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Everything posted by TaylorStSox

  1. When did I claim to have integrity? I'm talking about any team that hires Hinch or Cora. One of the things baseball has done somewhat well is police itself when the league fails to. I'm sure the Red Sox would hire one of them. I don't want to be the Red Sox.
  2. I'm gonna be honest, I haven't finished a single one of your posts. It's 2020, try to be more succinct. ?
  3. I didn't call you dumb. I called your position, as I understand it, dumb. The next time a manager spends several years developing an advanced system to steal signs, I hope they're banned. If they aren't, I would hope my team would want nothing to do with them.
  4. Very succinct of you. I'll try. Penalties are subject to the severity of the offense. I'm of the opinion that Hinch's offense deserved a lifetime ban. /conversation
  5. Sorry, you're not the arbiter of who gets to speak. As I said, your entire position was so dumb it wasn't worth entertaining. No society or organization has ever been built on an absolute set of rules that stupid.
  6. Absolutely. I have no problem with Renteria being fired. Managers are accountable. No manager is worth the distraction of Hinch though. And that's not even considering that he took cheating to levels we haven't seen in a century. Also, I boycotted games this year because of Covid. I thought playing was irresponsible and risking injuries wasn't worth a fake season. Just a personal stance.
  7. I've also watched enough baseball in my life to realize an MLB manager's most important job is to make sure players arent banging each other's wives.
  8. So salty lol. There's nothing my eyes can tell me that analytics can't, right? I "saw" 2 good starters and mix of has been's, never were's and prospects that couldn't find the zone along with a bullpen that greatly over achieved - something I would never count on repeating. People can blame Renteria, I never cared for him, but the team will go as far as the pitching will take them. They'll out-hit most teams all year.
  9. The players didn't orchestrate it, that came from coaching and management. The players didn't face the penalties because it would a nightmare labor issue.
  10. We have the offensive talent to win 95 games. We need some starting pitching and some bullpen luck to actually do it. The pitching coach on next year's team will have a greater impact than the manager.
  11. I think an ace impacts a team more than the manager. I also believe MLB manager is the least significant coaching position in all of the major sports - although I do get a kick out of the overreaction every time a manager puts out the Sunday Lineup.
  12. Ethics aside, this team is too good and too young for a distraction like Hinch. They really don't need it.
  13. There's a stark difference between an, "Oops, I cheated that one time, I'm sorry" and "my team spent multiple years building an intricate system involving computers, cameras and monitors to steal signs which I tried to cover up and lied about all while throwing multiple people under the bus."
  14. All of our opinions mean nothing. Welcome to Soxtalk.
  15. Standards are opinions, my guy. It is my opinion that any team that signs Hinch lacks integrity
  16. You could be right. I don't even like football. ?
  17. That's a lot of words and a lot of projection of things I never said. I don't care for Dallas because was both complicit and says a lot of stupid things in an attempt to absolve those responsible. I don't think what Belichick has been implicated in are as serious as Hinch. It was a lazy comparison, which I've said numerous times. You don't have to agree with my standards and that's okay. We all have them. Your quest for absolutes doesn't make any sense either, and that's okay too.
  18. So you think integrity is absolute too? Jesus, man. Are you a sith?
  19. OK. Our next talk will be about teaching you how to properly use ellipses. They're not what you think they are. ?
  20. 2 people are calling me out and we disagree. I'm okay with that. You want to hire a cheater and I don't. That's okay.
  21. If your logic is that all cheating is absolute and penalties should be applied universally despite their severity, then it's just plain old dumb. Imagine if any society was run that way. Yikes.
  22. Your post was so illogical that it really doesn't deserve a counterpoint.
  23. I didn't watch any Sox games this year. You can pull my fan card or whatever. I don't really care. Fandom is voluntary. Again, there are degrees. What Hinch did is irredeemable, imo. This is why laws are applied differently based on severity.
  24. Of course I'm answering the question. Your comparison was really damn lazy. Hinch is no Belichick and what Hinch was involved in was way worse. There's no comparison. There are degrees here. I also don't want to execute people for speeding and jaywalking.
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