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Everything posted by TaylorStSox

  1. By that same logic, if you take Englewood and Austin out of Chicago, it would be the safest big city in the country.
  2. It's really unfortunate that White Sox fans propagate this myth. The city was more violent in the 70's, 80's, and 90's. Bridgeport, specifically, is a far better place to live, or watch a game, than it was even 20 years ago.
  3. This really doesn't seem all that complicated. People are hit by bullets that were shot up into the air all the time. It was probably fired up into the air around the park, descended into the park and ricocheted off a couple people. Even in a loud stadium, you aren't going to have a gun accidentally discharge in the bleachers and have nobody hear. It's just really dumb luck.
  4. It's seems like they responded in the most tactical way possible. There wasn't an active shooter. There wasn't a panic. There wasn't stampede. Nobody else got hurt.
  5. This magic bullet must have had a time machine considering the Robert Taylor Homes were demolished 16 years ago.
  6. Right. How miserable do you have to be to pretend that team wasn't the best team in baseball for all but two weeks in August?
  7. Based on that and the August termination, it makes me think the organization of was so dysfunctional that Jerry felt betrayed.
  8. The funny thing is that everyone over on r/baseball loves that 2005 team, except Sox fans. We have the shittiest fanbase in baseball.
  9. Props to Kenny Williams. Anyone who says the 2005 team was "lucky" is a fucking idiot. That team was really, really good and I'll always be thankful. Watching them was the greatest sports experience of my life. On to the future.
  10. There's a photo of him kissing her neck as they take a selfie. She looks like a 14 year old wearing make up. This looks really bad.
  11. Saw the photos. She looks 14.
  12. Bridgeport is thriving and becoming the next hip neighborhood in the city. It would be insane to move the team. Just put a good team on the field and the rest will take care of itself.
  13. You could say the same for every sports dynasty.
  14. How can you spend multiple hours a day on this board and not know what league Montgomery is in?
  15. I have absolutely no interest in reading celebrity gossip articles about a baseball player and his relationships. Just like Frank, Anderson has been treated terribly by this fanbase and it's incredibly embarrassing.
  16. Couldn't agree more. The way Anderson is treated reminds me of how poorly Frank was treated by this fanbase. Sox fans suck.
  17. This is most likely it. The Sox basically used this money to sign 2 kids the Dodger already signed. It's better than holding onto it.
  18. Any time you can get a top 100 prospect for Burger, it's a good trade. Jake Burger is not a good baseball player.
  19. Yeah, I forgot to add that now he's in the NL and can't play defense. I like Burger, but we turning him into a top 100 prospect is a net positive.
  20. I'm sure a 240 lb 27 year old with 2 torn achilles and a career .290 obp is someone they identified and had to have.
  21. The way the real world works is that when you have contacts within an organization, you reach out to them and go from there. It sounds like Ng knows Kenny, and gave him a call. This is the way business is done in the real world. Shocking, I know.
  22. It's almost like in the business world, people reach out to their contacts.
  23. Hopefully Burger doesn't enter that Puig/Tatis territory where Caufield is so obnoxious and unlikable that you start hoping the kid fails.
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