed, nobody will see what color they are anyway.
  13. Morrissey is a tool. He's chasing Mariotti for "Worst Columnist in Chitown". But Mariotti shouldn't be worried yet.
  14. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jan 27, 2006 -> 10:19 PM) Nope. No sarcasm. I liked the way the blue seats looked. I knew they had to be replaced, but to me, the blue seats were nicer than the green ones. Have you driven by lately? It looks great and MUCH, MUCH better than the blue, IMHO.
  15. I drove past the Cell today on the Dan Ryan for the first time since the green seats have been put in place. They look most excellent. It also looks like more "stuff" has been painted black (Rolling Stones pun intended) on the outfield area. All I know is that it looks friggin' sweet.
  16. The article forgot to mention that another reason Ozzie is popular in Venezuala is because he has never thrown gasoline an anyone.
  17. The all-green will look so much better. I never understood the blue seats.
  18. QUOTE(knightni @ Dec 29, 2005 -> 01:18 PM) http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/fp/flashPol...lb&pollId=34479 Garland poll So I take it Minnesota is the only state in the nation that thinks it was a bad move? Dumb Twins fans.
  19. Is anyone worried that this might mean Konerko won't be signed? I'll be pissed if Thome is considered a cheaper option at first base.
  20. Nice job. I enjoyed that.
  21. Dan Patrick is a little girl. "I was so scared, mommy. I thought they would wery, wery hurt me." Shuddup!
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