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chitownsportsfan last won the day on July 13

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    El Duque's relief appearance against Boston '05.
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  1. Yes it's worse to set a record over 99.99% different teams managed to avoid than to simply miss the playoffs.
  3. LFG, glad to share this HISTORIC moment with this board!
  4. He's a slap hitter. His load in his lower body is non existent for a pro and his levers aren't long enough to make up any power. A total scouting whiff and one that you didn't need to be much of a scout to see as many of us here said at the time.
  5. You kidding? Nah we pay him and let him put up another zero WAR next year that's what we do here.
  6. The 130 losses were worth it to get this. You saved the season.
  7. I’m so tired of the “they show up” bullshit. Now we know where our play by play guy gets it at least.
  8. he has a chronic back issue among other things. "not supposed to" happens quite a bit, it's baseball. He's a bust, but let's not pretend like he was some big malcontent. When he played, for the most part, he was a solid starter and sometimes more. I think the biggest bust is Eloy personally. A golden bat that was pretty much penciled in as at worst a 280/340/500 type that would put up 35 HR a year in the Cell with a 2-3 WAR floor. Dude isn't even replacement level and can't hit 25 HR a year.
  9. This is probably true but the choice was to give Sheets 500 PA or Colas and they went with Sheets and let him put up another negative WAR season. So they tried to shoehorn a DH that can't hit league average who is older than Colas and can't play RF, into RF rather than just play the actual RF in a throwaway season. Puzzling.
  10. Same s%*# that was trotted out by the diehard Hahn folks.
  11. Sounds like a buddy buddy club in the scouting department. Maybe shaking it up is a good thing, hear me out here!
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