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Everything posted by RegionSox

  1. Im really looking forward to the Knight of the 7 Kingdoms show. I always liked the hedge knight stories
  2. Maedhros is a pretty deep cut to throw out there if you aren't a LOTR fan. Next he will start posting Tom Bombadil song lyrics.
  3. I don't think he's a 1b prospect but Wolkow is only like 18. He has time to improve and he at least does have power potential
  4. I just got an indoor hd antenna and CHSN comes in pretty well here in NWI
  5. Gossage also averaged less than 2 innings an appearance so who is he to criticize them for 5 innings
  6. Maybe a couple pitchers like Thorpe and Cannon?
  7. I have been wanting Ramos up at 3B since spring training.
  8. Is this inability to hit speed a new thing or is it something recent? I have to imagine he could at some point to be on the top prospect lists in the past.
  9. I agree with him, but I also can't stand to listen to Hawk either. I was really glad when they finally got him out the door.
  10. This is tough because I'm not a Bernstein fan but I truly hate everything about Barstool and their hosts.
  11. Yeah those storms popped up out of nowhere. There was a crazy amount of lightning all night too by me.
  12. Sounds like extremely lazy, uninvolved parenting. My parents had 4 boys and still were very involved in watching us play all the time.
  13. Nick Senzel was the second overall pick by the Reds a few years back. Draft status doesn't always line up
  14. Lee runs better than a lot of guys on the team
  15. Yes, my grandma's nursing has quite a few cases. They are presuming she's positive so she's in an isolation room. I think it started a week or so ago with some employees that tested positive, even thought they screened them coming in.
  16. RegionSox


    I haven't started it yet, but I just saw where the Infamous America podcast did some episodes last year on the Black Sox scandal
  17. Yes I got a letter with Trumps signature on it in the mail Friday.
  18. RegionSox


    Behind the Bastards is a pretty good podcast.
  19. I work in healthcare for a pretty large company. So far, they have announced that there will be no raises or bonuses this year and suspended the 401k match until January. They said they made do some furloughs at some point but are not planning on doing many layoffs.
  20. It seems like the Abbott rapid test really isn't that great after all. According to some studies it has a false negative rate of 15% https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/false-negatives-in-quick-covid-19-test-near-15-percent-study-67451/amp
  21. Looks like we could have at home testing soon for people that get a recommendation from their doctor https://www.wraltechwire.com/2020/04/21/labcorp-receives-fda-approval-to-sell-at-home-covid-19-test/
  22. Probably not a good sign from one of the biggest labs that they are doing furloughs while they still have a huge backlog of Covid tests to run https://www.thestreet.com/investing/quest-diagnostics-furloughs-employees-cuts-exec-pay
  23. There was an automated test approved for labs in the last few days. Labcorp expects to be ramping up the amount of tests they run every night. Until now they has a very manual method that took a few days.
  24. I'm assuming if they lose the draft picks they lose the money from their overall draft pool too.
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